Molon Labe
HRCH Coal's Sparkleberry Cache MH
Hahahahaha. Those drag queers don't actually go in the woods. They're too afraid of bugs.
Didn't watch all of it. The few seconds were enough.
We have a long road ahead of us...
Are these CEO's not paying attention?
Yup, he's crazy...
like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.
Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
~Scatter Shot
looks like we are getting upset about that video a year late
Better late than never?
It only takes one or two crazy executives in marketing or CEO to get this shit started like we saw at Bud. The others are afraid to speak up that this is not a good idea. They all do it and give to abortion rights, BLM, and antifa types also. If not publicized it remain fairly discrete. The Bud "thing" blew them out of the water when "it" went public with the bud cans. Now the WOKE CEOs and such want to garner the spot light and virtue signal they are WOKE. It ios a contst to see who can be the most WOKE. Real buisness people stay away from talk of queers , politic, and religion, its not good for business.
Last edited by centurian; 05-26-2023 at 08:14 AM.
Mental Health is a major problem in this country
Windows Down!
I'm just tired of them try to make everyone accept this crap as normal. If you want to be gay, lesbian or whatever, that's between you and God. I'm not going to judge. I will say that if it involves kids, a slow death is deserved.
Molon Labe
HRCH Coal's Sparkleberry Cache MH
They have told us that they are going to destroy our cultural norms and icons. Using us to help them do it through boycotting, is pretty impressive.
Interesting perspective that made me look at this from another direction. I've been working on accessing my inner Paul and "counting it all joy."
What if God is using these people and these things to show us our idols and move us away from them and back towards God and family?
NFL takes a knee; a boycott of the NFL ensues and someone who planned their Sundays around football now is attending church and spending time with family.
NCAA marches and "goes woke" and season ticket sales fall and Saturdays are no longer spent in front of a tv for 12 hours and more time with family is spent.
Bud light. Boycott exposes how much alcohol was at the fore front of someone's life and they reduce their dependence on it or give it up all together.
Target/big box chain; Exposes just how much we rely on consumerism and spending money on things that neither bring happiness nor joy and only keep us in debt and slaves to the lender. So a family examines their budget, spends less, gives more as a result.
God's paths and plans are not linear and never have been.
Maybe, just maybe he's using these situations and people to show us where our hearts are focused and moving us to a spiritual awakening.
Last edited by Glenn; 05-26-2023 at 09:33 AM.
And I'll just add that we as Christians are a lot greater in number than the alphabet mafia. If we were half as aggressive to stand against this as they are to implement it, we win.
But instead too many of us cower in fear of being called "intolerant". Yea, I'm intolerant of this sort of thing, and I won't act like that's a bad characteristic. Just like I'm intolerant of any measure to influence children to engage in a sinful lifestyle.
Look at how they have transformed society in recent years and they're such a small percentage of the population. Things that wouldn't even be discussed among adults are now thrown in children's faces aggressively. You could lose your job for speaking out against if if you happen to work for one of these woke companies.
You are not called to be weak, Christian. We don't have to be hateful but we also do not have to be tolerant of this. Tolerance is what got us this far. How far does it have to get before we say, "enough is enough"?
I dont know about those number any more considering half the country voted for Clinton and Biden. I just say this, before all the latest push to transform everyone, I personally knew of maybe two closet queers and no trans. Given three years now i know three transvertites so it is becoming more normalized in society like it or not. I dont care as long as they leave me alone which they refuse to do.
But look at it this way. We (collective we) are complaining about identity politics in a capitalist free market society while advocating for identity politics in a capitalist free market society. We don't want then to stop "shoving it down ours and our kids throats'. What we want is for them to be, act and behave in a way we approve so we can continue to go to these places and do these things and spend our money without feeling like or being labeled as selling out amongst our echo chamber of peers. When reality is there is ZERO political purity in the world today.
If you don't like it, don't go and if you're that mad that you can't go then ask yourself why not being able to go/attend/buy the things/places etc upsets you so much? Is it their ideologies or the fact you can't access their products and places without others accusing you of agreeing with their ideologies?
Who are we really mad at here? Us or them?
Case in point is we all hate Zuckerberg but yet almost daily someone on here is linking instagram and facebook post. If "THEY" are the problem then why participate in their platforms?
Ideology and addiction to constant streams of information is why.