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Thread: paelo diet

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by USMCsilver View Post
    LOL, that usually involves beer.

    I just need to get off my ass and quit making excuses. I've got about 9 pounds to go to achieve my goal.
    Lol I hear ya.
    The right to bear arms is the last form of defense against tyranny.

  2. #42
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    Been on the paleo diet since January 10th and started hitting the gym every morning at 5 am. I have lost 18 pounds in 2 months. As stated before, counting calories is for women. Eat what Glenn posted and eat as much of it as you want. It's about what you eat not how much of it you eat.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by USMCsilver View Post
    I eat minimal legumes. I do it when I make deer chili. I reckon the tomatoes are kinda bad for me, too? I mean, it's a fruit, so it's sugar, right?

    Most of my bean consumption is green beans.

    I'll watch the videos and see what I can take from them. My progress has slowed substantially, and I need a boost. I NEED to start running, but I stand on concrete for 8 hours a day. My feet fucking kill me at the end of the day, and I don't know if I could run. I once ruptured my distal bicep tendon, so hardcore weight lifting is out. Elipticals kill my knees... Maybe I need an excercise bike.

    Anyway, thanks.
    You need to squat bro. Seriously. Put some weight on your back, drop it below parallel and move it up and down. A lot. The key to eliminating most pain created from a sedentary lifestyle isn't alleviated by becoming more sedentary. Get your ass moving some weight and those knees will be like "holy shit! Finally we're doing what we're designed to do!"

    As far as the feet go, I have an opinion on that too that you will most likely consider crazy but I don't care. Lose the arch support and over protection that comes in most foot ware today. God built you a pretty good mechanism for carrying your ass around this world. Why we think we can improve on it is beyond me. I go barefoot damn near everywhere I can. When I have to wear shoes, like here at work, they are flat and only serve to cover my feet to meet public standards. Other than that they provide shit for support. My feet are better off for it and so is my back.

    Most of the time the answer to problems isn't to buy more shit but to eliminate and simplify. Feet fall into this category IMO.

  4. #44
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    USMC - I'd bet the reason you've plateaued a little is because you're not eating enough. Your caloric intake sounds like it's so low that your body is doing the opposite of what you want it to do. As Glenn has said many times before, calorie counting is going to make you skinny fat, which is what half the moms wearing yoga pants and eating 1000 calories a day are. Skinny fat people may look good, but a ton of them are going to have serious issues later in life if they don't die early. Like the others have said, eat the right things and you can eat as much as you want.

  5. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
    You need to squat bro. Seriously. Put some weight on your back, drop it below parallel and move it up and down. A lot. The key to eliminating most pain created from a sedentary lifestyle isn't alleviated by becoming more sedentary. Get your ass moving some weight and those knees will be like "holy shit! Finally we're doing what we're designed to do!"

    As far as the feet go, I have an opinion on that too that you will most likely consider crazy but I don't care. Lose the arch support and over protection that comes in most foot ware today. God built you a pretty good mechanism for carrying your ass around this world. Why we think we can improve on it is beyond me. I go barefoot damn near everywhere I can. When I have to wear shoes, like here at work, they are flat and only serve to cover my feet to meet public standards. Other than that they provide shit for support. My feet are better off for it and so is my back.

    Most of the time the answer to problems isn't to buy more shit but to eliminate and simplify. Feet fall into this category IMO.
    I promised I wouldn't mess around in here , and I'm not. But he does where feet gloves to work. I'd like to say everyday for a couple years. Shorts, shirt, work vest, and feet gloves everyday.

    I talked to him about paleo a couple years back when I was strict on it. I still work on it, but also I like food. I give myself once a week a fun time, and I'll be damned if this post didn't trip me out if you knew what I called him about early this morning.

  6. #46
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    I really shouldn't be in here to poke the bear but sometimes I just cant help myself and maybe that is why I have a headache. Also, i really really hate for internet MISinformation to abound when we actually have scientists that know a whole lot more than most of you.

    this quote has been bugging me and I will give you the truth:
    The human body is made of protiens and fat and nowhere does a cell reside that is in any part plant matter. So it only makes sense to feed it what it is. And while some plants are good for us in terms of essential nutrients and fiber (like broccoli), grains, sugar, rice, beans, and white meat potatoe provide very little in terms of benefits and the energy derived isn't worth the price paid.
    FACT: There is NO animal protein source that provides amino acids that aren't better provided by plant proteins (more fiber, more micronutrients, less fat). Your body breaks down all proteins (no matter where they come from) into amino acids. There are 20 amino acids and your body does not care where they come from and will turn them into what your body needs....NO MATTER THEIR SOURCE!

    there are three basic food groups that are worthy of discussion: fats, proteins, and carbs. There are good and bad examples of each.

