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Thread: Iphone FLIR

  1. #1
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    Default Iphone FLIR

    Saw one of these on the shelf at the nerd shop yesterday when I went in for a new laptop battery. Anyone use one of these for anything? I can think of a few applications...

    Trying Out the iPhone Infrared Camera: The FLIR One
    I finally got my hands on the FLIR One. Thanks to the excellent people at FLIR that sent me a review unit. After playing with it for a couple of days, I am very impressed. VERY impressed.

    I FINALLY GOT my hands on the FLIR One. Thanks to the excellent people at FLIR that sent me a review unit. After playing with it for a couple of days, I am very impressed. VERY impressed.

    For a review, I am going to interview myself. Yes, I learned this self interview trick from Chad Orzel.

    What is the FLIR One?

    I Photo
    In the above image, you can see my dog and the spot where my dog was sleeping (because it's still warm).

    That's a pretty simple question. The FLIR One is an infrared camera attachment for the iPhone (5 and 5s). It comes with a case so you can snap it on your phone.

    What is infrared light?

    Here is the short answer. Infrared light is just like visible light except that it has a different wavelength and your eyes can't see it. Every object around you does two things. First, it reflects light. The reflection of visible light is how you see most of the things around you. Second, it emits light. The wavelength of light an object produces is dependent on the temperature of that object. For room temperature objects, this wavelength falls in the infrared. So the IR camera detects the IR light around you and displays them as different colors in the images. But don't forget - objects can still reflect infrared too.

    Here is a much more detailed explanation that I wrote a while ago.

    Can the FLIR One use different colors?

    Yes. I don't know why, but I always use the "iron" color scheme. Here are some other options.

    But don't worry about what color mode you are in. You can always go back and change the colors after you take a picture.

    Ok, but that's not a question. The FLIR One actually has two cameras. There is the IR camera with a resolution of 80x60 and a visible camera at 640x480. Yes, the 80x60 resolution might seem low (but really most IR cameras have low resolution). However, the FLIR One uses these two cameras together to make a more useable image. Here, compare these two images. On the left is a normal FLIR One image and on the right is an image without the visible camera added (this is called MSX blending).

    Of course if it's dark in the room you are looking, the visible camera won't really see anything anyway. But wait! There's more. The FLIR One can also record video. Yes, I think that is pretty awesome even though it is only at 8.1 frames per second. Still, this is better than a still image in some cases.

    Is this the best IR camera?

    Here is my quote:

    "The best infrared camera is the one that you have with you."

    Since the FLIR One is an attachment to the iPhone, you can carry it with you where ever you go. Who cares if you have a higher resolution IR camera if it's sitting at home. You can take pictures of cool things you see if you don't have camera with you.

    Also, I would like to comment on this IR camera from an educational perspective (since I use an infrared camera in some of my classes). In the past, it was rather difficult to display real time images from a traditional infrared camera. Yes, I know that in some cases it is easy to plug an IR camera into a projector. However, I was using one of the low end cameras (even these are expensive). My solution was to have a video camera connected to the projector and pointing at the IR camera. This was quite awkward.

    With the FLIR One, you can just use something like an Apple TV or anything that supports airplay. Then you just share your iPhone screen to the server, and presto. IR video on big screen.

    What about battery life?

    The FLIR One has its own battery. This means that taking IR pictures really doesn't use more battery than any other iPhone app. Of course this means that you have to charge the FLIR One separately from the iPhone.

    Does the FLIR One case make the camera too bulky? Is there anything you don't like about the FLIR One?

    Technically, that's questions but I will answer both. The iPhone with the FLIR One case is noticeably bulkier than just a plain iPhone. It still fits in my pocket just fine. I do find that it's a little bit harder to type one handed with the FLIR One on. I guess it's not a huge problem. You can take the FLIR One off very easily and just put it on when you want to take IR pictures.

    The one thing I don't like is the charging. With the FLIR One on, you can plug a USB cable into the IR camera and it will charge the FLIR One battery. It will NOT charge the iPhone battery. The only way to charge the iPhone battery is to take the FLIR One off and use the normal Apple lightning cable. The bad thing is that you can't use the FLIR One AND use the lightning cable at the same time.

    How much does it cost?

    This is a great question. It's both useful and easy to answer. The FLIR One costs $349. You can buy it directly from the FLIR One website.

    Do you need an app on the iPhone to use this? It would seem like you would.

    Yes. There is a free FLIR One iPhone app. The app lets you use the camera, measure temperatures and take both pictures and videos. There are some other apps too. In fact, there are 4 other FLIR apps right now.

    CloseUp: This app lets you adjust the difference between the visible camera outline and the thermal image. You need this app if you want to look at something closer than about 1 meter since the two cameras are not at the exact same location. Here are two images to show you what I mean. The left image is with the normal FLIR One app and the right is with the Closeup app.

    Paint: This is just a fun app. You take a picture and the app displays only the visible light part of the image. After that, you can use your finger to "paint" over the image and display the IR part of the image. Here is an example I made by putting a grocery bag over my head (which you should realize is potentially dangerous - I'm talking to you, kids).

    Panorama: Hopefully this title is self explaining. Here is a panorama I created.

    Timelapse: Again, self explanatory. You just set the time interval between images and BAM. There you go. I have to admit that this can be tricky. My normal camera mount for my iPhone doesn't work with the FLIR One on and you can't use external power for the iPhone either. Still, it's cool.

