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Thread: The Wizard

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Ballard's Landing

    Default The Wizard

    I posted this video on the Nugent thread, but figured others might get a kick out of this guy.
    His name is Carl Alms (hippies call him The Wizard)and he can be found at most WSP and Phish shows, music festivals, and other hippie gatherings.

    He draws these collages with colored pens and has probably consumed more acid than Timothy Leary.
    I always get him to do his rap about new drawings I haven't seen.
    I first met him in 01 at a Panic show.
    He wanders the lot selling his art.

    Crazy bastard.

    I've seen him do this with about 20 other drawings.
    Its pretty amazing that he can remember all of it and recite it that fast.

    Be proactive about improving public waterfowl habitat in South Carolina. It's not going to happen by itself, and our help is needed. We have the potential to winter thousands of waterfowl on public grounds if we fight for it.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003


    While the guy is talented he should really lay off the drugs.


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