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Thread: Revenge in London???

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by nitro5x6's View Post
    Jason W ,

    Whether it is a declared war or no, The World is at war with radicalized Islam. A war that they have waged for thousands of years against the non believers. They are indeed, not a nation of enemies, rather a cult with enemies inside who hide behind their Religious beliefs. It's an unconventional war and must be treated as such.

    The only end game is to eliminate the folks who are willing to wage Jihad. If some thousands or even millions of so called " unintended peaceful Muslim" victims die, well, they should have rose up against the very people they hid.. (and silently supported and abetted.)

    You will search a long time to find a Muslim leader who will come out and say that Jihad is wrong. Look at the mayor of London. He immediately cried out when the table was turned on " his people".. that sumbitch needs to be on the first plane out of the UK.

    The reason that the radicalized Muslims hate the outside world is because of the few freedoms we have remaining. For them it's obey, or die.
    Wait a second.... Did you slide in "radicalized muslim"??? That was sneaky!!! I almost glossed right over that! Okay, before we move along further, are you declaring that we should kill\murder ALL muslims in order that they might turn in their radicalized counterparts? Should we start by killing the women and children first? Would that send them the message they need to hear?

    You guys are a strategic bunch. I'll give you that!

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasonw View Post
    I would ponder that there is about the same ratio, if not more... Like people who identify as Christians but think it's appropriate to murder innocent people to send a message.
    And for the record, I despise radical Islam and think we should eradicate it.
    Houndsmen are born, not made

    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by JABIII View Post
    I knew it wasn't real because no dogbox...

  3. #63
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    Well pray tell Jason, what should we do? How do we fix this problem? Should we apologize, repent and accept their religion?

    I wish I could breathe life back in him, if I could I'd hunt him again tomorrow. - Ben Rodgers Lee

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasonw View Post
    Okay, before we move along further, are you declaring that we should kill\murder ALL muslims in order that they might turn in their radicalized counterparts? Should we start by killing the women and children first? Would that send them the message they need to hear?
    What's their tactic?

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mars Bluff View Post
    What's their tactic?
    Is our tactic somehow dependent on theirs?

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasonw View Post
    Is our tactic somehow dependent on theirs?
    It better be if you want any chance in hell of winning.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Duck cutter View Post
    And for the record, I despise radical Islam and think we should eradicate it.
    I despise ALL Islam... I just don't think killing innocent people with a van is the best way to eradicate it...

  8. #68
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    I call this preventative, self defense. Not murder

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasonw View Post
    I despise ALL Islam... I just don't think killing innocent people with a van is the best way to eradicate it...
    Well at least this we agree on.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccleroy View Post
    Well pray tell Jason, what should we do? How do we fix this problem? Should we apologize, repent and accept their religion?
    Obviously, we should all rent white vans and run over any brown skinned man, woman, or child we see coming out of a mosque for starters!!!

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasonw View Post
    Obviously, we should all rent white vans and run over any brown skinned man, woman, or child we see coming out of a mosque for starters!!!
    I mean hey, if you just want argue about something be my guest, if not offer a solution.

    I wish I could breathe life back in him, if I could I'd hunt him again tomorrow. - Ben Rodgers Lee

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasonw View Post
    Call me crazy, but if there is to be some sort of retaliation, then I personally believe that our government officials\military should handle
    This says a lot.

    Maybe the van driver had a family member murdered by one of these thugs in the recent London attacks. Maybe he found out this is the place where they learned their trade. If that's the case, I wish he woulda gotten all of em.

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by ccleroy View Post
    I mean hey, if you just want argue about something be my guest, if not offer a solution.
    I've already give the solution. If you think that people who cheer on terrorist acts are assholes, then don't be an asshole by cheering on terrorist attacks yourself. I mean seriously, how much more clear can I be? The solution is "don't be an asshole who supports terrorism".

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by jasonw View Post
    Call me crazy, but if there is to be some sort of retaliation, then I personally believe that our government officials\military should handle, not some lunatic in a van. I know that is a very radical concept for some, but I am going to stick to my guns on that one.

