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Thread: Kel Tec Sub Rifle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Robertville, SC


    Anybody familiar with the Kel Tec Sub rifle? Here is a link to the gun I'm talking about. I might have the chance to own one. Just wondering if they are any good or not.

  2. #2
    Mergie Master's Avatar
    Mergie Master is offline Dedicated Tamiecide Practitioner
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    Sep 2001
    Saluca (not Saluda)


    I have a Kel-Tec P11 handgun. It's never failed on me, but the trigger pull is a bear! Not a gun you'd want to target shoot with and figure to be overly accurate to say the least.

    That said..the chambering for the Kel-Tec "Sub" rifle are handgun rounds. I've never been fond of rifles chambered for pistol calibers doesn't make much sense to me, unless it's a full auto like a Thompson .45 (Tommy Gun), the Grease Gun etc...and those were mostly close work spray and pray type weapons.

    The only other pistol round I think has a place is the Ruger .44 carbine. It works in thick brush or close hog hunting situations. But still probably doesn't do anything you couldn't do with a handgun.

    If you wanted it just to play with then heck I don't see anything wrong with that. A man needs to have fun!

    But that's just my 2¢.
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