I was 30 miles south catching fish, picking a few clusters of oysters, and shooting snipe for my Boykin to pick up. One fish had someone's broken-off...
I don’t watch hockey at all, but it’s a small world. Saw this online, Claude lives up the road from me (Ron Paul’s brother lives up the other side of...
I have a HDPE 40'x16' landing craft/barge rated to haul 40k lbs and will run 36 mph on a clean bottom and no load... Can get on plane and run in the...
They were trying to drive that monster right through the anchorage according to AIS. I would be sweating piloting a johnbote through that mess. Guess...
Ha, that pond off 516 catches my eye every time I drive by! I’ll definitely be visiting Stewart, only down side is some areas are closed (obviously)...