Our great Sponsor at http://www.waterfowler.net/Artistic/ Shane Smith, has donated several Gift Certificates to SCDUCKS.

This 4th and final giveaway is for a $100 gift certificate.

During the remainder of the 2012/2013 season beginning tomorrow through the end of January, the first person that kills a Jack Minor Banded Duck or Goose (during the remainder of the 2012/2013 waterfowl season) and posts up the kill and Band Info here in this thread will receive a $100 Gift Certificate to Artistic Compositions by Shane Smith.

The bird does not have to be killed here in SC. However the winner will be required to post the band information. In addition post a BIG picture with the banded bird and a close up photo of the band to verify no cheating (xhail ah-hem).

All photos MUST BE LARGE PHOTOS! If you post small pictures you will be disqualified!

If no one gets a Jack Minor Band we will be doing another give away to ensure that the remaining gift certificates (2 $50) are given out. We will likely do two individual give a ways if no one gets the Jack Minor Band this season.

Good Luck!