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Thread: Bill to ban dog hunting

  1. #441
    Join Date
    Dec 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Silentweapon338 View Post
    The intelligence level exemplified in this thread boggles my mind.
    thanks SW, i am going to have to save that one.

    “Muh butts been wiped.” TheBigGuy
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  2. #442
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    This shit is easy to fix.

    Make it legal to shoot any dog that is trespassing. The doggers with good relationships with adjoining land owners wouldn't have anything to worry about. The renegades would either learn real quick how to control their dogs or get tired of buying shit eaters.

    See that simple

  3. #443
    Join Date
    Oct 2012


    Its over boys, piss on the fire and call in the dogs. The yankees have influenced our way of life and it is not for the best. We used to be able to get along with each other.

  4. #444
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    Quote Originally Posted by SC REBEL View Post
    Its over boys, piss on the fire and call in the dogs. The yankees have influenced our way of life and it is not for the best. We used to be able to get along with each other.
    No, but now with more folks being able to purchase land due to hard work, and large tracks being broken up an not being able to be held due to economic paradigms, shift in attitudes toward privacy (mainly due to over reach by the feds) people want their piece of heaven.

    The doggers want what isn't theirs in many instances.

    There are few an rare cases were dogs genuinely get out by accident, but for the most part it is designed to fail.

    Folks are tired of it. It may be due to over reach by the feds in the rest of their life but it is exemplified in parts they can control and actual physical property is, or should be in their minds.

    The old school players are gonna shout scream all kind of stuff that doesn't matter, like we ran this before still hunting was popular, or I can remember when grand daddy hunted this on horse back, or people couldn't hunt if it weren't for corn, dr an lawyers ruined hunting. I could go on an on.

    Guess what none of those say: "if I kept my dogs on my property no one would be bitching."

    No one ever said: "Man I absolutely love it when those guys down the street tear down my gate drive up an down my roads, molest my deer, and generally make a mess."

    Last edited by Silentweapon338; 01-18-2017 at 08:57 PM.

  5. #445
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tha Dick View Post
    This shit is easy to fix.

    Make it legal to shoot any dog that is trespassing. The doggers with good relationships with adjoining land owners wouldn't have anything to worry about. The renegades would either learn real quick how to control their dogs or get tired of buying shit eaters.

    See that simple
    No one should set out to harm the dog.

    The dog is no more than a tool like a screw driver or wrench or shotgun. The idiot wielding the dog is the one who needs correction.
    Last edited by Silentweapon338; 01-18-2017 at 09:11 PM.

  6. #446
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    Quote Originally Posted by SC REBEL View Post
    Its over boys, piss on the fire and call in the dogs. The yankees have influenced our way of life and it is not for the best. We used to be able to get along with each other.
    Yep, the entitlement attitude, relying on others to subsidize your lifestyle, threatening to burn stuff down when you don't get your way...I completely agree with you...most of today's dog hunters do act like yankees and democrats.

  7. #447
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    Quote Originally Posted by LC17 View Post
    Yep, the entitlement attitude, relying on others to subsidize your lifestyle, threatening to burn stuff down when you don't get your way...I completely agree with you...most of today's dog hunters do act like yankees and democrats.
    That's gonna leave a mark

  8. #448
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    Quote Originally Posted by LC17 View Post
    Yep, the entitlement attitude, relying on others to subsidize your lifestyle, threatening to burn stuff down when you don't get your way...I completely agree with you...most of today's dog hunters do act like yankees and democrats.
    Oh took that a step too trippin now..

  9. #449
    Join Date
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    If there is any doubt in anyones mind dog hunting will be banned if the so called reasonable people do not step forward go over to Facebook an read the thread on show off your carolina deer.

    It will take a good 20 minutes to read the entire thing, but just look at a few of the different post.

    The doggers on there are approaching this from the stand point of emotion and using 0 logic. Unfortunate for the sport and the few guys on here who genuinely try an do everything they can to keep the hounds on their property (Pbiz an SRR for a start).

