LabLuvR, I've made an inquiry via email to the Governor's office. I'll let y'all know the response.

"Dear Governor Sanford:

We met briefly a few months ago when you attended the Economic Development announcement about Walgreen's at the Anderson County Courthouse, and again when you spoke at their recent ground breaking ceremony for their distribution center. Thank you for taking the time to attend these important functions with us.

I’m writing to you to inquire about the process and requirements for nominating someone for an Order of the Palmetto Award. In recent chats with fellow Sportsmen around the State, I’ve learned of a unique individual.

The person is Owen Jeffery, of Jeffery’s Archery, Columbia, SC, who is considered by many to be the premier archery pioneer and bow designer in the country. He was also a WWII bomber pilot, spent years caring for his wife when she was ill, and is highly respected by all who have had the pleasure of knowing and working with him.

Please advise on what procedure we should follow to submit this gentleman’s name for the type of commendation that these Sportsmen believe he is deserving of.

Thank you, and keep up the fine work you’ve been doing to restructure the management process of this fine State of South Carolina.


Chuck xxxxxx