As I posted on here last Friday wife lost her sense of smell/taste all of a sudden. Protocol at public school is you go get covid test which she did and results came back positive this time (her 3rd test ). Both of us tested negative 2 weeks ago (her on 12/30 and me on 1/2)

I assume my fat ass is quarantined which I am doing

Hate to sound stupid but what do I do at this point and how long am I quarantined?? She is out of school until 2/1 according school district/DHEC

I have not really hit my busy time at my office but have plenty of year end work to do, my FT employee can handle most all of it with no problem but I can work remotely from my laptop . Not sure if it is ok to run by my office after hours and get some stuff or even do some work. With that said my FT employee is a “high risk” person so we have been doing everything possible to keep her safe in my office

I assume ok for me to go do stuff as long as no contact with anyone else ??

Thanks for any guidance on this, do not want to risk possibility of passing this on to someone else. I was told unless I have symptoms no need for another test for me right now ??

So far Cindy has very mild symptoms but I would be lying if I did not say this thing worries me since she is diabetic and our age (57 & 58) however other than that we are in good health. She does have type O- blood which her sis says puts odds in her favor