    The arguments used are the same wore out old logic that got us to this point. Someone needs to rein in these idiots in, and or sit them down an explain to them why so many people have a issue with it. Private Property rights are not registering with that crowd. Everyone be hatin on day heritage man. If it weren't for doggers gosh knows were this country would be.

    If you read half the crap these bozos are attempting to write, if that is the correct terminology, you would get the impression that every charity in the country is funded via your local trailer park dog club. Single handedly deer populations have been grown into the stratosphere because of dog hunting. While the only thing keeping your car from hitting a deer is a dog hunter. It really is comical.

    And your car insurance rates will not go up if dog hunting is banned lol.

    And if "all" hunters need to stick together why out of the next breath are the same bunch swearing out death threats on corn piles, food plots, and cameras? "We gonna march on Columbia an get dem dare still hunters banned from using corn if we loose our dogs. That will teach them how to hunt."

    Yea......that is what you guys are up against! I truly feel sorry and I want to help, but I'm not sure how you cure ignorance.

    Last I checked none of those items they have a issue with got up an criss crossed property lines.

    Maybe I'll get a sticker made: "Corn Piles Can't Read, Bo!"
    Last edited by Silentweapon338; 01-19-2017 at 06:17 AM.

  10. #450
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    Santee Swamp


    This thread has almost gone full retard...

    From either direction..

    Something is in the works, hopefully everyone will agree or at least hopefully the majority will agree..
    Last edited by PBiz; 01-19-2017 at 07:06 AM.
    Natural Born Killer Prostaff - Killing Tomorrow's Trophies Today...

    TFC -"Be tough or get tough"

    Conservation Permit Holder #5213

  11. #451
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    PETA stands to the side and laughs as this happens. No compromise equals victory for anti-hunters in the long run.

  12. #452
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    Quote Originally Posted by SC REBEL View Post
    PETA stands to the side and laughs as this happens. No compromise equals victory for anti-hunters in the long run.
    Ok, what's your proposal?

  13. #453
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    Quote Originally Posted by PBiz View Post
    This thread has almost gone full retard...

    From either direction..

    Something is in the works, hopefully everyone will agree or at least hopefully the majority will agree..
    PBiz, in my humble opinion, anything you work on from the dog hunters end needs to start with folks understanding that keeping control of your dogs and not letting them on others' property is the bottom line. And from what I've seen in my experience and on this thread, you are at least fighting an uphill battle, if not a loser from the start. I know you, BadHabit, SRR and maybe somebody else have emphasized the importance of property rights, and that's why y'all have a chance of saving your sport. But I've seen enough comments on this thread from other folks to know that a lot of people just don't give a damn about property rights, at least when it inconveniences them. And to top that off, your side of the debate (unfortunately for you) includes folks who openly talk about burning people's timber and vandalizing their property. Some of the proposals I've seen totally miss the mark. Registration? Dog license? Ok, but that just means you pay to play and you bought a license to run your dogs to hell and back. Acreage restriction? Arbitrary. I could care less if you run on 5 acres as long as you run on YOUR 5 acres. The only way to solve this is to enact SEVERE penalties that will incentivize folks to do what they should be doing already.

  14. #454
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    I concure with LC17
    But will reiterate the reason for the registration is to match a dog with a person. I realize it sounds like it is pay to play but someone has to keep up with who is legitimate an who isn't that is why I preposed it be net neutral in the cost but in order to make sure Hey Bo isn't turning dogs loose with a no name collar an constantly causing issues.

    The registration links one man with his dogs so there is a paper trail.
    I see your point but there has to be a way to keep track an assuming everyone will play by the rules especially with this crowd is assuming a whole lot unless you tie them to the dog.

    Plus this is gonna show you who is responsible an wants to work to make it right. This is why is said 1k off the bat if you got caught running unregistered.

  15. #455
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    I'm not going to go back and read this thread again but the only thing that I saw talking about burning down here your shit was what someone did in Georgia. I don't believe anyone got on here and said if this passes I'm gonna burn down your shit Bo. Did I miss something?