    CARBS: (good)-veggies, whole grains, sweet taters,
    (bad) any sugar or refined sugars from white potatoes, white rice, white bread white pasta.

    FATS: (good)--poly-unsaturated and mono but watch out for the first one. lots of calories.
    (BAD)-saturated and trans

    Proteins: I will upset the paleo's to tell you there is a LOT of evidence that a meat-oriented diet increases cancer risk. This is not debatable. I look forward to your attempts, though. That being said, I think the paleo way of eating grass fed beef has its merits. I am a meat eater but must admit that meat should be a side item, not the focus.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  7. #47
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    2th, grains are bad, period
    Them that don't know him won't like him, and them that do sometimes won't know how to take him

    He ain't wrong, he's just different, and his pride won't let him do things to make you think he's right

    They don't put Championship rings on smooth hands

  8. #48
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    even whole grain ones....
    Quote Originally Posted by Tater View Post
    Your heart ain't like your balls, ya only got one...
    All you need is a body built for discipline and a mind that can justify so much apparent self-abuse.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    I really shouldn't be in here to poke the bear but sometimes I just cant help myself and maybe that is why I have a headache. Also, i really really hate for internet MISinformation to abound when we actually have scientists that know a whole lot more than most of you.

    this quote has been bugging me and I will give you the truth:
    FACT: There is NO animal protein source that provides amino acids that aren't better provided by plant proteins (more fiber, more micronutrients, less fat). Your body breaks down all proteins (no matter where they come from) into amino acids. There are 20 amino acids and your body does not care where they come from and will turn them into what your body needs....NO MATTER THEIR SOURCE!

    there are three basic food groups that are worthy of discussion: fats, proteins, and carbs. There are good and bad examples of each.

    CARBS: (good)-veggies, whole grains, sweet taters,
    (bad) any sugar or refined sugars from white potatoes, white rice, white bread white pasta.

    FATS: (good)--poly-unsaturated and mono but watch out for the first one. lots of calories.
    (BAD)-saturated and trans

    Proteins: I will upset the paleo's to tell you there is a LOT of evidence that a meat-oriented diet increases cancer risk. This is not debatable. I look forward to your attempts, though. That being said, I think the paleo way of eating grass fed beef has its merits. I am a meat eater but must admit that meat should be a side item, not the focus.
    Your arrogance isn't surprising. And where are your sources? In the years this forum has been around I have linked to sources and research done by scientist, MD's and nutritionist. Misinformation? Just because it isn't conventional wisdom doesn't make it misinformation. And as far as cancer risk with a meat oriented diet isn't debatable; I say bullshit. What were the criteria? People that eat meat get cancer? Show me who has cancer that doesn't eat meat? Show me who has cancer that doesn't eat sugar, grains, legumes, dirt or breathe oxygen. Oxygen causes cancer. Oh my!

    I'll link you this, again, for you, since your head hurts and all...

    He's only a cardiologist. One of many that practice internet misinformation.

    Take some aspirin. Or quit eating bread/grains. Either one should help your headache.

  10. #50
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  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    Proteins: I will upset the paleo's to tell you there is a LOT of evidence that a meat-oriented diet increases cancer risk. This is not debatable. I look forward to your attempts, though. That being said, I think the paleo way of eating grass fed beef has its merits. I am a meat eater but must admit that meat should be a side item, not the focus.
    Not debatable? o contraire mon frere.

    A few observations about this. First, I have seen studies comparing the cancer rates between vegetarians and meat-eaters. There is not a large difference. In fact one study found that the incidence of colorectal cancer was higher in vegetarians than in meat eaters.
    Now, a vegetarian, by definition, is someone who is adhering to a strict diet, yet they are lumping meat-eaters, dieters and mcdonalds eating fatties, all into one group; "nonrestricted eaters." I would imagine that if the study compared only meat-eaters who adhered to a strict diet with vegetarians, the numbers would change.

