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Thread: Newp

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Wateree, South Carolina

    Default Newp

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    that'll make you poop your pants

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by reeltight View Post
    that'll make you poop your pants
    This ri-chere

  4. #4
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    In the middle of it


    Wonder what was written on the sign?

  5. #5
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  6. #6
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    Yea.... I would need a defibulator and some new drawers.

  7. #7
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    Sep 2009


    I'm not scared of much, and watching videos rarely gives me anxiety... But that there borders on terrifying.
    Rule #2: Double tap

    The truth is a lie that will get you killed.

    Duncraft Pro-Staff

  8. #8
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    Fort Kickass


    That is the one critter that truly scares the fuck out of me.
    "Rivers and the inhabitants of the watery elements are for wise men to contemplate and for fools to pass by without consideration" -Izaak Walton

  9. #9
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by BigBrother View Post
    That is the one critter that truly scares the fuck out of me.
    That dude looks like he's the size of a volkswagen. I don't how much bigger they get, but that one is fucking grown.
    Rule #2: Double tap

    The truth is a lie that will get you killed.

    Duncraft Pro-Staff

  10. #10
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    That makes me feel very small
    Quote Originally Posted by ecu1984 View Post
    Steelin' Ducks is the KRT of suppressors and such.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mobetter View Post
    That dude looks like he's the size of a volkswagen. I don't how much bigger they get, but that one is fucking grown.
    They talk about 11'ers on Kodiak. I'd say he's knocking on that door.
    "Rivers and the inhabitants of the watery elements are for wise men to contemplate and for fools to pass by without consideration" -Izaak Walton

  12. #12
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    The Salt


    Quote Originally Posted by BigBrother View Post
    That is the one critter that truly scares the fuck out of me.
    Had an alaskan guy tell me once, who had killed 5+ of each, that brown bears weren't shit, but mountain/interior griz scared the hell out of him.
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
    I'll shoot over a kids head in a blind or long gun one on a turkey in a heart beat. You want to kill stuff around me you gonna earn it.

  13. #13
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBrother View Post
    That is the one critter that truly scares the fuck out of me.
    Member of the Tenth Legion Since 2004

  15. #15
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    I agree with what buckpro is saying. A coastal brown bear is more interested in catching fish. A mountain griz is always hungry.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigBrother View Post
    They talk about 11'ers on Kodiak. I'd say he's knocking on that door.
    I spent a good bit of time on Kodiak growing up, and there are some absolute giant Browns there. If that is truly a Grizzly, it’s as big as I’ve seen.
    Them that don't know him won't like him, and them that do sometimes won't know how to take him

    He ain't wrong, he's just different, and his pride won't let him do things to make you think he's right

    They don't put Championship rings on smooth hands

  17. #17
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  18. #18
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    The Incredible True Story Of The Revenant’s Hugh Glass
    By Katie Serena
    Published January 25, 2018
    Updated November 30, 2018
    Hugh Glass spent six weeks trekking over 200 miles back to his camp after being mauled by a bear and left for dead by his trapping party. Then, he began his revenge.

    The two men who had been ordered to watch over Hugh Glass knew it was hopeless. After single-handedly fighting off a grizzly bear attack no one had expected him to last five minutes, let alone five days, but here he was, lying on the banks of the Grand River, still breathing.

    Aside from his labored breaths, the only other visible movement the men could see from Glass was from his eyes. Occasionally he would look around, though there was no way for the men to know if he recognized them or if he needed something.

    As he lay there dying, the men became increasingly paranoid, knowing they were encroaching on Arikara Indian land. They didn’t want to risk their lives for someone who was slowly losing his.

    Finally, fearing for their lives, the men left Hugh Glass to die, taking his gun, his knife, his tomahawk, and his fire making kit with them – after all, a dead man need no tools.

    Of course, Hugh Glass wasn’t dead yet. And he wouldn’t be dead for quite some time.

    Long before he was left for dead on the side of the Grand River, Hugh Glass was a force to be reckoned with. He’d been born to Irish immigrant parents in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and lived a relatively quiet life with them before being captured by pirates in the Gulf of Mexico.

    For two years he served as a pirate under chief Jean Lafitte before escaping to the shores of Galveston, Texas. Once there, he was captured by the Pawnee tribe, with whom he lived for several years, even marrying a Pawnee woman.

    In 1822, Glass got word of a fur-trading venture that called for 100 men to “ascend the river Missouri” in order to trade with local Native American tribes. Known as “Ashley’s Hundred,” named so for their commander, General William Henry Ashley, the men trekked up the river and later toward the west to continue trading.

    The group made it to Fort Kiowa in South Dakota without issue. There, the team split apart, with Glass and several others setting out west to find the Yellowstone River. It was on this journey that Hugh Glass would have his infamous run-in with a grizzly.

    While looking for game, Glass managed to separate himself from the group and accidentally surprised a grizzly bear and her two cubs. The bear charged before he could do anything, lacerating his arms and chest.

    During the attack, the bear repeatedly picked him up and dropped him, scratching and biting every bit of him. Eventually, and miraculously, Glass managed to kill the bear using the tools he had on him, and later with some help from his trapping party.

    Though he had triumphed, Glass was in terrible condition after the attack. In the few minutes that the bear had had the upper hand, she had severely mauled Glass, leaving him bloody and bruised. Nobody in his trapping party anticipated his survival, yet they strapped him to a makeshift gurney and carried him anyway.

    Soon, however, they realized that the added weight was slowing them down – in an area that they very much wanted to get through as quickly as possible.

    They were approaching Arikara Indian territory, a group of Native Americans who had expressed hostility toward Ashley’s Hundred in the past, even engaging in fatal fights with several of the men. Glass himself had been shot in one of these fights, and the group was unwilling to entertain even the possibility of another one.

