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Thread: Zombies, vampires, dead

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    The G


    Quote Originally Posted by huntinghagen#12 View Post
    I’ll never take a man serious that doesn’t like bacon.
    You beat me to it, brother. Can't trust a dude like that...

    I am, however, a bit disappointed HS doesn't care for WSP. Them dudes are stupid talented. I compare them to a (VERY) poor man's Allman Brothers the way they jam on songs with or without lyrics.
    Last edited by Black Bart; 04-19-2019 at 09:08 PM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
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    St. Pete Beach & Charleston


    Quote Originally Posted by huntinghagen#12 View Post
    I’ll never take a man serious that doesn’t like bacon.
    For at least the tenth time, I like bacon just not on sandwiches.

  3. #23
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    The G


    Quote Originally Posted by Geetch View Post
    For at least the tenth time, I like bacon just not on sandwiches.
    So you're basically saying "I like women, except for blondes, brunettes and redheads."

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2015


    Widespread panic sucks donkey balls.

  5. #25
    Join Date
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    In the middle of it


    Quote Originally Posted by JABIII View Post
    That isn't hard to believe. It won't fricken die in these parts...
    It’s the final season. 7 more episodes and you won’t hear another thing about it.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Geetch View Post
    If I had to make a list of the worst bands of all time The Grateful Dead, Led Zeppelin, Phish, Widespread Panic, The Beatles, Pink Floyd, and likely a few others would be tied for first place.
    The Grateful Dead – The Dead were a legendary West Coast jam band popular in four different decades

    Notable Accomplishments: Somehow making following a band on tour carry more of a stigma than it had previously; Marrying country, folk, rock, acid, and a total lack of basic hygiene and turning it into a sound all their own; Introducing bad acid trips to kids in rural Iowa.

    Why They’re Good: At their best, the Grateful Dead reintroduced classic Americana songs to a new generation, while updating them with rock flourishes and extended jams. That was cool. Plus, they made it possible to get drugs in bulk quantities every summer if you were lucky enough to have them play shows nearby.

    Why They’re Not As Good As Led Zeppelin: Comparing the Grateful Dead to Led Zeppelin is like comparing Oreos to Bazookas. They’re too different to compare and contrast in any meaningful way. So, being creatures of modern day society, let’s resort to violence. Anyone who honestly thinks that John Bonham couldn’t have killed, raped, and/or skullfucked every member, spouse, or roadie associated with the Dead while in the middle of a 78 hour drinking contest involving heroin and Everclear, please raise your hand. Anyone? Anyone?

    Also, it’s hard to claim the status of Rock God when your music could just as easily have been played on a rocking chair on the porch. Led Zeppelin, on the other hand, could only be properly appreciated while playing on a burning Viking ship festooned with the bodies of all the women they violated before lunch.

    The Beatles – The Beatles are the most commonly named “best group of all time” other than Led Zeppelin.

    Notable Accomplishments: Making millions of teenage girls do that shrieking thing they do when they see a friend they haven’t seen in a long time; Ordered Charles Manson to kill a bunch of people; Somehow got people to love a song that ends with 28 minutes of “naaa-naaa-na-nanana-naaaa-nanana-naaaa”.

    Why They’re Good: The almost single-handedly created the rock band as we know it today. Before the Beatles, everyone had Pat Boone posters on their walls and huffed freshly mimeographed test papers for a buzz. After the Beatles, everyone grew their hair down to their knees and dropped acid in doses so large that people not only forgave all the filler in the White Album, but thought it was pretty good.

    Why They’re Not As Good As Zeppelin: Paul McCartney, talented as he was, kinda had a vagina when it came to writing rock songs. It was almost as if you took a good rock band and then threw in Jewel just to see what would happen. “Yesterday, love was such an easy game to play.” Yeah, I guess so, Miss. Now if you don’t mind, the fucking playoffs are on.

    John Lennon was cool until he started running around nude and shrieking with Orientals. George Harrison was an incredible guitarist who learned how to write great rock songs, and so the Beatles limited him to 2 or 3 per album so we could listen to Golden Slumbers. Thanks, guys. And studies have shown that the Beatles would have been no different if they had replaced Ringo Starr with a ham sandwich.

    Pink Floyd – Pink Floyd are known for popularizing a genre known as space rock.

    Notable Accomplishments: Making 14 year old suburban kids think life is so horribly painful; Having a founding member so profoundly fucked up on drugs that a 10 mile area around his cemetery plot is designated a toxic danger zone; Writing a song consisting entirely of an awesome explosion, which my college roommate and I played at top volume at 3:00 AM, convincing everyone else in the building that the apocalypse was at hand.

    Why They’re Good: One of the few rock bands able to pull off 13 minute songs while never losing sight of the melody or veering off into oddball musical tangents. Also, holy shit, have you ever listened to Dark Side of the Moon while on mushrooms and nitrous oxide?

    Why They’re Not As Good As Led Zeppelin: Something about ascending the ladder of rock stardom forces some people to impose some sort of deeper meaning on their work. If the Who dabbled in concept albums, then Pink Floyd guzzled the concept album Kool-Aid by the barrel full. Listen to any random song on The Wall or The Final Cut. Now listen to a random five minute snippet of the Military Channel. Now tell me the difference between the two. Yeah, Roger, we get it. War sucks and can fuck your head up.

    Also, the whole lawsuit thing in the 80’s and 90’s got pretty old. And it’s hard to fit, “David Gilmour presents Pink Floyd Without Roger Waters, Featuring the Music of Pink Floyd, But Not Anything Roger Wrote” on a marquee.

    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Not a sci fi fan myself but this new vampire comedy is pretty good for stupid humor..

    Tyler Simmons wasn’t offsides. 1-9-2018
    Isaiah Bond didn’t catch the ball. 12-2-2023


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