    Secondly, how you cook your meat determines if it is a cancer risk or not. .
    "In a nine-year study of more than 62,000 subjects, those who liked their steak well done were found to be almost 60 per cent more likely to get the disease than those who avoided steak or liked it rare." (

    Third, ph balance. THis is where I diverge from some of the ketegenic diets in favor of Paleo. Studies have linked too much acidity to cancer. Meats, dairy, grains, etc are acidic foods. Vegetables alkalize. If you eat adequate vegetables along with you meat, and ph stays neutral to alkaline, then you are good.

    And lastly, grass-fed. Since you are already familiar, I won't go into that.

    So when they do a comparative study between vegetarians, and a meat-eater who eats his grass-fed meat cooked at low temp with a big ass side of vegetables, I'll pay attention. Since the cancer rate between meat-eaters who eat meat rare, or cooked a low temps, and meat-eaters who eat their meat well done is so drastic, 60%, and the difference between vegetarians and totally "nonrestricted" eaters is only between 15 and 50% depending on the study, I'd wager that the medium-rare grass-fed eating omnivore would win by a mile.
    Last edited by everlast; 03-13-2013 at 06:11 PM.

  12. #52
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    read "The China Study." Even a cardiologist can identify. I agree that criteria make it tough to track cancer but that study is one that many are talking about today. I dont think being "paleo" means you have to have two wives and raise your kids in a village, but it also shouldn't mean that you eat a plate of bacon and consider it "healthy." Its too bad people are so protective of this meat-based diet when there is much more evidence that a PLANT based diet is considerably more healthy. Read my quote above comparing nutrients you get from plants vs animals.

    WHOLE GRAINS ARE NOT BAD. They are, indeed, packed with more nutrients with fewer calories than you get from meat. This is a sticking point for me in a meat-based diet. There is a push in this forum to make meat the centerpoint and I have too much information that is at odds with this statement.

    Again, if you read well, you will see that I am a meat eater, HOWEVER, the science tracking meat consumption from today's beef clearly shows an increased in cancer risk directly attributed to the meat. Many researchers believe the link is not the meat, but what the meat eats....from pesticides to hormones, dont go jumping my shit when I, too, can read.

    everlast, your links are interesting, however we cant talk about how you cook your meat if we havent invented fire.

    just kidding but read what you said about the pH and the addition of fresh vegetables. Therein lies the issue I have with people coming into this forum and choosing what they want to read and hear...and they go home and start eating meat and thinking that is OK without the nutrients that are better packed in fresh vegetables.

    and while i'm at one seems to mention that the people that are having success LOSING WEIGHT on this diet have incorporated a great deal of exercise and THAT is the simple key. Its easy for fat people to lose weight so dont lose sight of the exercise being a large part of healthy living, even moreso than eating a plate full of meat and thinking you are "paleo" and therefore "healthy."

    if i gave a shit or had the time, I would link plenty of conventional data supporting whole grains as being an intergral part of what most consider a healthy diet.

    Its OK, people. Two N glenn knows where i stand and what I applaud from this forum but I dont want people to think that a plate of meat is a balanced, healthy diet. I also dont want people to condemn whole grains without more knowledge from scientists.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  13. #53
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    everlast, I went back and read your post and think you are supporting what I said. Maybe I mis-read? If you are interested, I think you would enjoy the complexity of The China Study. I have a copy and would be glad to mail it to you. It is the most comprehensive study that I have ever seen.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  14. #54
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    OK, and now I read Glenn's again. What is not debatable is that their IS, indeed, a lot of information linking a meat diet to cancer. Everlast's links say it, too. I am not saying its not debatable that meat causes cancer, I am only saying that there is plenty of evidence to support that stance. FISH's quote is one that set me off because it was so full of misinformation. Again, a key that no one seems to point out is the addition of an incredible workout regimen.

    Whole grains can be debated, but I have enough scientific support for them to continue to make them PART of a well-balanced diet. Again, I stress that meat should not be the focus of the meal and that research supports that fresh vegetables provide a more dense nutrient source than meat ever could.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  15. #55
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    I personally don't work out much different than before I started eating paleo - but the changes I have witnesses personally are enough to let me know that this is the right track. I read tons of research before deciding to go down this path, and I'll admit, there is a lot of "scientific" information out there that will confuse the hell out of you. My personal experience has been all I really need though, and I am completely convinced.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tater View Post
    Your heart ain't like your balls, ya only got one...
    All you need is a body built for discipline and a mind that can justify so much apparent self-abuse.

