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Thread: Iran

  1. #1
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    Default Iran

    We wondered why the extra carrier group to the Gulf...

    Brig. Gen. Ali Nasiri allegedly defected with Iranian military plans. Now major U.S. firepower is on the way. Coincidence?Published 5 days ago on May 6, 2019 By JD Rucker
    Brig Gen Ali Nasiri allegedly defected with Iran military plans Now major US firepower is on the way

    Update: Ali Nasiri intelligence could help U.S. and Israel take down Iran’s nuclear program.

    Yesterday, National Security Adviser John Bolton announced the deployment of the USS Abraham ******* Carrier Strike Group and a bomber task force. It caught many by surprise as it indicated they were sending a “clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime that any attack on United States interests or on those of our allies will be met with unrelenting force.” Until the release, there were no indications that an Iranian attack was imminent.

    Ryan Saavedra

    BREAKING: Statement from the National Security Advisor John Bolton:

    Except, perhaps there were indications and nobody put the pieces together.

    On April 23rd, a huge story went mostly unnoticed as former Iranian Brigadier General Ali Nasiri from the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) allegedly defected to the United States through an embassy in the region. He had with him a treasure trove of documents related to Iranian military and intelligence plans.

    Nasiri’s fleeing from Iran has had an extremely negative impact among the hierarchy under his command. On April 19, the IRGC-associated Fars news agency referred to the fate of Nasiri without any further explanation.

    “Under an order issued by Mohammad Ali Jafari, the [then] Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps commander-in-chief, Brigadier General Fat’ollah Jamiri has been appointed as commander of the IRGC Counterintelligence Organization.” This report made no mentioning of Nasiri.

    Though neither the Iranians nor the Americans have officially confirmed the defection, events that followed an April 11 meeting in which Nasiri reportedly came to blows with Hossein Taeb, head of the IRGC Intelligence Organization, seem to support the claim. Nasiri reportedly left the meeting prematurely and then did not show up to work. Soon after it was reported he may have fled the country to another Persian state to claim asylum with the United States.

    Iran confirmed that Nasiri was no longer in charge of his intelligence unit, replaced by Brigadier General Fathollah Jomeiri.

    There have been several other shakeups in the regime since then. With Bolton’s announcement, all the circumstantial evidence seems to point to a likelihood that Iran has big plans to attack Israel, the United States, or both. While it’s unlikely they would attempt direct attacks, they could use proxies to hit Israel (some would say they already have with this weekend’s rocket attacks), terrorists in the United States, or ships to block the Strait of Hormuz.

    The timing also seems to jibe with this theory. The United States continues to tighten restrictions to suffocate Iran’s crumbling economy. As Arutz Sheva speculated shortly after the alleged defection, Iran may be ready for war.

    Iran reacted furiously to the new American measure and threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz a narrow waterway in the Persian Gulf where 18 million barrels of oil pass through each day.

    This accounts for 30 percent of the world’s oil supply and a closure of the waterway could result in a worldwide economic crisis since the price of Brent crude oil is already at a six-months high.

    In reaction to the Iranian threats US Special Representative for Iran Brian Hook assured the public that the US military will keep the waterway open at all costs.

    “The US military will fly, sail and operate wherever international law allows, that’s partly to ensure protection of the global commons so that it can be safe for commercial and non-commercial traffic,” Hook said during a press conference.

    There isn’t much chatter about all of this on standard channels, but a Twitter user going by the handle “RamsesGoatII” gave a warning in a thread that rightly notes how significant the United States’ presence has grown to with the addition of the strike force as well as the importance of staying diligent at home, whether in the United States or Israel.

    Some thought on the announcement today by National Security Adviser John Bolton-

    — RamsesGoatII (@goat_ramses) May 6, 2019

    …is in the Mediterranean in transit to the Gulf via Suez canal after operations w USS Stennis & French nuclear carrier De Gaulle. The Carrier air wing is *already* w/in range of iran w tanker support.

    — RamsesGoatII (@goat_ramses) May 6, 2019

    En route to join them arriving shortly will be a detachment of B-1b Lancer heavy bombers. Thats a lot of fire power & its not there to just rattle sabers.

    — RamsesGoatII (@goat_ramses) May 6, 2019

    The defection of a VERY high ranking IRGC gen officer us extremely noteworthy bc he fled w huge amounts of IRGC docs & Intelligence. He sought asylum from US & is being debriefed by US Intell.

    — RamsesGoatII (@goat_ramses) May 6, 2019

    The IRGC (Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps) is to the Iranian Regime what the SS was to Nazi Germany; a seperate armed Force & Intelligence service loyal exclusively to the regime leaders.

    — RamsesGoatII (@goat_ramses) May 6, 2019

    Consider that these deployments are being made on same day a Hezbollah (iranian IRGC controlled trans-national terror group larger than AQ) terror bust inside US was announced.

    — RamsesGoatII (@goat_ramses) May 6, 2019

    Announcements like today’s explicit warning to Iran are normally released via Public Affairs office of the Pentagon & are not usually this specific.

    — RamsesGoatII (@goat_ramses) May 6, 2019

    This can be considered as an Alert to all US Citizens abroad, as well as all US CITIZENS & ISRAELI CITIZENS living in large US population centers, especially in cities like LA, NYC, DC, Chicago, Detroit.

    — RamsesGoatII (@goat_ramses) May 6, 2019


    — RamsesGoatII (@goat_ramses) May 6, 2019

    Whatever is happening with Iran, this doesn’t appear to be standard saber rattling. A high-ranking intelligence officer for Iran may have spilled the beans on something huge planned, huge enough to put us in a wartime posture. Stay frosty.

