I don’t know why, but I had a really strong tug on my chest to post this tonight. DHalls post got me thinking about a lot. I haven’t always been the most “Godly” man or the most honest man. I’ve had hurt, a lot of hurt. I’ve been in some LOW spots in my life that I never thought I would get out of. I’ve done some things that I am very ashamed of and a lot of things that I would not want my kids to ever know I’ve done. I’ve drank way too much way too often, I’ve done some drugs, I’ve laid with whores, I’ve lied, I’ve cheated, I’ve done all kinds of stuff. But, in 2018 my life got to the lowest of lows. It got so low I was at the end and I could not take anymore. I had a “ breakdown” and it was bad. Very bad. To the point I spent 7 weeks in rehab. I lost my wife, for several months we didn’t sleep under the same roof, I lost friends, I lost everything I knew that was life. BUT, what I didn’t know, well, I knew it but had turned away from it, all of it was part of Gods plan, his plan for me to get my life back on track. I literally changed everything. I stopped drinking, I stopped the affairs, I stopped the relationships I had with very bad folks. Folks I thought were friends, but they were not. They were part of my problem. I found my relationship with Jesus again, I started going back to Church, participating in things at Church, volunteering for things at Church. I started back falling on my knees and asking God for help, direction, answers, and forgiveness. He reminded me that no matter what I had done, He was and always will be here for us if we seek him. I’m laying in bed listening to my 4 month along pregnant wife snore, in the next room is my 17 month old son tossing in his crib, who I spent all day with outside, feeding the deer and getting a stand ready for my nephew to hopefully shoot his first deer on over the Thanksgiving break. I’m driving to Charleston in the morning to pick my stepson up from CofC so he can spend the holidays with us. My same stepson that I’ve raised since he was 4. The same stepson who has seen my lows, the one who I’ve yelled at, spanked for stupid reasons, just plain out been not so much of a nice Dad to at times. My wife turned 40 on Oct 20th and I don’t know where I would be without her and her willingness to forgive me. I never wanted kids, so I thought and she always wanted more. I kept her from having “our” kids because I was so selfish, I was too busy being caught up in this crazy, bad world we live in. But, let me tell any of you that are struggling because I know there a guys on here that are. You may not want to admit it, but I see your social media posts, your Instagram posts, etc. IT IS NEVER TOO LATE! If you are struggling with anything, seek help, talk to someone, anyone, find somebody that will listen. Hell, I will listens. Any day, any time! Get your life right, make your marriage right, I know they can’t all work out like we want them to. I understand that some just can’t work but don’t just give up, give in. I’ve had to learn to give in, a lot. But I will say this, I have no regrets now, I love my wife more now than I ever had, I’m SO glad I finally decided to have my own kids. This boy means the world to me and I can’t wait until April to meet our daughter. We are signing a contract next week on “our” new house that has been my wife’s dream home for a long time. I’ve made a lot of mends with my stepson to try and get our relationship where it should’ve been a long time ago. Talk! Don’t keep things pent up inside! It make it all worse. Trust me! Get on your knees and pray! It is not too late. If you are hurting, going thru low times whatever you’re dealing with, you are not alone, I can promise somebody else is dealing with it too. Please find help. I have plenty of places to talk, I can put you in a deerstand, duck hole or fishing hole just about any day. Just know that I am here for ANY of you who see this, if you need me, pm me and I’ll gladly give you my number.