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    everlast, I went back and read your post and think you are supporting what I said. Maybe I mis-read? If you are interested, I think you would enjoy the complexity of The China Study. I have a copy and would be glad to mail it to you. It is the most comprehensive study that I have ever seen.
    I am familiar with The China Study, somewhat, and saw the documentary Forks Over Knives and have modified my diet slightly as a result. Even amongst people who think grains are bad, many agree that a few are healthful such as split grains, buckwheat, quinoa, brown rice, etc. I am bruce lee with nutrition. I take what I feel is right about some and combine it with others. If there is a debate on whether something is good or bad, and I can't prove to myself that it is ok, I usually choose to err on the side of caution, and stay away. This is the case with most whole grains, for me. Plus, maybe I have an allergy, but grains just makes me feel like crap.

    Any theory that is out there long enough, people will try to poke holes in it and should be taken with a grain of salt, but I always look at the negatives about something I believe to see if there is any validity to the nay-saying. Here is a website that I found when researching The China Study you might find interesting.
    Last edited by everlast; 03-14-2013 at 09:01 AM.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by duckduckdog View Post
    I personally don't work out much different than before I started eating paleo - but the changes I have witnesses personally are enough to let me know that this is the right track. I read tons of research before deciding to go down this path, and I'll admit, there is a lot of "scientific" information out there that will confuse the hell out of you. My personal experience has been all I really need though, and I am completely convinced.
    Didnt you have before and after lab results and a doctor visit supporting that what you were doing via paleo showed significant decreases in BP and chlosetorol?
    Amendment II A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Highstrung View Post
    I like fishing topwater. Will one of you jot down some of this redneck ghetto slang and the definitions for those of us who weren't born with a plastic spoon in our mouths?

  18. #58
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    Toofer - You've obviously done a lot of reading on the subject that has led you to your conclusion on what is a healthy diet. You got me to thinking about other types of habits that affect our health/lifestyle.

    Knowing that you are a dentist who dips got me thinking. Do you believe dipping doesn't cause all of the mouth issues many claim or do you not care?

  19. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chuck the Duck Slayer View Post
    Didnt you have before and after lab results and a doctor visit supporting that what you were doing via paleo showed significant decreases in BP and chlosetorol?
    Yes I do -

    The day I started paleo my BP was 183 / 130 something. My BP now hovers around 110-115 / 70-75.

    Pre -
    Total Cholesterol = 192
    Triglycerides = 83
    HDL = 56
    VLDL Cholesterol = 17
    LDL Cholesterol Calc = 119
    LDL / HDL Ratio = 2.1

    Post -
    Total Cholesterol = 172
    Triglycerides = 89
    HDL = 61
    VLDL Cholesterol = 18
    LDL Cholesterol Calc = 93
    LDL / HDL Ratio = 1.5

    This was 1 year between labs.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tater View Post
    Your heart ain't like your balls, ya only got one...
    All you need is a body built for discipline and a mind that can justify so much apparent self-abuse.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    Many researchers believe the link is not the meat, but what the meat eats....from pesticides to hormones, .
    Hence, grass-fed organic

    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    everlast, your links are interesting, however we cant talk about how you cook your meat if we havent invented fire.
    Thats why grok was healthy. he didn't cook the shit out of his meat, which creates harmful chemicals in the meat.

    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    fresh vegetables provide a more dense nutrient source than meat ever could.
    Perhaps vegetables are more nutrient dense if you are saying nutrition per calorie, but the amount of vegetables we have to eat to get the amount of calories in meat is daunting to say the least. There is an argument that we don't have the correct stomach amatomy (herbivore vs omnivore) to process the amount of vegetables we would need. Here is a link that explains the point of view, but it is from a beef company, so again, grain of salt.

    But again, balance is the name of the game. If you eat meat, in a manner that largely removes the risks associated, plus plenty of vegetables, then I think you've got the best of both worlds.
    Last edited by everlast; 03-14-2013 at 09:23 AM.


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