Please welcome new Sponsor Charleston Upper Cervical Chiropractic! Long time member Will Youngblood (DrWilly) has graciously offered to help support SCDUCKS and our Members with 25 years of expertise.

Greetings SCDuckers,

Glad to be a sponsor here. Have enjoyed the site for many years. No better place to find expertise in any area needed. Haha.

Reading comments and participating in a thread on here a few weeks ago about someone seeking a Chiropractor made me realize how much misinformation and misconceptions exist about Chiropractic. My hope is that I can add some content and answer some questions that might clear things up for people. I think there may be many people here that could be helped by Chiropractic care who do not go either because they don’t know about it or have bad information about it.

I’ve been in practice 25 years so I’m familiar with the knocks on it. I’m glad to dialogue and explain things. My way or style is not the only way but I can talk about why I choose to do it how I do it. Over the years, I’ve seen that most of the misinformation is because it isn’t understood properly. Either by being presented poorly or wrongly by the presenter or by not being understood by the hearer or both.

Hopefully I can start a thread or two addressing some common topics that need discussing. Feel free to jump in or message me privately.


Will Youngblood DC, UCA

Charleston Upper Cervical Chiropractic

811 St. Andrews Blvd

Charleston, SC 20407