  2. #2
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    RamsesgoatIII is Qs 3rd in command. He is behind RamsesgoatII, who is behind Nicolas Cage

  3. #3
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    The two of you in action together.....monumental
    Btw, you won't hear me apologize often, so you may want to put that in your sigfile. ~Mergie

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sportin' Woodies View Post
    RamsesgoatIII is Qs 3rd in command. He is behind RamsesgoatII, who is behind Nicolas Cage
    Where you got 1Chan, 2Chan, 3Chan and the all important 4Chan in this?
    Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal? I wouldn't go so far as to call a dog filthy but they're definitely dirty. But, a dog's got personality. Personality goes a long way.

    You might take out a dozen before they drag you from your home and skull fuck you to death. Marsh Chicken 6/21/2013

  5. #5
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    WW3 is gonna break out and the Dems are worried about locking Barr up for telling the truth
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Saltydog235 View Post
    Where you got 1Chan, 2Chan, 3Chan and the all important 4Chan in this?
    Trump believed them all to be orientals and had them deported

  7. #7
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    That’s not WWIII by a long shot. There are as many planes on the carriers currently on post than there are in the Iranian Air Force. Don’t forget we have Air Force planes in at least 3 different countries in the ME and we just added a bunch of strategic bombers to the mix. This is geared up to be Shock & Awe II not WWIII.

  8. #8
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    I’m aware of what Iran has.

    But those pesky Scithians

    Seems like I read some where the king of the north will end up getting involved.

    That would certainly spice things up a tad.
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  9. #9
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    U.S. sending Patriot missile system and another warship to Middle East amid Iran tensions

    The Pentagon said Friday that the USS Arlington, an amphibious transport ship, and a Patriot air defense system will be deployed to the region.

    May 11, 2019, 7:05 AM EDT
    By Linda Givetash

    The United States is deploying a Patriot missile battery and another warship to the Middle East to counter what it claims are growing threats from Iran.

    The USS Arlington, an amphibious transport ship, and a Patriot air defense system will be deployed to the U.S. Central Command.

    "The United States does not seek conflict with Iran, but we are postured and ready to defend U.S. forces and interests in the region," the Department of Defense said in a statement on Friday announcing the moves.

    National Security Adviser John Bolton said last Sunday that the U.S. was sending a carrier strike group and a bomber task force to the region to send a "clear and unmistakable message" to Tehran. The Pentagon said the latest deployment followed that original request.

    National Security team held unusual Iran meeting at CIA
    The decision to surge additional military forces into the Middle East was based in part on intelligence that the Iranian regime has told some of its proxy forces and surrogates that they can now go after American military personnel and assets in the region, three U.S. officials familiar with the intelligence told NBC News.

    The three officials said that in addition to learning that an Iranian official had discussed attacks on Americans, the U.S. began seeing the movement of Iranian and Iranian-backed forces in various places across the region, prompting the commander of U.S. Central Command, Marine Corps Gen. Frank McKenzie, to request additional forces move to the region.

    The Pentagon's statement on Friday said the new deployment was "in response to indications of heightened Iranian readiness to conduct offensive operations against U.S. forces and our interests."

    The strike group deployed earlier in the week consists of the USS Abraham *******, a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier; the USS Leyte Gulf, a Ticonderoga-class guided missile cruiser; Carrier Air Wing Seven; and destroyers from Destroyer Squadron Two.

    Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan tweeted Monday calling on the Iranians to "cease all provocation," warning that the United States "will hold the Iranian regime accountable for any attack on U.S. forces or our interests."

    In an exclusive interview with NBC News on Thursday, Ambassador Majid Takht Ravanchi rejected statements from the Trump administration that Tehran posed a heightened danger to U.S. interests and accused U.S. officials of employing "fake intelligence."

    President Donald Trump said on Thursday that he was ready to speak with Iranian leaders and come to an understanding that would allow the country to improve its economic prospects.

    "What I'd like to see with Iran, I'd like to see them call me," he said.

    Trump added: "I look forward to the day where we can actually help Iran. We're not looking to hurt Iran."

    In a speech broadcast on national television on the anniversary of America's withdrawal from the deal, President Hassan Rouhani said the country would also resume high level enrichment of uranium if world powers did not keep their promises under the Obama-era agreement.

    The Trump administration has previously acknowledged that Iran was living up to the agreement, but alleges it also gave the Islamic republic cover to pursue its ballistic weapons program and deepen its regional influence.

    Washington subsequently restored crippling sanctions on Iran, exacerbating a severe economic crisis.

  10. #10
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    I heard one of our Ex Generals on the radio yesterday, all he said about Iran was " If they mess with us, its the equivalent of suicide for their Nation."

    I will try to find the link. His statement is accurate.
    F**K Cancer

    Just Damn.

  11. #11
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    They know it. That isn't to say that those fuckwits are not incapable of suicide...

  12. #12
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    What percentage of Iranian citizens hate their govt?

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    B-52 bomber groups tracked from take-off, refueling, and landing in the middle east.

    Courtesy of
    Last edited by Moonlight Hunter; 05-11-2019 at 01:17 PM.

  18. #18
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    Moonlight, where are you getting those from? Thank God I didn't have that access 18 years ago or I would be posting this from Gitmo...

  19. #19
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  20. #20
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    Damn. We don't just fly B-52s around for the air miles...

    My late Uncle recounted witnessing an Arc Light mission dropping ordnance on Laos. He said they got word that bombs would strike X target location at X time. He told us that the planes were so high , they could not be seen or heard. It was incredible to hear him say that at the appointed time three lines of explosions ripped apart the landscape for a long distance.

    If I recall correctly, each B-52 carried 30 tons of bomb ordnance.
    F**K Cancer

    Just Damn.


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