So my dog is 13.

He was recently diagnosed with something that slips my mind now as I type. Basically, he pukes like that little cartoon character from South Park all the time. Something with his esophagus and some little flapper...........I guess it happens when they get old.

Doc has him on Pepcid (yes heartburn medicine) and prescription dog food. He's on a combination of soft and dry food made by Royal Canin Gastrointestinal food. This shit must be made of pure gold or is the biggest fucking racket I've ever seen.

I bought 24 cans of soft food and 22 pounds of dry food which will last me exactly 24 days for $144.


Is anyone else dealing with this shit? I guess I don't quite understand what is so magical about this food that 1.) it requires a prescription and 2.) it costs $144.