View Poll Results: Would you support a ban on mud motors during duck season on designated public waters

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  • I would support a ban on the use of Mud Motors

    143 39.72%
  • I would not support a ban on the use of Mud Motors

    217 60.28%
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Thread: Mud Motors- new poll

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Ballard's Landing


    Quote Originally Posted by BigBrother View Post
    Marion and Moultrie are not the center of the waterfowling universe. Neither are lakes. I have more blown hunts by fishermen than I do mudmotors, and I have had my share of birds blown out by mudmotors.

    Dabblers in coves arent the only only ducks in season.

    Banning MM's in general is as silly as no Sunday hunting.

    I dont own a mudmotor. I have a big boat, and I kick out a smaller boat when the water gets too skinny for the big one.

    Point is, banning mud motors to treat the symptoms of dumbassery, is as short sighted as banning high capacity magazines to stop gun violence.

    You treat a symptom, but never think about a cure.

    I think that the Santee Cooper system in its entirety is a major player in SC's duck world.

    Those of you that continue to pull the gun debate into this argument constantly seem to miss the point.
    I hear you. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

    Mudmotors don't cause problems, the people operating them do.

    It's a simple concept....I assure you I've got it.

    My point that is missed by the masses is that we cannot regulate personal responsibility with the use of mudmotors. But we are lucky with them, as I've said, as of now mudmotors are the ONLY way to run wide open through the many protected, shallow, vegetated areas so important to ducks.
    There is no other way. Because of this we have the ability to eliminate the irresponsible man's ability to harass birds and destroy habitat by simply regulating them on the lakes during the season.

    Can you see my point?
    Be proactive about improving public waterfowl habitat in South Carolina. It's not going to happen by itself, and our help is needed. We have the potential to winter thousands of waterfowl on public grounds if we fight for it.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    I feel that personal responsibility is the one thing that we can change. The people that run through groups of birds or scare them up or what have you have no idea that when they come back in the morning the birds will be long gone. I think that hunting licenses are too easy to get.

    Heck, what about having continuing ed for your hunting license? People's ethics are where we need to work on. The unfortunate thing is that I bet a lot of the guys that do this stuff have no idea they are doing something wrong.
    "A duck call in the hands of the unskilled is conservation's greatest asset."-Nash Buckingham

    "The trouble with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money."

  3. #43
    Join Date
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    Ballard's Landing


    duckman88, I used to feel the same way.

    But after 5 years of being out there watching and listening, I am positive that there is a large portion of them that know better, but will act te way they do simply because they don't care.
    I've witnessed it several times.

    We aren't talking about uneducated middle school boys, at 19 you know effin know better, but choose to act stupid, 1. Because its in your blood, and 2. Because you know that chances of you getting caught are slim to none.
    Be proactive about improving public waterfowl habitat in South Carolina. It's not going to happen by itself, and our help is needed. We have the potential to winter thousands of waterfowl on public grounds if we fight for it.

  4. #44
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    Carolina Backcountry


    I have the utmost respect for our boys in green and I can promise you, the ones I know, both fed and state will bust their ass to sock it to these folks. I've seen in happen on several occasions. Call em. They might not catch em that time, but enough folks call and they know its a problem in a certain area and they get it done. I know of one incident where license plate numbers were given and they were caught on the interstate on the way home for rallying birds.
    "Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it. The river was cut by the world's great flood and runs over rocks from the basement of time. On some of the rocks are timeless raindrops. Under the rocks are the words, and some of the words are theirs.
    I am haunted by waters" Norman Maclean.

  5. #45
    Join Date
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    Ballard's Landing


    Trust me phone man, I share your sentiments.

    I call many DNR LEOs close friends, but they are limited in their ability to patrol the lakes. I hate it, but it's true.
    Be proactive about improving public waterfowl habitat in South Carolina. It's not going to happen by itself, and our help is needed. We have the potential to winter thousands of waterfowl on public grounds if we fight for it.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Lower Westside Berkeley County


    I am strongly in favor of primitive entry into certain areas of ther Santee Cooper river systems. Maybe we could just try it on a few places like the Jungle or even better yet the Hatchery stump field. If we stop it outside the main river channel in the river there will be a whole lot less hunters. It would take effort, skill and patience. When we first started hunting the river we had to be aware of the tides and use them. If the tide was gonna be low before shooting time we had to be out there during high tide to get in the spot before the water dropped. That takes alot more fortitude than any rubberhead will ever have!

