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Thread: Winter Wonderland Whackage

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Summerville, SC

    Default Winter Wonderland Whackage

    It all started on Wednesday with a wild hair from sitting around the house and doing nothing during this "2014 Winter Storm," and came together thanks to a great landowner and a few buddies crazy enough to join in. We had kicked the idea around and all agreed that seeing red blood on white snow is pretty cool and something that we don't get to see too often in SC.

    After beating ice off of everything we own and loading up the half-frozen circus it takes to do this, we were off. Dogs hit the ground about 3:30pm and we knew it would be a quick one, but again the goal was to make red snow. Landowner had some family commitments come up last minute, but he gave us the green light and said to kill them all. Cut loose in the thickest cut down on the property, and it was covered in pig sign, but nothing too fresh. Tracks since the snow had fallen, but no fresh rooting or anything that made it look as if the pigs were close. After an hour of working over the majority of the cut down with no dogs hitting on anything we pulled out and regrouped. Decided if they aren't held up in the bedding cover, they must be up on there feet feeding.

    Headed across the way to were the young pines meet the mature pines and across the field met a hardwood bottom. As we hit the corner of the field buddy saw the pigs about 300 yards across the field. The wind wasn't in the dogs favor, so as they worked the opposite side of the somewhat grown up field, we backed up and waited for the fireworks. Tater spotted the pigs first, but 2 black sows in fading daylight against a treeline are hard to pick out. He knew something was up, so he closed the distance about 50 yards and bowed up in the middle of the field. He kept watching and as soon as one of the pigs stopped rooting and moved about 10 yards, it was on! Tater rolled out without a bark running 90 mph ready to bring the pain to some swine. When he rolled out the calvary joined in behind him. He got to the sows and went to catching. He missed his first grab and the pig made a break for the woods. He spun around and she didn't make it 10 yards into the woods before he had an ear and the squealing began. She was quickly hammered by Ruger and Plott Man.

    The second pig saw ole Tater coming and when he missed the first catch on her buddy, she rolled out across the field. The lead dog, Boodrow, had played this game before and instead of going to the catch he was 5 feet off the heels of the big sow rolling across the field. I broke off on this chase, while Birdawg and buddy with the catch dog went to the squealing. Boodrow stayed on her heels until she got out of the field and hit the timber. Boodrow went to catch and that mean ole girl went to fighting. I got to the woods edge and saw Boodrow baying the fool out ole girl. Boodrow doesn't bay unless its a pretty bad pig, but he didn't get old being stupid either. Boodrow was baying and the sow was charging and fighting. I turned around and fortunately Birdawg sent our buddy with the bulldog to me and he is halfway across the field coming to me. D'jango, the bulldog, gets there and Boodrow shuts up and goes into stare down with the pig. D'jango knows something is up, but cant find the pig in the woods and doesn't know where to go because there is not bark. 15 seconds later Boodrow lets out one bark and it is game over. D'jango covers about 60 yards in no time and BAM.....done deal.

    Two momma sows down and about 15 teacup piglets left to scatter who prolly didn't make it through the cold night. Kill 2 pigs and kill 17, good quick hunt for the dogs, and a happy landowner. Ready for the next "winter storm"

    Just for Greg....D'Jango, man earned his kibble today

    Here's to red snow

    Fun day with good buddies and good dog work!!
    Quote Originally Posted by trkykilr View Post
    A man learns a lot about himself in a thicket with a big hog. That dog already knows all he needs to know about himself.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Aint nothing wrong with that.
    I'm like a duck: calm above the water, and paddling like hell underneath....

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2004


    Quote Originally Posted by white quacker View Post
    The second pig saw ole Tater coming and...<nonsense deleted>...buddy, she rolled out across the field.
    Smart fucking pig. She knew hell was on her ass.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Florence, SC


    Great read. Dog is proud of dealing some death.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    I'm goin hog doggin tomorrow for the 1st time and really lookin forward to it.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Conway, S.C.


    Man, reading all this is killing me. Who's got some dogs here in Horry County? Damn I wanna go.
    "Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear." Mark Twain

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    It was a fun hunt. Running into a thicket alone with the dogs on a hog knowing I had to flip it and stick it by myself was a bit unnerving. Good thing we have catchy dogs.

    How did you guys do?
    Miner's Daughter's Coal Train 'Rosco'

    "The only human quality he lacks is speech" -Alfred Brehm

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010


    2-1-2014 on a hog hunt in the sc lowcountry, my friend was struck by a canebreak at 9:20 am. He was wearing snake proof chaps and proceeded to jump on the snake with both feet 5 times before I could call him off and shoot it in the head with a 9mm.
    it's never too cold in SC to get bit.

    it rained most of the day and we had a tough time- dogs ran a big un across 2 drives on my club and lost it in a big pond. hogs won, but we'll try again soon


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