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Thread: 1st South Carolina Record deer( Story/ Pic heavy)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Default 1st South Carolina Record deer( Story/ Pic heavy)

    Most deer are meaningful, have family ties, self rewarding, as well as preservation of faith. It drives folks to get out of bed, fight for well being in the world, keep a good family, and platform to conversations with the lord. We strive at different things in the outdoors, however it may be, whether it its feathers or fur, water or land. Decades of traditions, knowledge, and exchange of these secrets from friends and family, and the ever changing perspective of land management and the fight to keep a piece of dirt to create this world. This story is nothing different, as it ties the meaning of life and how I drive myself every day. Purpose, most men would call it, others its tradition, or it very well could be the one thing that keeps us, as humans.

    This deer is a "booner", no it doesn't score 170", and it's not the pinnacle of whitetails to a lot of you, because you are able to see these on more occasions or travel to states on the reg that have these. However to me it is. Why you ask? It's South Carolina for one, and second, I'm 32 and I've been searching for 17 years to kill a deer to score in the record books of 125". This deer will, what it will for the record I don't 100% know, but after 3 people scoring I know it's going to be over 125" and able to be recorded in the SC books. My name there, along with many others on a typical platform. That can't be taken from me, or if you feel the need to down my success, that's your opinion and thus you are free to give such, as posted on here the first time I shared this deer.

    This Deer came into my life Oct. 31st @ 1:41 pm. I received a text message via reveal while working on a project in the garage. Picture of course stopped me in my tracks of current productivity, and I sat for an hour analyzing the picture, just like most of us, and just in awe of what possibilities may arise to harvest this deer. One being, since this was behind my house, go ninja in there at that exact moment and kill him. That moment he consumed me, because that was my 125" deer. However its halloween, rut is on, and this deer is just cruzing by with no intent to stay in the area.

    Then 5 hours later I find my uncle, and it created one whirlwind of emotions towards life, and my emotions to this deer because I told him to sit overlooking where he may be.

    It was that night I named this deer "Freddie's Deer"

    Fast forward a week of grieving, and second guessing hunting again this year, my aunt gave me the strap from his climber on the 8th. She knew I climbed in one much like his, as well as knew I was the first person to get to him. She wanted him to be in the woods every time I climbed and she knew the strap would be apart of my climber in the woods every time I hunted. She also knew I was headed to Kentucky the next day and was hopeful it would give me good luck.

    That was the 8th of November. That night "Freddie's Buck" made his appearance again for the second time.

    Spent a few days hunting in Kentucky, and with only 1 opportunity for a decent deer, I came home empty handed.

    On the ride home (Nov 13th), I received zero pictures through the week of this deer, only of others from game management I hunt, and it gave me the "drive" to hopefully kill a good WMA buck. However it sat my mind that "freddie's deer" may still be around. So I hunted a few days on WMA, and thought in the stand, how to set up to kill the one that had haunted me now for 16 days straight.

    Nov 17th: I finally decide to hone into where he may possibly be held up, because 11/8 he was not how you say, skinny. My thoughts this deer was pinched into a bedroom and maybe I could figure out where.

    Low and behold, I found it, rub lines, scrapes, bedding, food, and water. All in a 4 acre area on the corner of my Mamaw's property that he has been using. Hope was restored, and it was time to "see" if it held true.

    Remember when I told you I had been looking for a 125'' deer for 17 years? Well the reason being my dad gave me a summit viper back in 2002 for Christmas and told me that stand would be used to kill every big deer I told him I'd kill, as well as put my name in the SC record books.

    That summit has been apart of every big deer I've killed in exception of 1 from this year. It has also been apart of my first bow kill, seen several states, hundreds of trees, mornings, afternoons, talks to god, misses, destinations for stress relief, hours of grieving. You name it, it has seen it when it comes to climbing because that stand has been the only stand I've used to climb since 2002.

    Since then my dad has passed, and I told myself this year will be the last year as every thing including the straps, chords, bungees, and rope that keeps the bottom tied to the top while in use are all still intact and have not broke. I want that stand to be retired this year, and I wanted to remember my dad with it, along with 17 years of life it has brought along with it.