  16. #456
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    Quote Originally Posted by whitty View Post
    I'm not going to go back and read this thread again but the only thing that I saw talking about burning down here your shit was what someone did in Georgia. I don't believe anyone got on here and said if this passes I'm gonna burn down your shit Bo. Did I miss something?
    Thank you. I was stating what happened in Ga. If someone can find where I said if this law passes I'm going to have a burning in Carolina. No Whitty you didn't miss anything, it's folks talking out their ass.

  17. #457
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    Quote Originally Posted by whitty View Post
    I'm not going to go back and read this thread again but the only thing that I saw talking about burning down here your shit was what someone did in Georgia. I don't believe anyone got on here and said if this passes I'm gonna burn down your shit Bo. Did I miss something?
    I said it was openly talked about, as in, it's well known amongst everyone, including the dog hunting community, that some dog hunters are such bad actors that they would commit retaliatory criminal acts. After TimSmith posted that, I think it was echoed by at least one more person. And, no, I did not interpret Tim's comment as saying he would do any such thing.

  18. #458
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    Quote Originally Posted by LC17 View Post
    PBiz, in my humble opinion, anything you work on from the dog hunters end needs to start with folks understanding that keeping control of your dogs and not letting them on others' property is the bottom line. And from what I've seen in my experience and on this thread, you are at least fighting an uphill battle, if not a loser from the start. I know you, BadHabit, SRR and maybe somebody else have emphasized the importance of property rights, and that's why y'all have a chance of saving your sport. But I've seen enough comments on this thread from other folks to know that a lot of people just don't give a damn about property rights, at least when it inconveniences them. And to top that off, your side of the debate (unfortunately for you) includes folks who openly talk about burning people's timber and vandalizing their property. Some of the proposals I've seen totally miss the mark. Registration? Dog license? Ok, but that just means you pay to play and you bought a license to run your dogs to hell and back. Acreage restriction? Arbitrary. I could care less if you run on 5 acres as long as you run on YOUR 5 acres. The only way to solve this is to enact SEVERE penalties that will incentivize folks to do what they should be doing already.
    And unfortunately for you, your side makes disparaging remarks about the socioeconomic status of people who run hounds, and also made mention of killing said hounds..

    As long as a dog has breath on this earth, he will wander into property that doesn't belong to him.. Let's just make sure his owner isn't liable for 1/5 of the property value, he wanders into..

    I, along with several other folks want to push something to minimize.. There is no absolute answer.. Which I think we can apply to everything in life..
    Last edited by PBiz; 01-19-2017 at 08:34 AM.
    Natural Born Killer Prostaff - Killing Tomorrow's Trophies Today...

    TFC -"Be tough or get tough"

    Conservation Permit Holder #5213

  19. #459
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    Quote Originally Posted by PBiz View Post
    And unfortunately for you, your side makes disparaging remarks about the socioeconomic status of people who run hounds, and also made mention of killing said hounds..

    As long as a dog has breath on this earth, he will wander into property that doesn't belong to him.. Let's just make sure his owner isn't liable for 1/5 of the property value, he wanders into..

    I, along with several other folks want to push something to minimize.. There is no absolute answer.. Which I think we can apply to everything in life..
    And the folks who think that way on my side distract and detract from the ultimate issue. And the 1/5 property value would work, but is not necessary. Just start with stiff fines. But now that you've thought more about it and probably talked to other like-minded folks, what's your best idea/proposal that you think might gain mutual support? If you've already posted it on here, just say so and I'll go back and re-read.

  20. #460
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    The stake holders could have reached a good compromise a few years ago but they knew with Sen. Land and McGill they didn't have too. McGill pushed through do nothing Renegade Bill to calm down some of the Senators. With those 2 gone something will change. I will give the stakeholders credit they held out because they could for a few more years.

    Yankees, QDMA, Sen Campsen, Ruth etc will be blamed but the problem is most the groups that call themselves the good guys are the bad apples. The clubs with fences truly are concerned which are few. The good news is a good compromise will not change their way of hunting.

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