This is my second year messing with aquaponics. Last year I just had one grow bed and some tilapia. Sadly im now allergic to fish meat so what fish i grow doesn't matter as much to me.

This year I planted two so far and I've got largemouth bass and goldfish. I just feed the bass a few goldfish every few days

I use an IBC tote cut up as a grow bed and fish tank. My grow beds just have gravel or lava rock. No dirt. My tanks just have a pump. I pump fish water up into the beds. As the water rises, the plants clean the water and use the fish waste and nitrogen from gills to grow. When the water reaches a height determined by my bell siphon it is drained completely back into the tank as clean, fresh water.

The tanks cycle about every 15-20 minutes so my plants are flushed with nutrients all day. Left side tank I planted a week and a half ago. Right side I planted yesterday.

These are super fun to tinker with and really fun to watch the fish and plants grow.

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