    Nov 19th I sit in the area I feel is where he could be. 5:15 pm I watch 3 does being harassed by a nuanced 4pt all until the sun decides to fade and the night decides to try and squeeze in. Except, before it get's too dark, and while I'm watching the same 4 deer for the past 30 minutes, I pick up on one walking behind me. Definitely a deer, and definitely not wanting any thing apart from what was going on in front of me, so he makes his way around me, too thick to see anything and decides to make his way out when there is just not enough lite.

    I knew it was him, I just felt it was. Gut feeling we all have. However again too late..

    I decide to leave my climber and make 1 last hunt on the 21st for 2020.

    Nov 21st: I told my self this was it, last hunt of 2020 and the last time I sit in this summit. I will not hunt from it again, because I just can't live knowing I could have retired it and something was to happen to it.

    I get in the stand at 6am, and settle in like normal. Do my morning ritual with the lord, and do my phone swiping as the sun and light make the trees, and landscape come alive for another day.

    6:45 I just so happen to look up, and catch movement, and with it being still low light, there was no denying a rocking chair moving through the edge of the thicket. I post up quick, and catch a white nose. It's him, holy crap, I stop dead in the scope as literally pull the trigger I say whispering to tell Freddie, " I got him bud".

    I watch him scramble off, and just absolutely flood with emotions. You just know sometimes.

    I won't get into details finding him, as my mind made quicker work than my feet, and after circling him 5 times Lets just say it was finally nice to meet "Freddies's Deer"

    Last hunt of 2020, with my climber of 17 years, with a buck I knew meant more than any deer possible.

    Ya'll give a warm welcome to "Freddie's Deer"

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    Last edited by dhall1693; 11-23-2020 at 11:41 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by JABIII View Post
    Indeed, yet I have killed no Jack Miners today, this month, or this season as our boy DHall has. I am more jealous of his awesome pig of a bird than everyone else combined.

    First Peter 5:7 "Cast all your care upon God"

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Boiling Springs


    Fine job Doug!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Moncks Corner


    Great deer and better story

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007


    That's awesome Doug. Mighty fine deer!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Gobbler's Knob, GA/ Bamberg,SC


    Very nice. I hope that if you choose to shoulder mount Freddie's deer ,that you find someone who will do him justice.

    Congrats on achieving your goal.
    F**K Cancer

    Just Damn.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by nitro5x6's View Post
    Very nice. I hope that if you choose to shoulder mount Freddie's deer ,that you find someone who will do him justice.

    Congrats on achieving your goal.
    My idea is a back packed mount of the deer in the base of the summit. Take the cables off and the foot rest and hang the stand and deer on the wall. Tribute to both.
    Quote Originally Posted by JABIII View Post
    Indeed, yet I have killed no Jack Miners today, this month, or this season as our boy DHall has. I am more jealous of his awesome pig of a bird than everyone else combined.

    First Peter 5:7 "Cast all your care upon God"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Blythewood, SC


    Great buck, great story, and great memories. Congrats brother.
    When it comes your time to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with the fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home. -Tecumseh-

    Quote Originally Posted by Griffin View Post
    You're also one of select few clemings with sense.

  8. #8
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    York SC


    Awesome Doug!!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    "Some high society lady says is your horse outside, no ma'am he's between my legs, but you're too fat to ride" Hank Jr

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2002
    The Wild, Wild West


    Yessir! He'll go upper 130's fo sho. Dood, I get it. I've hunted for as long as I can remember, and hunted in SC until 40+ years. I've killed some respectable bucks, but my biggest was just shy of that 125 number. I've seen a couple of 130+' deer from a truck in SC.

    I've had three opportunities to kill 130+" deer in SC. The first was on a dog drive one crisp Saturday in 1985 when I had been out late chasing my girlfriend and drinking too much; I had my feet propped on a tree limb while taking a nap leaned back on another tree when I was woken by screaming beagles...I look up and a gorgeous stud was standing in front of me to my right looking back at where the dogs were coming. With a mat of dry leaves under me, I opted to try to shoot him without moving...butt of gun center chest and barrel awkwardly to my right...should have just shot him lefty...but he was so close it was a no brainer I'd drop him. I pulled the trigger, and he hit the ground. As I jumped up, the deer is hauling the mail straight at me a foot off the ground, and I see a pine 4-5" diameter pine tree falling over. I shot at him three more times very quickly as he ran by me at less than 5 yards...dirt and leaves flying at each shot. The last shot...I gathered myself and put the bead on the back of his neck going straight away at ~ 10 yards and "click"... the one feature I did not like about my brand new BPS just bit me in the arse...only holds 4 3" shells. No blood, no hair, no hit. The pine I saw falling was about 10 yards in front of me and took the entire load. He was a stud and was last seen swimming from Lugoff to Camden side of the river just below the dam.

