I posted something similar to this on another forum. The major problem over there is they need to be ruled. They cannot "self govern" like a lot of Western Civilizations. They need a dictator who governs by fear of mass atrocities. The more we "help" the more things get fucked up. Unless we want to go over there with the mindset we are going to publicly cut off pows heads and kill women and children by smashing their skills with our boots, then ruling them as a dictator, or we need to stay out. By "liberating" them all we do is pave the way for the next bad guy.

I bet you, those people do not even know why they hate each other anymore. That region is so fucked up that genocide is going to be the only real cute. When there is only 1 tribe left then there will be piece over there. But if it is the wrong one, they will just eat with someone else. Basically, fuck em. We cannot fix it, let them sort it out