  7. #47
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    Mar 2011


    It's the operator not the equipment. I don't need the government telling me what I can use and what I can't. There are other ways of fixing problems besides banning something. This isn't communist china. If you see someone breaking the law then call green jeans or maybe go over and have a word with them. We seem to have a shit load of new people trying this sport out. Many have never been taught the rights and wrongs of sportsmanship and hunting. Some people just need a little direction. Others are idiots and will do stupid shit no matter what motor they have hanging off their boat.

  8. #48
    Join Date
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    The Steve


    You all are for banning assault rifles too, aren't you?
    Quote Originally Posted by Tater View Post
    Your heart ain't like your balls, ya only got one...
    All you need is a body built for discipline and a mind that can justify so much apparent self-abuse.

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    Fort Kickass


    Quote Originally Posted by BOGSTER View Post
    I think that the Santee Cooper system in its entirety is a major player in SC's duck world.

    Those of you that continue to pull the gun debate into this argument constantly seem to miss the point.
    I hear you. Guns don't kill people, people kill people.

    Mudmotors don't cause problems, the people operating them do.

    It's a simple concept....I assure you I've got it.

    My point that is missed by the masses is that we cannot regulate personal responsibility with the use of mudmotors. But we are lucky with them, as I've said, as of now mudmotors are the ONLY way to run wide open through the many protected, shallow, vegetated areas so important to ducks.
    There is no other way. Because of this we have the ability to eliminate the irresponsible man's ability to harass birds and destroy habitat by simply regulating them on the lakes during the season.

    Can you see my point?

    Of course I do.

    But, you also have to realize there isnt an elected official who will take the hit in votes that will come when he proposes that all those thousands of mudmotor owners who will take shit personal when he says they are useless now.
    "Rivers and the inhabitants of the watery elements are for wise men to contemplate and for fools to pass by without consideration" -Izaak Walton

  10. #50
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    Default Re: Mud Motors- new poll

    Hey, I'm in 8th grade and I know better than 2 do that crap, was brought up better and educated more than most though. It's the operator, and anyone who hunts should know better, adult or middle schooler.

    Double B`s Buoy

  11. #51
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    Ballard's Landing


    Quote Originally Posted by BigBrother View Post
    Of course I do.

    But, you also have to realize there isnt an elected official who will take the hit in votes that will come when he proposes that all those thousands of mudmotor owners who will take shit personal when he says they are useless now.
    It won't have anything to do with an elected official.
    We don't need the legislature's approval to restrict the use of any motor on the Santee Cooper lakes.
    Be proactive about improving public waterfowl habitat in South Carolina. It's not going to happen by itself, and our help is needed. We have the potential to winter thousands of waterfowl on public grounds if we fight for it.

  12. #52
    Join Date
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    Fort Kickass


    Maybe not.

    But wait until the mm owners and dealers start lining up at their local elected official's office.
    "Rivers and the inhabitants of the watery elements are for wise men to contemplate and for fools to pass by without consideration" -Izaak Walton

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Lower Westside Berkeley County


    What's more important? Ducks or using a mm? Not that mud motors are the soul cause of poor duck hunting but mm is something they can control. I have hunted out of a boat with one type or another of mudmotor for over 20 years i'm not some kinda purist i just see there maybe a way to help the duck hunting pressure. The good Lord knows a duck don't get long to sit down and rest in the Santee Cooper system unless he's in a private impoundment!

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Magic View Post
    What's more important? Ducks or using a mm? Not that mud motors are the soul cause of poor duck hunting but mm is something they can control. I have hunted out of a boat with one type or another of mudmotor for over 20 years i'm not some kinda purist i just see there maybe a way to help the duck hunting pressure. The good Lord knows a duck don't get long to sit down and rest in the Santee Cooper system unless he's in a private impoundment!
    We could reduce pressure by limiting guns to single shot only. Get rid of all those fancy 3.5 inch shell shooting guns. Lets ban those too bc of the sky busters. Better yet...lets ban guns all together and make it so you can only bow hunt the ducks. Get real.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by marsh chicken View Post
    We could reduce pressure by limiting guns to single shot only. Get rid of all those fancy 3.5 inch shell shooting guns. Lets ban those too bc of the sky busters. Better yet...lets ban guns all together and make it so you can only bow hunt the ducks. Get real.