    Eventually, the party was forced to split. Most of the able-bodied men traveled ahead, back to the fort, while a man named Fitzgerald and another young boy remained with Glass. They had been ordered to watch over him and bury his body once he died so that the Arikara couldn’t find him.

    Of course, Glass was soon abandoned, left to his own devices and forced to survive without so much as a knife.

    After his guard had left him, Glass regained consciousness with festering wounds, a broken leg, and wounds that exposed his ribs. Based on his knowledge of his surroundings, he believed he was about 200 miles from Fort Kiowa. After setting his leg on his own and wrapping himself in a bear hide that the men had covered his near-dead body with, he began making his way back to camp, driven by his need to get revenge on Fitzgerald.

    Crawling at first, then slowly beginning to walk, Hugh Glass made his way toward the camp. He ate what he could find, mostly berries, roots and insects, but occasionally the remains of buffalo carcasses that had been ravaged by wolves.

    Roughly halfway to his destination, he ran into a tribe of Lakota, who were friendly toward the fur traders. There, he managed to bargain his way into a skin boat.

    After spending six weeks traveling roughly 250 miles down the river, Glass managed to rejoin Ashley’s Hundred. They weren’t at their original fort as he had believed, but at Fort Atkinson, a new camp at the mouth of the Bighorn River. Once he’d arrived, he re-enlisted in Ashley’s Hundred, hoping to come across Fitzgerald. Indeed he did, after traveling to Nebraska where he heard Fitzgerald was stationed.

    Fitzgerald, in thanks, returned Glass’ rifle, which he had taken from him before leaving him for dead. In exchange, Glass gave him a promise: that should Fitzgerald ever leave the army, Glass would kill him.

    As far as anyone knows, Fitzgerald remained a soldier to the day he died.

    As for Glass, he remained a part of Ashley’s Hundred for the next ten years. He escaped two separate run-ins with the dreaded Arikara and even another stint alone in the wilderness after becoming separated from his trapping party during an attack.

    In 1833, however, Glass finally met the end he’d been evading for so long. While on a trip along the Yellowstone River with two fellow trappers, Hugh Glass found himself under attack by the Arikara once again. This time, he was not so lucky.

    Glass’ epic tale was so incredible that it caught the eye of Hollywood, eventually becoming the Oscar-award winning film The Revenant, in which he was played by Leonardo Dicaprio.

    Today, a monument stands along the southern shore of the Grand River near the site of Glass’ famous attack, reminding all who pass of the man who took on a grizzly bear and lived to tell the tale.

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    Grizzly bear may have been guarding food during deadly attack near Yellowstone National Park

    August 11, 2021
    Associated Press

    HELENA, Mont. — A grizzly bear that fatally mauled a Montana man near Yellowstone National Park this spring was likely defending a moose carcass and may have continued to aggressively guard the cache — charging at rescuers and investigators — because of a recent fight with another grizzly, investigators theorized.

    Charles “Carl” Mock, 40, of West Yellowstone, was attacked by the bear near the Baker's Hole Campground, about 2.5 miles north of West Yellowstone on April 15. He called 911 just before 3:45 p.m.

    Mock was able to deploy bear spray, but the 411-pound male bear stayed in the area, bluff charging and stalking rescuers, according to the investigation of Mock's death that included information from federal, state and local agencies. The 20-year-old bear was shot and killed after it charged a team of wildlife investigators who returned to the scene the next day.

    A study of its gastrointestinal contents discovered moose hair, cartilage and muscle tissue, along with other tissue that was later determined to be from another grizzly bear, investigators said.

    The grizzly bear tissue and its location in the bear's lower stomach suggested the bear “had possibly been in a very recent fight with another grizzly bear defending the moose carcass or fought taking the moose carcass from another grizzly bear,” the report stated. “If this were the case, those interactions could have contributed to (the bear's) overall aggressive defense of the moose carcass” toward Mock, initial search and rescue personnel and the investigation team.

    In this April, 15, 2021 file photo provided by the Gallatin County Sheriff's Office, officers from the sheriff's office and West Yellowstone Police Department are seen near the scene of a grizzly bear mauling just outside the park.
    Mock, a backcountry guide, was on the phone with dispatchers for 49 minutes while he tried to direct searchers to his position. He told a dispatcher he had been taking pictures.

    Mock's camera, which was found at the scene of the attack, was placed in his vehicle, and friends removed his vehicle from the area. Investigators did not have the opportunity to examine the camera at the time and when they looked at the memory card on April 17 there were no pictures from the Baker's Hole area or any from the day of the attack, the report said.

    “Whether any pictures were removed before my observation is unknown, as control was lost over the camera,” Montana game warden Robert Pohle wrote in his report.

    Mock suffered a severe head injury and was taken by ambulance to the Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center in Idaho Falls, Idaho, where he underwent extensive surgery. He died two days after the attack, having not spoken to investigators.

    On April 16, seven investigators and a dog hiked into the area aware that the bear may still be around and that if it did charge them it may have to be killed, the report stated.

    The team stopped and fired cracker rounds and hollered several times as they hiked into the area. As they got close to a boggy, wet area, they could see brush and a small tree move.

    “All members stopped and readied in case it was the bear and it charged,” the report said. “Within seconds the bear silently charged out of the brush, head down, ears back and running full out."

    The bear was briefly slowed by deep snow before digging its way clear and beginning to charge again.

    Pohle's report said he and two others called out that they were going to fire shots at the bear. A forest service officer fired some final shots to prevent unnecessary pain and suffering on the part of the bear as well as to protect the public.

    It was not known if Mock knew the carcass was in the area or why he was in the location, Pohle wrote.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Saw the ones at Riverbanks a couple years ago and counted my blessing those things don't live in our wood around here.


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