You are correct that it's mostly Asian males. The virus was engineered to attack the ACE2 receptors which are much more numerous in Asian males. Now I don't know if attacking Asian males was the purpose or that when the labs in Wuhan engineered the virus Asian male lung tissue was simply what they had to work with. It seems the younger class is used as a primary carrier. It doesn't necessarily kill them but they spread the virus. This would be an ideal virus for China to cull the old and elderly that are no longer contributing members of society and are only using resources.

We also noticed that the only Asian donor (male) has a much higher ACE2-expressing cell ratio than white and African American donors (2.50% vs. 0.47% of all cells). This might explain the observation that the new Coronavirus pandemic and previous SARS-Cov pandemic are concentrated in the Asian area.
From this link: