This forum has been created so that we can have meaningful discourse with our elected officials, wildlife professionals, and others without all the usual derailment and attacks that we so enjoy in the other forums.

We are lucky to have legislators who are willing to keep us updated on pending laws, and are willing to hear what we have to say on the subject.

In this forum there will be 3 kinds of threads. These threads WILL pertain to Woods, Water, or Wildlife ONLY. Either you are posting-

A. On a law that is being proposed in the SOUTH CAROLINA General Assembly

B. You are posting about a current law that is on the books

C. You are posting to propose new legislation

All other threads WILL be deleted. No Common Core or Obamacare or any of the rest.

There will be no personal attacks in this forum period. Mods included. You will be banned in a heartbeat.

There will be no cursing.

You will act as if you were sitting at a boardroom table talking to your representatives in person.

I realize that many of you are incapable of following these rules, so I suggest that you stay out of here and not risk being banned on all the forums.