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Thread: Boy Scouts, Just Dang

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Middle of the state


    Damn - This sucks. Both my boys are in cub scouts (one in Webelos) and I was leading a den this year. My boys are lucky to have grown up spending time outdoors, going to sporting events and a lot of the other things scouts introduces boys to, but there are many of the boys in our den that have never done any of those things and it's has been good helping them along.

    The first two years in cub scouts for my oldest (the Webelo), our den consisted of 10-12 boys and 8 of the boys came to the meetings with their single mom (divorced). All but two of the boys had no experience outside and no help from Dads in making derby cars, etc. I have been having a "derby car" party at my house for the last four years now, which ends up with me in the garage with the scouts cutting out and sanding the cars while all the women folk (and my wife) hang on the porch and have cocktails. Been pretty neat as most of the boys have that typical curiosity and have never seen scroll saws and the like and love it.

    Last year I bought all of the boys in one den cane poles and took all of them bream fishing off the bank. It was like Christmas morning for most of them... again, most haven't grown up outdoors.

    Now I have a huge decision to make. Do I keep my boys in scouts and continue to help the other boys experience the outdoors and learn about life from a man's standpoint (speaking of those with single moms without much Dad time)? Do I go with my convictions on not letting gays in and drop it? My boys will be fine either way, but the others maybe not so much?

    Any by the way, I live in Chapin, which is demographically pretty well off if you know what I mean. Really surprising the percentage of single moms and the percentage of non-outdoor families - computer generation if you will.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Hampton Co., SC


    As an Eagle Scout, I am grossly disappointed in the BSA!
    I completely an online survey they sent me a couple of months ago but my view and what I image to be the view of many others once in the BSA fell upon deaf ears.
    They will no longer receive any support from me..... The BSA is dead to me but not the values I still hold close and dear.
    \"I never saw a wild thing feel sorry for itself. A small bird will drop dead frozen from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.\" <br />D.H. LAWRENCE

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by BigBrother View Post
    While I think it sucks to have to define it, and make it legal.

    Consider for a moment, that by spelling it out, the charter made the organization a target.

    I spend some time with a group of scouts, and during a cook out, I produced a venison loin, and some other wild stuff for the campfire. The parents were horrified.

    We didnt spend any more time with that troop.

    Essentially, the troop and troop leaders make the experience and set the stage. I dont think that the new "direction" will make it an indoctrination camp for homosexuality.

    With that said, I am not as motivated now to find a troop to sign LB up to.
    You and all your silly logic.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Sportin' Woodies View Post
    Tenderfoot will be changed to twinkle toes. The CL will be removed from first and second class. Star will have a picture of Madonna or some famous faggot like Kenny chesney on the badge. Order of the arrow will change to order of the hamster. The olive shorts will remain the same. Those things were already gay enough.
    Man, I always said he was kwar.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Under the Roost


    Quote Originally Posted by cudexter View Post
    I always suspected the Boy Scouts were gay.
    Have you seen your dog lately?

    I wish I could breathe life back in him, if I could I'd hunt him again tomorrow. - Ben Rodgers Lee

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Sportin' Woodies View Post
    Tenderfoot will be changed to twinkle toes. The CL will be removed from first and second class. Star will have a picture of Madonna or some famous faggot like Kenny chesney on the badge. Order of the arrow will change to order of the GERBIL. The olive shorts will remain the same. Those things were already gay enough.
    \"Free your mind, your ass will follow\"

  7. #47
    Join Date
    May 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by nitro5x6's View Post
    We had two gay Scouts in my troop back in the day (not me)..

    We knew they were gay. They didn't flaunt it and we didn't treat them any differently than any other Scout.

    Why in the fuck this matters now is beyond me. It's all about Political correctness- which is why this country is so fucked on so many levels.

    We had several in my troop who we always thought were gay (and were right) but it was never an issue. I'm an Eagle and would love to see my son achieve Eagle as well. However, with all of this crap I'm really beginning to rethink that idea.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    upstate, sc


    Quote Originally Posted by SCSportsman View Post
    Damn - This sucks. Both my boys are in cub scouts (one in Webelos) and I was leading a den this year. My boys are lucky to have grown up spending time outdoors, going to sporting events and a lot of the other things scouts introduces boys to, but there are many of the boys in our den that have never done any of those things and it's has been good helping them along.

    The first two years in cub scouts for my oldest (the Webelo), our den consisted of 10-12 boys and 8 of the boys came to the meetings with their single mom (divorced). All but two of the boys had no experience outside and no help from Dads in making derby cars, etc. I have been having a "derby car" party at my house for the last four years now, which ends up with me in the garage with the scouts cutting out and sanding the cars while all the women folk (and my wife) hang on the porch and have cocktails. Been pretty neat as most of the boys have that typical curiosity and have never seen scroll saws and the like and love it.

    Last year I bought all of the boys in one den cane poles and took all of them bream fishing off the bank. It was like Christmas morning for most of them... again, most haven't grown up outdoors.

    Now I have a huge decision to make. Do I keep my boys in scouts and continue to help the other boys experience the outdoors and learn about life from a man's standpoint (speaking of those with single moms without much Dad time)? Do I go with my convictions on not letting gays in and drop it? My boys will be fine either way, but the others maybe not so much?

    Any by the way, I live in Chapin, which is demographically pretty well off if you know what I mean. Really surprising the percentage of single moms and the percentage of non-outdoor families - computer generation if you will.
    Sportsman, you can help those boys out just the same way and not be inthe Scouts. You may also just teach thema huge lesson in moral conviction too if you and they hold dear the values of the scouts which are compromised by this new decision if you continue to support them outside the scouts. Tolerance and condoning things are 2 entirely different ideas which hopefully won't be lost on the boys you've been working with.
    \"We say grace and we say maam, if you ain\'t into that, we don\'t give a damn.\" HW Jr.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Under the Roost


    Quote Originally Posted by Palmetto Duck View Post
    Sportsman, you can help those boys out just the same way and not be inthe Scouts. You may also just teach thema huge lesson in moral conviction too if you and they hold dear the values of the scouts which are compromised by this new decision if you continue to support them outside the scouts. Tolerance and condoning things are 2 entirely different ideas which hopefully won't be lost on the boys you've been working with.
    Exactly, keep helping those kids.

    I wish I could breathe life back in him, if I could I'd hunt him again tomorrow. - Ben Rodgers Lee

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Hampton Co., SC


    I too knew a couple of boys with twinkle toes in scouting, they were just the last ones to be picked for dodgeball etc.
    This decision by BSA will have little effect on the current situation but will have greater consequences down the road.....scouting will roll downhill like a snowball!
    \"I never saw a wild thing feel sorry for itself. A small bird will drop dead frozen from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.\" <br />D.H. LAWRENCE

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    united states of america


    We had a gay boy named jay. So we called him 'gay jay'. He changed his name to John. I think it's important to teach our straight kids to pick on fags. And gay jay learned to change his name before he got into the workplace environment. It was a good thing for everyone.


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