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Thread: Are we taking Odds on how long Mr Donovan has before he looses his life?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014

    Default Are we taking Odds on how long Mr Donovan has before he looses his life?

    I know the agent is "proud" of his work, but putting your mug on TV after seeing "Shorty" gets life in prison is not wise at all!

    You have members of congress floating ideas to seize the mans fortune they know of at least 14 billion dollars.

    He paid the president of Mexico 100 million dollars. My guess is Zambada his business partner just paid the current President off. While everyone is worried about trying to criminalize American drug manufacturers, and other non sense the president of Mexico called off the war on in Drugs in January and just last week made it clear Mexico was not going to pursue any of the capos.

    His public reasoning is he wants to stop the violence. reality somebody got some money to get off their backs!

    But with the US government threatening to start taking his money do you not think the man wouldn't throw a million a billion a 10 billion dollar bounty on everyone involved in his conviction?

    Mr Donovan is walking around like no big deal. He needs to be placed in witness protection and never be seen again.

    The way the cartels are set up we will never stop get rid of drugs and or the violence that goes with them as long as there is a demand. We have a huge demand in this country! If killing the head of the snake would stop all of this Escobar's killing back in the 90's would have stopped all of this. It has only gotten bigger.

    Pablo was not moving 1/3 of the coke "El Señor de Los Cielos" ("The Lord of the Skies") was! The man had a fleet of 747's and was coming and going in and out of the US as he pleased. Yet you hear about Escabar all the time. The demand keeps growing and so do the means and ways to import the stuff. A excellent reason to legalize and tax it. We would have quality standards and you would drive the violence aspect out of the industry!

    Chapo's arrest was nothing more than a publicity stunt.

    When Carlos Lahdar started getting BJ's on the radio and ranting like a Nazi, Pablo new he had to go. Pablo was the one that saw to it Lahdar was arrested.

    Later on the real God Father Fabio Ochoa the old man turned on Pablo. If Pablo had not blown up the airplane there would have been no need to roll on him, but that was too much even by Columbian standards.

    Guzmans arrest was almost certainly set up by Zmabada as pay back for getting to public. For goodness sakes you would have thought he would have learned from Lahdar, do not do interviews the rest of your cartel does not want the attention! Shorty was hanging out giving interviews like he was a Richmond High!

    But as dumb as Lahdar and Guzman are......Mr Donovan isn't much smarter!

    I'm praying for the safety of his family!
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    However you spell it. 98% of the young'ins would have no clue as to who I'm referring too anyway!

    But I'd take a 99% chance that was George H's number in Barry Seal's pocket that night the columbian's got to him.
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  4. #4
    CWPINST's Avatar
    CWPINST is offline 168 grains of assistance from a distance
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    Aug 2002


    Back in my college days I had a roommate from Singapore. I remember him laughing saying that "you Americans don't have the stomach for dealing with crime" He said that one time drugs got to be bad in Singapore. The Govt. subsequently passed a law that if you were caught red handed with 2 quarters worth (weight, not value) of illegal drugs, you would be executed at sunrise the next day. He said that they had to execute about 6-8 people, then all of a more drug problem.
    If it ain\'t accurate at long distance, then the fact that it is flat shooting is meaningless.


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