After being balls deep in this news about the wall for the past few months, it brought me to some conclusions and a question I need help with.

Observations (immutable truths):
1. Walls work, we know they work. If they did not work Tiajuana would not be overrun with caravan members right now.
2. Walls are expensive. Walls built by the Government are even more expensive.
3. The closer you are to any problem changes your perspective. Don't believe that? My wife and I would specifically ask not to be sat near people with children before we had a child. Now, unless a kid is losing it, I do not even notice.
4. We still have US Customs Entry Facilities at highways across the Mexican and Canadian border.

Are those that oppose the wall, are they advocating taking down the existing sections of the wall?
If money were no object, would they still oppose the wall?

Bid Question:
Do those that oppose the wall advocate removing US Customs Entry facilities on our southern border?

I am not being cavalier or snarky, I really would like to know what the relevant thinking is on these questions. MG