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Thread: Tariffs's here we go...

  1. #1
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    Wateree, South Carolina

    Default Tariffs's here we go...

    All about 2020 and getting those Midwest farm states on board the train...

    Trump pushes for new bailouts for farmers hurt by his trade war

    Trump seeks government help for “great Patriot farmers” who are being hit by China’s retaliatory tariffs.

    By Aaron Rupar@atrupar May 14, 2019, 1:40pm EDT

    Donald Trump and Viktor Orban in the White House on Monday. Mark Wilson/Getty Images

    President Donald Trump is opposed to the government interfering in the market to pick winners and losers — at least when doing so doesn’t directly benefit voters crucial to his reelection prospects.

    In recent months, Trump has made his opposition to socialism — a system of government in which the government plays a leading role in distributing goods and services — a regular feature of his speeches.

    During his most recent State of the Union address, Trump alluded to rhetoric by Democrats and said, “Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt socialism in our country.” At a rally in Wisconsin last month, Trump vowed that America “will never be a socialist country.” He framed the crisis in Venezuela as a failure of socialism and suggested Democrats wanted to use the Mueller investigation to force him out of office and “institute Socialism.”

    Life, however, comes at you fast — especially when you launch a trade war with a country that represents the second-largest export market for American agriculture.

    During an Oval Office event with Hungary’s far-right leader Viktor Orbán on Monday, Trump outlined a plan to redistribute money from American importers to farmers hurt by his escalating trade war with China that might fall short of socialism, but is certainly a far cry from the values of free markets and free trade traditionally embraced by Republicans.

    “Out of the billions of dollars that we’re taking in [from tariffs], a small portion of that will be going to our farmers,” Trump said. “We’re going to take the highest year — the biggest purchase that China has ever made with our farmers, which is about $15 billion — and do something reciprocal to our farmers.”

    Because he doesn’t understand how tariffs actually work, Trump seems to believe this plan represents a redistribution from China to American farmers. But China does not in fact pay for the 25 percent on $200 billion of Chinese goods in tariffs Trump reimposed on Chinese goods after months of negotiations failed to bring the two countries into agreement. Those tariffs are paid by American importers, who often pass the cost along to consumers.

    So Trump’s plan, as vague as it is, seems to represent a selective protection from the costs of tariffs: All Americans — from those who pay for his tariffs in the checkout line to farmers hurt by the retaliatory tariffs China has placed on their goods — are being asked to absorb some short-term pain for the good of the country. But the federal government is subsidizing that cost for only a select group.

    On Tuesday morning, Trump reiterated his plan on Twitter, and referred to farmers are “Our great Patriot Farmers” — a label acknowledging the hardship the trade war is causing.

    Donald J. Trump

    Our great Patriot Farmers will be one of the biggest beneficiaries of what is happening now. Hopefully China will do us the honor of continuing to buy our great farm product, the best, but if not your Country will be making up the difference based on a very high China buy......

    7:29 AM - May 14, 2019
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    Trump’s tariffs subsidy plan — which comes on the heels of a $12 billion program that was available to farmers hurt by retaliatory tariffs last year — represents a sop to his base. More than 75 percent of voters in the Farm Belt voted for him in 2016, yet these same people are being hurt by a self-inflicted trade war as Trump turns his sights to 2020.

    “The President of the United States owes farmers like myself some type of plan of action,” John Wesley Boyd Jr., a soybean farmer in Baskerville, Virginia, told CNN on Monday. “Farmers were his base. They helped elect this president ... and now he’s turning his back on America’s farmers when we need him the most.”

    Trump’s long-term goal is to force China to agree to a trade deal favorable to the US by inflicting pain upon its economy. But in the meantime, his trade war is causing pain to farmers and the financial markets. And if China follows through on its plan to increase tariffs on $60 billion of American products on June 1, consumers likely will feel the hurt too.

    “Americans’ entire shopping cart will get more expensive,” Hun Quach, vice president of international trade at the Retail Industry Leaders Association, told the New York Times.

    You don’t have to take Quach’s word for it — during a Fox News interview on Sunday, White House economic adviser Larry Kudlow admitted that “both sides will suffer” because of Trump’s trade war with China. Kudlow also acknowledged that Trump’s understanding of how tariffs work is flawed. But Axois’s Jonathan Swan, citing a former White House aide, reported on Tuesday that Trump’s false belief about tariffs is “like theology.”

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    New crop beans up 29, corn up 11.

    Quite a few folks called me today asking if I thought there would be another pay out this year.

    I told them all the same thing "Hope is a lousy business plan".
    Rule #2: Double tap

    The truth is a lie that will get you killed.

    Duncraft Pro-Staff

  3. #3
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    In the thick of it.


    Every farmer in the nation puckered up at the boards yesterday. Commodities rebounded some today, but cotton went to .65 yesterday. Break even is .80, on average, so yesterday was a huge deal for a lot of folks. I’ve got a crop in the ground myself and have $20M in operating loans out of my office. I quit answering the phone yesterday about noon....
    Quote Originally Posted by ecu1984 View Post
    Go Tigers!

  4. #4
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    May 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Mobetter View Post
    New crop beans up 29, corn up 11.

    Quite a few folks called me today asking if I thought there would be another pay out this year.

    I told them all the same thing "Hope is a lousy business plan".
    I saw that new crop beans at $7.49 y’all had posted yesterday and cringed.

    Right wrong or indifferent mines all going in grass sometime in the next three weeks.

