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Thread: Simpson's break in

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2002
    The Wild, Wild West


    Quote Originally Posted by scatter shot View Post
    "'s freaking Sumter for goodness sake."

    Point proven. It's a shithole.'s not a Giant, hard-to-patrol shithole though. It seems to me that there would be ample cops patrolling said shithole to actually get to Simpsons fairly quickly if this happened in the pre-opening hours of day or night, If this happened while the store was open, well shame on the owners of Simpsons Hardware for letting any of them escape without serious leaks at minimum.
    “I can’t wait ‘till I’m grown” is the stupidest @!#* I ever said!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2002
    The Wild, Wild West


    Quote Originally Posted by Snake Jenkins View Post
    They tried to break into Strong Arms early this morning too.
    I'm going to go ahead and be first with this prediction...if this crew isn't wise enough to quit while they are ahead (and I doubt they are), I predict we will be reading their names in the obits really, really soon. I hope the owner of the next store they hit kills all but one of them so they can get info from the wounded one and easily run down the other POSs that are on the receiving end of this little run.
    “I can’t wait ‘till I’m grown” is the stupidest @!#* I ever said!


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