    I think there is an option to include a time stamp in the video. However, there is one problem. If you turn the phone in landscape mode (as all video should be - hint: VVS), the app still records in vertical mode.

    The post is as long as it needs to be to answer the questions. I am answering this question even though it has nothing to do with the FLIR One and that makes this post even longer. Are you happy?

    What can you use the FLIR One for?

    There are some obvious answers here:

    Home uses: find leaks, pipes, thermal insulation problems, hot wires and cool stuff like that.
    Seeing in the dark. This isn't always that useful, but yes - you can use ambient infrared to see stuff without visible light - that is unless everything around you is the same temperature.

    Looking for animals (or people) in the woods. In the winter, warm blooded animals (like humans) are warmer than the surroundings and stand out. This doesn't work so well in the summer. First, the leaves get in the way. Second, the animals are about the same temperature as the surroundings. It's awesome in the winter though.
    Finding ghosts. Just kidding.

    But there are other things too. When you have an IR camera with you at all times, you just start to play with it. You just never know what cool things you will see. I like to use the FLIR One for teaching physics classes. Clearly you can see how it could be useful in this case. Oh, here is an awesome video showing bread in the bakery section of the grocery store. You can tell where the fresh bread is because it's warmer.

    Honestly, I think that as more and more people use IR cameras we will find new uses that we never thought of before.

    Can you see through walls?

    This was a question from my son. No. You can't see through walls. Walls are just too thick for IR to penetrate. Actually, you can't even see through windows or water since IR doesn't transmit through those substances. But I saw something where the military used IR to see where people where in a house. No, that was just fiction (probably). It almost certainly wasn't real infrared.

    Last question, I promise. Should I get one?

    That's a tough question. I don't know who you are so I don't know what you should do. For me, I think this thing is overall pretty fantastic. The IR camera (in general) lets you see stuff that you couldn't otherwise see. It extends your senses beyond normal human level. The IR camera makes me feel sort of like a superhero. I know that sounds dumb, but it's true.

    If you are interested in IR cameras and you have an iPhone 5 or 5s, this is a great deal. Other IR cameras are going to cost around a thousand dollars or more. On top of that, this is an IR camera that you can carry around with you where ever you go. For a more traditional IR camera, you can take pictures but you can't immediately share them on twitter or instagram.

    At a price of just under $350, I think this is a perfect item for physics departments.

    I have been obsessively taking pictures since this FLIR One arrived. I try to tag most of them with the #FLIROne tag - or just follow me on twitter (@rjallain) or on instagram - @rhettallain.

    If you have any other questions, send it to me through twitter - @rjallain and I will try to answer quickly.

    One more thing. Here are some other infrared posts that you might like.

    One more reminder. This post is based on a FLIR One review unit provided by FLIR. I said that before, but I just want to be clear.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2017


    I have this one

    keep it in my hunting pack, thought I would use it for tracking in the dark but havent had to yet (watch em drop with grim reaper broadheads). We tested it and in the dark I could see a friend lying on the ground 60 yards away no problem, If you spit on the ground you can see it for 15-20 minutes afterwards, pee on the ground and you can see it for 30 to 40 minutes. Tall grass or bushes block the thermal image. It focus's better than those pictures above tho. Clips on my android phone and you use an app to run it. Its neat, I need to use it around the house on windows and doors and such but you know, never think of it

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Camden SC


    That sounds like you might be on to something, Frank.
    Last edited by Drylok; 07-21-2021 at 05:00 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Frank1 View Post
    I have this one

    keep it in my hunting pack, thought I would use it for tracking in the dark but havent had to yet (watch em drop with grim reaper broadheads). We tested it and in the dark I could see a friend lying on the ground 60 yards away no problem, If you spit on the ground you can see it for 15-20 minutes afterwards, pee on the ground and you can see it for 30 to 40 minutes. Tall grass or bushes block the thermal image. It focus's better than those pictures above tho. Clips on my android phone and you use an app to run it. Its neat, I need to use it around the house on windows and doors and such but you know, never think of it
    I have been waiting to hear someone talk about blood trailing a deer with one- I have lost my ability to see blood after dark unless there is a lot of blood. It could help find lots of deer- even deer lost dog hunting might be found with it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    In my own little world


    Great for finding out if a woman is real or fake tits.
    RIP Kelsey "Bigdawg" Cromer
    12-26-98 12-1-13

    If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever.

    Missing you my great friend.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    I’ve used a dedicated FLIR for tracking suspects.. If those images are accurate I may have to change up.
    “Get out among the mountains and trees, friend, as soon as you can. They will do more for you than either man or woman could.” Theodore Roosevelt to John Muir after his wife's passing in 1905.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Clarendon County


    I feel like I have to have one of these.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Newberry SC


    Quote Originally Posted by Bad Habit View Post
    I have been waiting to hear someone talk about blood trailing a deer with one- I have lost my ability to see blood after dark unless there is a lot of blood. It could help find lots of deer- even deer lost dog hunting might be found with it.
    Works decent in real open woods. But I was using an actual flir camera.

  9. #9
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    Sep 2017

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by LabLuvR View Post
    Great for finding out if a woman is real or fake tits.
    What? If you can see them or touch them....they real.
    Quote Originally Posted by ecu1984 View Post
    Steelin' Ducks is the KRT of suppressors and such.


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