  5. #5
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    Jan 2005


    Hemp. Trust me. Wait and see if I am wrong.
    Gettin old is for pussies! AND MY NEW TRUE people say like Capt. Tom >>>>>>>>>/
    "Wow, often imitated but never duplicated. No one can do it like the master. My hat is off to you DRDUCK!"

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by DRDUCK View Post
    Hemp. Trust me. Wait and see if I am wrong.
    Been hearing this for a while. I need to get on that train.
    Go Tigers!!!

  7. #7
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    May 2003


    I think hemp will be a huge bust. We are not going to switch back from synthetics on many fiber materials and plain and simple an acre of hemp goes a long way in the oil market. Be just like the flax phenomenon of 10 years ago.

  8. #8
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    Aug 2014



    It is about to come like a storm and get ready for the new mono culture.

    It is way easier to grow faster turn around and a all around better product that pine trees.

    They even brought it back during WW2 it was so efficient.

    We were stupid to ban it.

    2 crops a year with far more usability that a pine tree that takes 15-20 years to get semi usable.

    Also mans moola in yo pocket this year not then.

    At least in the interim we will be able to have trees and fields again. I just hate all the beautiful hardwoods got tore up for pine trees.
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  9. #9
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    Aug 2009


    Growing marijuana is where it's at. Ask the boy from Bebe arkansas. Only problem is he didn't hire a guy like Glenn to do the survey for where the plant went. Lost net profit off the top!
    Quote Originally Posted by BOG View Post
    Although it is natural for you and seems to be out of your hands, try to suppress your natural inclination towards dumbassedness and do some research of your own.I wish you luck.
    Tekton Game Calls

  10. #10
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    Manning, SC


    Tariffs are dumb. Let the free market work.

    This impacts alot of people in a bad way and not just in the Midwest.

  11. #11
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by uga_dawg View Post
    Tariffs are dumb. Let the free market work.

    This impacts alot of people in a bad way and not just in the Midwest.
    I am pro free market, but our trade relationship with china has only been free for the chinese. I've heard Trump would like a free market but is posturing as a tariff tyrant to get a better deal. I am no trump fan boy either(didn't vote for him) , but the US gets screwed in most trade agreements. I'm glad somebody is thinking about the best US interests

  13. #13
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    Wateree, South Carolina


    Quote Originally Posted by Southernduck View Post
    I think hemp will be a huge bust. We are not going to switch back from synthetics on many fiber materials and plain and simple an acre of hemp goes a long way in the oil market. Be just like the flax phenomenon of 10 years ago.
    I remember that flax lesson all too well. What I can't get past is that my farming buddies in Canada have been able to grow unlimited hemp for about 2 decades now. When it first came out, they all tried it. Now you very rarely see even an acre. If the market was really that strong for it, that would just not be the case...

  14. #14
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    Jan 2005


    2 decades ago things were different. No oil in the USA then legal like anyway
    Gettin old is for pussies! AND MY NEW TRUE people say like Capt. Tom >>>>>>>>>/
    "Wow, often imitated but never duplicated. No one can do it like the master. My hat is off to you DRDUCK!"

  15. #15
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    I hope it works out long run. The South could use a hedge against overplanting of trees, beetles, etc.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by DRDUCK View Post
    Hemp. Trust me. Wait and see if I am wrong.
    I'm not saying you're wrong. I AM saying you need to have a market. Who is buying hemp? How much freight will you have in it? What is the price? What's the price based on? How much input do you have?

    With out a defined end user willing to buy then it's a pyramid scheme.

    Flax, ostriches, Clarendon County tomatoes... What happened to all those "next big things"?
    Rule #2: Double tap

    The truth is a lie that will get you killed.

    Duncraft Pro-Staff

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudminnow View Post
    I am pro free market, but our trade relationship with china has only been free for the chinese. I've heard Trump would like a free market but is posturing as a tariff tyrant to get a better deal. I am no trump fan boy either(didn't vote for him) , but the US gets screwed in most trade agreements. I'm glad somebody is thinking about the best US interests
    I don't know the intricacies of the deal with China. I've heard similar comments, but I don't know any of the details. I thought their advantage had more to do with currency manipulation and how China takes the dollars we pay them and reinvest them into our Treasury. All the while helping to keep the value of their money artificially low.

    I just don't know how you get past the well if you are going to put a tariff on x we are going to put a tariff on y. And now we are taking money from the tariff for this to pay the person that got impacted by the followup tariff. I hope it's all negotiation tactics and not the new norm.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by DRDUCK View Post
    2 decades ago things were different. No oil in the USA then legal like anyway
    An acre in the greenhouse will produce so much oil it’s stupid. It’s a pyramid scheme. I already know several guys who haven’t been paid for their crop yet. Guys are leasing and subleasing allotments.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by mudminnow View Post
    I am pro free market, but our trade relationship with china has only been free for the chinese. I've heard Trump would like a free market but is posturing as a tariff tyrant to get a better deal. I am no trump fan boy either(didn't vote for him) , but the US gets screwed in most trade agreements. I'm glad somebody is thinking about the best US interests
    Kind of hard to roll in to a trade deal with your chest puffed out when the communists people you are dealing with hold the mortgage to your entire country.

  20. #20
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    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Southernduck View Post
    An acre in the greenhouse will produce so much oil it’s stupid. It’s a pyramid scheme. I already know several guys who haven’t been paid for their crop yet. Guys are leasing and subleasing allotments.
    As soon as facespace started filling up with bored pinterest moms hocking CBD as part of their new at home MLM "business" you knew it was on life support.


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