This from The Patriot Post:

It gives us great pleasure to report that, one month after the commencement of the U.S. troop surge in Iraq and the enactment of a new plan to secure Baghdad, American troop deaths are down by 60 percent.

Areas of the city previously controlled by militias and insurgent groups—specifically Sadr City, Al-Azamiyah and Al-Doura—are steadily coming under the control of the U.S.-Iraqi combined force.

Since the launch of the 14 February operation, the number of civilians killed in Baghdad has dropped to 265, compared with 1,440 killings from mid-January to mid-February; a drop of 82 percent. By contrast, terrorist deaths are up in Baghdad: 94 dispatched from mid-February to mid-March, up from 19 killed in the 30 days prior. Similarly, Baghdad suffered 102 roadside bombings in the February-March period, a 37-percent decline from 163 during the January-February period.

Other statistics include: 36 car bombs in February-March to 56 in January-February (down 36 percent); 109 mortar attacks in February-March to 204 in January-February (down 47 percent); ten kidnapping incidents in February-March to 98 in January-February (down 90 percent); and 22 assassination incidents in February-March to 519 in January-February for a staggering drop of 96 percent.

That’s the good news from 14 February to 14 March. This, of course, doesn’t mean that our enemy is on the verge of surrender or that we won’t see troop and civilian casualties in the future, but these numbers are very encouraging—unless you’re a Bush-hating Democrat or a headline writer for The New York Times.

What, you ask, was the Gray Lady’s front-page headline for 15 March? Why, “Iraqis’ Progress Lags Behind Pace Set by Bush Plan,” of course.