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Thread: Ohio Rut Hunt 2018

  1. #21
    Join Date
    May 2002
    The Wild, Wild West


    Quote Originally Posted by LabLuvR View Post
    My FIL lives near Middletown and said there was a beast with a doe yesterday morning in his horse pasture. I need to get my ass up there.
    I'll never miss being there the first two weeks of November unless it's going to cost me my life, wife, or kids. So this is a pic of the deer I shared the same air with on the first morning...this is him last year, and he grew to borderline Booner status; it was intense fo-sho.

    After that morning, I did not see any bucks that I would have taken to the taxidermist, and that is the standard for shooting a buck on my Bud's land. Checking cameras, we found that this guy was all over the woods we were hunting.

    The weather sucked, as it was warm and raining on and off the entire trip. I eventually found the tree I needed to be in to get multiple shot opportunities at 20 yards and in. Once I figured the spot out, I had to relearn some lessons from the past the hard way. The first arrow I flung was a beautiful one right over the back of a fat doe at 23 yards. As soon as I released it, past lessons learned came flooding back..."have to bend at waist and pick a spot LOW!" I bent...but I shot for center chest like I was shooting a target in the back yard. I went and set up a deer target where I could get a sharp elevated angle at it, figured out I actually needed to be picking a spot below the deer, and got that drilled into my skull. The next doe that came by that wasn't acting rutty and didn't have a buck in tow gave me a 12 yard hard quartering shot, I aimed at a spot below her, and put a big two blade deep into my intended kill-zone, and she was dead in less than 50 yards.

    Sitting in the tree the next morning, I was antsy and wanting to get back to my family; two weeks sounds good on the front end but is entirely too long to be away from the wife and boys. So, despite having good weather finally arriving and having two slobs patrolling the doe-nest I was sitting in for 11 days, I climbed my ass down, cut a 6' x 10' diameter fairly straight Osage log that will hopefully become my 2020 killing stick, packed up my old Land Rover, and headed west for the 24 hour trek back home.

    I rode by my duck hole this am, and new ducks have arrived in big fashion, so deer season is behind me with one big sookie in the cooler; I consider it a hell of a success though. Good luck to y'all the rest of your seasons.
    Last edited by WhitewaterDuck; 11-11-2018 at 12:28 AM.
    “I can’t wait ‘till I’m grown” is the stupidest @!#* I ever said!


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