At the end of each year, I like to reflect back and recount the good and the bad. On what has happened and what hasn't. How I did against my plans and goals, etc.

One thought that resonated with me this year is that as Christians, we aren't guaranteed an easy life. We saw this with Covid, the political climate, big tech, etc. We are however, guaranteed persecution to some extent or another. Americans have by and large escaped much of the persecution that people in other countries face. I don't know if that streak has come to an end, but it does look like the tide has shifted and more and more people don't agree with the Christian value system. Now, what happens next and what action do we take, I'm most uncertain. I do however, believe that God is sovereign and will work His plan out no matter who the President is or who controls congress. I don't want my family to face persecution for its beliefs, but if it is the Lord's will, then we will submit and press forward. We don't have to understand the why or how. We will rest in the promise that God will never leave or forsake us.