    I guess you're right my apologies for my ignorance.

  16. #56
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Magic View Post
    I guess you're right my apologies for my ignorance.
    Apology accepted

  17. #57
    Join Date
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    Ankle Deep in the Mud


    We have the ability to have an effect on our future by banning ___________ when _________ are banned it will be better for everyone because the government will be regulating people and keep them from doing harm to ___________.

    Yeap fill I the blanks with what ever you want, MM, 3.5 in shells, guns, or what ever. The mind set that because you don't like something so dumbass does you can take some one else's rights away is total BS.

    I know a fella that fishes Marion and Moultrie, he doesn't hunt he does how ever own a mud motor, it is a remote steer on a silver gator Trax boat I believe. So because a few dumdasses are jumping ducks with a MM you are going to require him to sell his boat or take away his right to fish that same public water you want to hunt. He bought the rig so he would not have to worry about tearing up a lower unit and being able to get to spots he wanted to fish.

    People do stupid stuff all the time you can't regulate common sense or respect for land water and the animals that use them. Even the 8th grader gets it, it about how you were raised and brought up. It's about teaching other to do the same. It's about being responsible and calling DNR and taking the intuitive to teach other to correct way, not take the lazy way out and ban or have goberment regulate something else when they can't even regulate and enforce the laws we have now. Government intervention and regulation isn't something you can pick and choose, once you start banning it just starts a slippery slope and it never goes back to getting your rights back. They ban MM then lake residents decide wow with that ban the number of hunters was reduced, now lets push to restrict something else then the numbers get lower. Then before we know it you can't hunt on the lakes anymore. Doesn't seem possible, well it very much can happen especially with the changing make up of our state. Everyday more nonhunters take residence in our state and they are speaking up more Nd more. That is why I say don't ban anything and take the time to teach the next generation the right way. Take a youth hunting introduce him to the sport the right way and help the sport grow with folks that do it right and they will pass it on.

    Respect for the land
    Respect for your fellow outdoorsman
    Respect for the law
    Respect for the wildlife

    I typed this on the phone so excuse spelling and grammar, I didn't think I was going to be so long winded.
    Phillipians 4:13

  18. #58
    Join Date
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    Chapin, SC

    Default Re: Mud Motors- new poll

    Agreed 100% With Dukhuntr

    Double B`s Buoy
    Last edited by B. Burgess; 04-30-2013 at 10:29 PM.

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Columbia, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by dukhuntr View Post
    We have the ability to have an effect on our future by banning ___________ when _________ are banned it will be better for everyone because the government will be regulating people and keep them from doing harm to ___________.

    Yeap fill I the blanks with what ever you want, MM, 3.5 in shells, guns, or what ever. The mind set that because you don't like something so dumbass does you can take some one else's rights away is total BS...Government intervention and regulation isn't something you can pick and choose, once you start banning it just starts a slippery slope and it never goes back to getting your rights back.
    I'd say this about sums it up.
    Sea Ark 1542 w/ Yamaha 40
    Xpress 16 w/ 50 Hammer
    War Eagle 15 w/ 30 Hammer


    "Sometimes you gotta grab the bull by the horns and the women by the tits and take charge in your life" - General Patton

    "I'm very drunk and I intend on getting still drunker before this evening's over."
    - Rhett Butler

  20. #60
    Join Date
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    Ballard's Landing


    Your buddy could fish all he wants in his mudmotor outside of November through February.
    What type of fishing does he normally use his mudboat in the winter for? Jackfish? 4 inch bream?
    If he is fishing for species that are in shallow, vegetated coves, he isn't doing so on Marion or Moultrie during duck season. The fish aren't there. That's a fact. Bream, bass, catfish, and crappie go deep on the lakes during the winter. I'm not being argumentative, I'm being honest.
    Be proactive about improving public waterfowl habitat in South Carolina. It's not going to happen by itself, and our help is needed. We have the potential to winter thousands of waterfowl on public grounds if we fight for it.


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