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Thread: Ted Cruz On Gay Rights

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Camden, SC


    Last thing I am going to say. Not once did I mention religion, sanctity of marriage, or what the bible says.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Apr 2015


    You don't have to

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    St Helena SC


    Quote Originally Posted by Benny View Post
    I hate oppression, not the oppressors.
    I back everything I say with facts, how about you show me with some numbers exactly what gay marriage is going to do to our society that is so detrimental?
    Where is the science behind oppressing others who are not like you?
    Dont tell me SHIT about no facts buddy.
    You want have a conversation? Then show me some NUMBERS.
    Who is the most horrible at marriage in the country?
    The people who oppress the gay communities the most, thats who.
    You want to hate someone then hate away. Haters gotta hate ya know.
    I have not seen you put up any relevent facts at all. You put up numbers with nothing to tie them together. I do not hate gay people. I do not care. What I have a problem with is people like you who try to tie any one who disagrees with your narrow view as you to racist haters ect. The only one hating here is you. You seem to hate Baptist and religious people in general. You hate them because they disagree with you.

  4. #44
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    Apr 2015


    Well your perception of me is a bit skewed. People like Ted Cruz cater to a specific group of individuals in this country and their theocratic agendas.
    If you don't care about gay people then what the fuck are you doing even posting in this thread?

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benny View Post
    Well your perception of me is a bit skewed. People like Ted Cruz cater to a specific group of individuals in this country and their theocratic agendas.
    If you don't care about gay people then what the fuck are you doing even posting in this thread?
    I got started here asking you why you hated Ted Cruz. Do you have a short memory, or are you that much of a dumb fuck?

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Nov 2009


    Benny I may be a little color blind but I 'm having a little trouble with these maps proving a point about marriage. Looks like most of the heavily protestant areas are 0-8 divorces.

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    Hampton Co./Bluffton


    Quote Originally Posted by scbulldog View Post
    I got started here asking you why you hated Ted Cruz. Do you have a short memory, or are you that much of a dumb fuck?
    He's that much of a dumb fuck.
    Quote Originally Posted by Chessbay View Post
    Literally translated to, "I smell like Scotch and Kodiak".
    "Let us cross over the river, and rest under the shade of the trees"- Gen. Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    If you have to ask why I think Ted Cruz is dangerous then you wouldn't believe the answer in black and white anyway so what is the difference.
    Talk about being a dumb fuck...........

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    I believe this too.

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    I also think that fuck being gerymandered into his seat should be illegal and that entire systems needs some checks and balances installed.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benny View Post
    I believe this too. are really good at these memes! Let me ask you one more question, would you vote Obama or Clinton before Ted Cruz? That would answer any questions about you that I have. Come clean and admit you are a liberal... and a bi sexual. I could tell in your first post when you used the term "horrid". I thinkk we both already know the answer

  12. #52
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    Apr 2015


    I'm a heterosexual moderate independant, most liberals call me a republican, most republicns call me a liberal, so I figure I emmit what I stand for pretty accurately.
    My concerns for gay rights involve republicans "horrid" history with civil rights in general, this is just one more version of it. Their position on immigration resonates the same tones, as if every single one of them arent decendants of immigrants.
    I also adamantly oppose their position on abortion and their violation of a womans right to control her own body, and I think their reasoning for it is morbid, hypocrital and conveluted.
    I don't care too much for Obama, I think Hillary represents dynastic politics within a democracy and that is always bad news historically in any nation, but I would not vote for Ted Cruz if he were the only republican available.
    It is people like him and Hickabie that have the fucking republican party so frayed they cannot get a fucking thing done, and will be the reason that fucking Hillary walses right in and props her feet on the presidents desk.
    He needs to sit down and shut the fuck up.
    He has no hope of winning, and the REST of them that have no hope of it either, (Bobby Jindal for instance) need to play for the fucking team and not their special interests groups.
    So I guess my political answer is there ARE no decent choices and it doesn't look like there will BE any either.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Benny View Post
    I'm a heterosexual moderate independant, most liberals call me a republican, most republicns call me a liberal, so I figure I emmit what I stand for pretty accurately.
    My concerns for gay rights involve republicans "horrid" history with civil rights in general, this is just one more version of it. Their position on immigration resonates the same tones, as if every single one of them arent decendants of immigrants.
    I also adamantly oppose their position on abortion and their violation of a womans right to control her own body, and I think their reasoning for it is morbid, hypocrital and conveluted.
    I don't care too much for Obama, I think Hillary represents dynastic politics within a democracy and that is always bad news historically in any nation, but I would not vote for Ted Cruz if he were the only republican available.
    It is people like him and Hickabie that have the fucking republican party so frayed they cannot get a fucking thing done, and will be the reason that fucking Hillary walses right in and props her feet on the presidents desk.
    He needs to sit down and shut the fuck up.
    He has no hope of winning, and the REST of them that have no hope of it either, (Bobby Jindal for instance) need to play for the fucking team and not their special interests groups.
    So I guess my political answer is there ARE no decent choices and it doesn't look like there will BE any either.
    You are not even close to being a moderate. Moderate people can at least see the other peoples point of view, even if they disagree with it. Moderate people might come down on either side of the gay rights issue. But to you, any one who does not agree is racist, homophobic, hateful ect.
    You are obviously prejudest against Baptist and other types of Christians, as well as conservatives in general. But guys like you cry the loudest when what ever special group of the week is some how offended. You seem to think you are the smartest guy in the room, but it is easy to see that you have a hard time grasping simple concepts, or getting past bumper sticker/ meme type arguements. I am not wasting any more time with you.

  14. #54
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    I dont recall myself resorting to sumations like that in the least, it seems it is you who think you know everything. I am just pointing out what you possibly do not.
    Feel free to do the same, if you can find anything to do that with.
    I don't care much for fundamentalist anything, fundamental religion, fundamental politics, or positions that are so polar that their derriatives do not work for the society as a whole.
    I am interested in the well being of the whole.
    But be that as it may, I rarely agree with anyone from the fringes of much of anything.
    Humans have a way of fucking shit up REALLY bad by going too far with it.

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Aug 2007


    Dear Benny,

    1. You think any politician speaks the truth 100% of the time.....
    2. You think spewing your stats on gay porn makes you look superiorly educated ........
    3. You think that black people today are scared of snakes because of some cotton pickers in the 1800s.....

    ..........then world has nothing left to offer you. You are beyond help. And yes, you should vote democrat.

  16. #56
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    First two are ridiculous, but scientific proof that the third one is true.
    (just add that to the serpent in the book and you gits a terrible phobia)

    I didnt ask for any help. And I will vote for whoever I think is best for the job.
    Unlike you, I am not in a club and be needin to throw my power of judgement away for it.

  17. #57
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    Ultimately, you sure are fighting hard against a god that doesn't exist.
    Ephesians 2 : 8-9

    Charles Barkley: Nobody doesn't like meat.

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Nov 2014


    He's gotta be related to that silentweapon338 cat
    "They are who we thought they were"

    You can dress a fat chick up, but you cant fix stupid

  19. #59
    Join Date
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    I'm not fighting god, it doesn't exist. It's humans with their minds full of pickle juice that I find myself at odds with on a regular basis. No other powers have anything to do with it.
    Just humans and their foolishness.

  20. #60
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rubberhead* View Post
    Ultimately, you sure are fighting hard against a god that doesn't exist.

    Ha, was thinking the same thing.

    I wish I could breathe life back in him, if I could I'd hunt him again tomorrow. - Ben Rodgers Lee


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