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Thread: The "Flag"

  1. #881
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Edisto River


    Quote Originally Posted by Tee View Post
    Don't poke a 150 year old sleeping dragon.

    Those of you calling us Southerners treasonous and evil like I've listened to all damned week, I refer you to my first paragraph and The Revolutionary War.
    Exactly, people are getting tired of it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Buckin Bronco View Post
    Yep. I have a border collie mix that is smarter than most of the people on this site.
    The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist.

  2. #882
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Under the Roost


    Quote Originally Posted by Tee View Post
    Treason: violation of allegiance toward one's country or sovereign, especially the betrayal of one's country by waging war against it or by consciously and purposely acting to aid its enemies.

    All week long, like every other week, I have listened to WGTK Talk Radio. Of course the consuming topic of conversation was the Confederate flag issue....which, in case no one else has noticed, was a virtual non-issue in NC, SC, Alabama, Mississippi, or anywhere else in the United States of America prior to that horrific Wednesday night in Charleston. It was a non issue with Amazon, WalMart, Ebay, Sears, Apple. A non-issue with Democrats, a non-issue with Republicans, a non-issue with Independants. It was a non-issue at the University of South Carolina, The Citadel, The College of Charleston.

    The Confederate flag was nothing more then than what it is now. A flag. It didn't represent hate and racism to any of the above mentioned retailers, states or colleges or with any of the aforementioned political parties.

    And then all of a sudden it BECAME an issue. Nothing changed about the flag. It took on no new meaning after that Wednesday than it had before that Wednesday. If that flag IS a symbol of racism and hate and evil and treason (as I have listen to AD NAUSEAM all week) NOW, then it was a symbol of racism and hate and evil and treason THEN and not a single one of you bandwagon riding, holier than thou, white guilt ridden people were taking to Facebook before to decry its very existence, to pontificate on its evil, to boycott, or anything else to try and obliterate it from history. Rather many of you embraced a cause celebre and took advantage to soapbox and grand stand and while doing that many of you have deeply offended many of us. Deeply, deeply offended MANY of us. And for you Southerners who have jumped on that bandwagon, you're only telling on yourselves when you decry it, you're telling people what it means to a neon sign.

    Now I'm not going to waste anyone's time calling attention to the OBVIOUS logic that ANY object can be made to represent ANY intention, good, evil or indifferent. Such as the US flag being THE flag of the KKK and the Aryan Nation. Or the swastika being co opted by Nazi Germany, but in fact is a 5000 year old symbol that meant "good will" in Sanskrit.

    But just as innocent symbols can be made to represent ugly intentions, objects used to represent ugly intentions can be made innocent. And regardless of WHY that flag was created, to uphold slavery, to demand states' rights, to defend our Southern states, that is not what it represents today. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

    And for the record, I don't own one, I don't intend to ever own one and I am fine with it coming down and going either into a museum or on ground maintained by private trust or public donations. What I am not ok with is the knee-jerk reaction by the politicians in this state, the domino effect happening in other Southern states and the fact that this sweeping action WILL NOT stop with the flag being removed or vanity plates being revoked.

    This tide of ethnocentrism will result in the removal of statues, street names, public school names, monuments and memorials to a culture that BELONGS TO US. Don't poke a 150 year old sleeping dragon.

    Those of you calling us Southerners treasonous and evil like I've listened to all damned week, I refer you to my first paragraph and The Revolutionary War.


    I wish I could breathe life back in him, if I could I'd hunt him again tomorrow. - Ben Rodgers Lee

  3. #883
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by JABIII View Post
    There sure are a bunch of hysterical bitches on this website.
    Care to expand on this?

  4. #884
    Join Date
    Feb 2015


  5. #885
    Join Date
    Jan 2004


    Can we take that flag down?

  6. #886
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by JBtflo View Post
    Can we take that flag down?
    I think we can all agree on that

  7. #887
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    And this is a great example of why the liberals win. People who stand for something forget and move on, but the liberals complain until they get exactly why they want.


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