Son saw this on YouTube and made one for me. Ribeye cooked in garlic butter sauce in a cast iron skillet. Turned out OK, cooked it to long since I couldn’t see how hot the pan was-well done vs medium. Learned for next time. Anyway, more of a preparation/beer drinking event, but fun overall.F8757B60-EDB2-4A78-B76A-D32E29E7284C.jpg56BC0BC6-C177-459A-9DD8-002ED463A785.jpgC66B0B95-2D58-4A53-B79C-42857AF0C5BC.jpgD7EEEC07-B614-44A7-8D25-6F99F0739A40.jpg560719DD-B53F-48BE-9A03-283FBA51E7A8.jpg