    The second opportunity came the Fall after Hugo hit. I took my climber into a spot that I knew like the back of my hand...but was now completely unrecognizable. I put my climber on the tree, but before climbing, I decided to walk over to where there used to be a huge trail just to see if deer were still using it or some part of it. I walked about thirty yards and the biggest deer I've ever seen in SC jumped out of its bed and began to run from left to right. All I remember and what stuck with me was the absolute wall of tines from front to back on top of an obese looking deer that struggled to get going. The deer was actually getting out of there relatively slowly either due to the tangle he was laying in or his size...but I had plenty of time to get on him and pull the trigger. Unfortunately, my scope was on 9x from an earlier sit, at the deer was at 20 or so yards and I had nothing but blur as he disappeared in the twisted pines and briars...kicked myself for not just climbing the tree. Years later, another club member admitted that he'd seen and was hunting the deer and it was a perfect, long tined, heavy 12.

    The third was in the mid 2000s, and I had an old, wide, gnarly buck bumping a doe around me in Fairfield Co. I heard him grunt, but I thought it was a 4 wheeler someone had started miles away just idling and cutting off...the deer was steady grunting for 10-15 seconds straight each time he grunted. I finally realized that it was a deer doing elongated grunts like I'd never heard before and before long I see the doe...then the buck. He gives me perfect 30 yard broadside while working a licking branch, and I proceeded to nail him squarely in the shoulder bone with my arrow...right where I aimed...dammit. 2" penetration and big buck gone.

    I tell these stories, because I can remember each encounter as vividly today as I did the week after they happened...I can still see the picture of each deer and the scenes that played out with absolute clarity. That is 3 deer in 45 years of serious effort in the state of SC that would go over 125" and the rarity of such encounters will burn the memory in the brain forever. I know that since my hay-day in SC, there are a ton more people trophy managing their land, but I still don't see very many people killing 130+" deer on any kind of regular basis. That is a beast of an 8 and one more rare specimen of a SC WTBD, and I know your dad would be incredibly pumped and proud of your accomplishment. Congrats!
    “I can’t wait ‘till I’m grown” is the stupidest @!#* I ever said!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Knoxville, TN/Bryson City, NC


    Congrats on the deer of a lifetime and I love the backpack mount idea on the summit!
    "some men are mere hunters, others are turkey hunters"-Archibald Rutledge

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2008


    Good stuff Doug!! Congrats to you. Heck of a tribute to your uncle and your dad!!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2002
    The Wild, Wild West


    Quote Originally Posted by dhall1693 View Post
    My idea is a back packed mount of the deer in the base of the summit. Take the cables off and the foot rest and hang the stand and deer on the wall. Tribute to both.
    OOOH! I want to see that...never seen a "dead mount" of a deer. That will be super cool.
    “I can’t wait ‘till I’m grown” is the stupidest @!#* I ever said!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Horry, SC


    Great buck and even better story. Congrats!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2009



  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2009


    Great deer!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by bbhntr48 View Post
    Great deer and better story
    bout sums it up. said it before I'll say it again. Some "get" it and some do not.
    Congratulations. Very happy for you. Hope it will be part of the healing process and the mount will be a lifetime memory. maybe have your uncle's intitials carved into the wood panel. post it up when you get it back.
    "Check your premise." Dr. Hugh Akston

  19. #19
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    Nov 2014


    "They are who we thought they were"

    You can dress a fat chick up, but you cant fix stupid

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    Great deer. Even better story.
    Quote Originally Posted by walt4dun View Post
    Monsters... Be damned if I'd ever be taken alive by the likes of faggot musslims.
    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    I am an equal opportunity hater.


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