Headed back out this morning for another hunt in the salt marsh. It was a minus tide when we got to the launch. The fog was as thick as I’d ever seen it which made navigating the marsh tricky and very slow going. With almost no water the pedal drive on my Hobie was all but useless. Jr paddled the pirogue as I did my best to paddle the Pro Angler towards the break in the levee leading to the slough that would take us to our spot. After a few temporary groundings thanks to the low tide we made it to our destination. There was no hope of heading back to the corner where the teal have been lately since the entire place was flat mud. We picked a spot on the edge of the deeper water, threw out a dozen teal decoys, and settled in to await first light. The plan was to hunt here long enough for the tide to flood the grass flat to the point that we would be able to pole into the back of the flat.

Our first spot provided some sporadic shooting as birds quickly materialized from the thick fog and then vanished almost without time to raise the gun. We missed a canvasback and picked up five teal. Finally around 8:30am the tide was high enough for us to make our move. After getting across the shallow mud flat and getting set back up things got a little fast and furious. It seemed like it was over as fast as it had begun. Fourteen green-winged teal made their way into the pile for the morning. No big ducks today. We heard a few wigeon and pintails around but that was early in the fog and we never got a look at them. Maybe next time we’ll try to stay out in open water in hopes of getting a few cotton tops!