    Again, please quote me where I said "ok for them to do these things because, well, they are mooslum". I NEVER said that. That's just you trying to project words into my mouth because you have a crappy argument as to why you support random acts of murder against races\religions you don't like. Again, you actually SUPPORT MURDER. I firmly believe that there are some muslims who actually don't, which actually make them better than you. You are basically a part time muslim that actually chooses to support and cheer on murderous terrorist attacks on his own will.
    I disagree about the govt involvement, and we are not cheering and condoning murder but this is what it may take to stop them- if every time a radical muslin attacks innocent citizens and the CITIZENS retaliate in kind and hit them where it really hurts, it will not take long until their religious leaders call an end to the holy war to save their own sorry ass. Their religious leaders KNOW the government and military will not target them, but the citizens will.

  15. #75
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    There is no way in a war to not kill some innocents. But die they must to win the war.

    I'm sure that the millions of Italian, German and Japanese civilians who died during WWII wished they had not supported or maybe even fought back against their leaders, so they were unintended casualties. A Military Force doesn't have the capability of a " surgical strike" These Jihadis live amongst and hide alongside the "innocents" In my mind, that is offering aide and comfort.. so, sucks to be them when the bombs start falling.

    The time is approaching where if we do not conquer these Radicals, we will be fighting them all over the world on a much larger scale as they immigrate more than they already have.
    F**K Cancer

    Just Damn.

  16. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bad Habit View Post
    I disagree about the govt involvement, and we are not cheering and condoning murder but this is what it may take to stop them- if every time a radical muslin attacks innocent citizens and the CITIZENS retaliate in kind and hit them where it really hurts, it will not take long until their religious leaders call an end to the holy war to save their own sorry ass. Their religious leaders KNOW the government and military will not target them, but the citizens will.
    You say that you believe this has been going on for 1400 years, yet somehow you think this generation of muslims will "call an end to the holy war" if we run over enough of them with vans?

    That sounds rational to you?

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by nitro5x6's View Post
    There is no way in a war to not kill some innocents. But die they must to win the war.

    I'm sure that the millions of Italian, German and Japanese civilians who died during WWII wished they had not supported or maybe even fought back against their leaders, so they were unintended casualties. A Military Force doesn't have the capability of a " surgical strike" These Jihadis live amongst and hide alongside the "innocents" In my mind, that is offering aide and comfort.. so, sucks to be them when the bombs start falling.

    The time is approaching where if we do not conquer these Radicals, we will be fighting them all over the world on a much larger scale as they immigrate more than they already have.
    That sounds an awful lot like what the radical muslims are saying. What sect of Islam are you a member of?

  18. #78
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    My personal solution:

    Pray. Pray for an awaking of those that don't know the real God or understand God's plan of salvation through Jesus Christ. Pray for God to confuse and confound the enemies that do know of God and his plan for salvation. Pray for the strength and wisdom of those who God chooses to lead the fight. Offer myself for God to use me in any way He sees fit in this fight. This fight is, ultimately, not just against terrorism. It's a fight against apathy.
    Ephesians 2 : 8-9

    Charles Barkley: Nobody doesn't like meat.

  19. #79
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    The sect that is saying that if we don't do something drastic - and soon, that in less than 50 years, our kids will be wondering why didn't someone stop these bastards when we had a chance. Europe and probably the UK are done - because they have failed to act.

    Quote Originally Posted by jasonw View Post
    That sounds an awful lot like what the radical muslims are saying. What sect of Islam are you a member of?
    F**K Cancer

    Just Damn.

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by nitro5x6's View Post
    The sect that is saying that if we don't do something drastic - and soon, that in less than 50 years, our kids will be wondering why didn't someone stop these bastards when we had a chance. Europe and probably the UK are done - because they have failed to act.
    Highly doubtful. The world is becoming a more secular place and the nature of ALL man is to reinvent God into something more palatable. Islam has only lasted this long because of a lack of knowing anything else and under many cases - by force. Just like our generations are becoming "more liberal", so too will theirs be. Heck, in 50 years, chances are there will be an all-gay mosque somewhere.

    I suggest we save our missiles for a real foe like Russia\China. Something that could threaten the domestic security of the USA, not fling them at the boogey man.
    Last edited by jasonw; 06-19-2017 at 10:39 AM.


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