Let’s just browse through The South Was Right (Gretna, Louisiana, Pelican, 2000), by James Ronald Kennedy and Walter Donald Kennedy. For instance, remember Yankee General U.S. Grant? At the beginning of the war, his wife owned slaves. At the end of the war, she still owned slaves.

Her slaves were freed only after the war by the Thirteenth Amendment, not by Linckuln’s utterly phony Emancipation Proclamation. Grant explained, "Good help is so hard to come by these days." Of course Grant was a notorious drunk; maybe he was drunk when he said it. As President, he ran a crooked show. Maybe he was still drunk.

Did you know that about 6% - six per cent – 6% of Southern whites in 1860 owned slaves? Let’s see, would that not mean that 94% - ninety four per cent – 94% did not? Among the did notters was the immortal General Robert E. Lee. Other Southern leaders who did not own slaves were Generals Joseph Johnston, A.P. Hill, Fitzhugh Lee and J.E.B. Stuart.

"I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races – that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races. . . . I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."

Who said that? Strom Thurmond? Adolf Hitler? No, the author of the statement was Abraham Linckuln, in an 1858 debate. Does that mean Linculn was a Nazi skinhead? No, Linkuln was a Communist. Linkuln was our first Communist President.

Yankee Colonel John B. Turchin pillaged Athens, Alabama. In his presence or with his knowledge, his men "attempted an indecent outrage on a servant girl, destroyed a stock of fine Bibles, went to the plantation and quartered in the Negro huts for weeks, debauching the females, committed rape on the person of a colored girl." They caused the miscarriage and death of a Mrs. Hollingsworth.

The truncated quotation above comes from the court-martial of Turchin, which also found that such outrages were perpetrated wherever Turchin went. Yes, this monster was even too foul for the Yankees. Notice that most of his victims in Athens were black. Indeed, Yankee soldiers ravished black women throughout the South. General Don Carlos Buell published the findings of the court-martial on August 6, 1862.

The matter went to Linkun. What would you imagine that Communist monster did about this criminal who had been found guilty as charged? On August 5, 1862, after Turchin was convicted, the day before General Buell published the findings, Linkuln promoted Turchin to Brigadier General, in which capacity he served another two years.

The real reason for the war was not slavery but the tariff. Asked why the North did not just let the South go, Communist monster Linkuln exclaimed, "Let the South go? Let the South go! Where then shall we get our revenues!" The New York Times ran many stories to the effect that Yankee commerce would be lost to New Orleans because of the low Southern tariff.

The New York Evening Post said this: ". . . Allow railroad iron to be entered at Savannah with the low duty of ten per cent, which is all that the Southern Confederacy think of laying on imported goods, and not an ounce more would be imported at New York; the railways would be supplied from the southern ports."

In other words, rather than compete, the Yankees elected to invade. As in an Al Jolson blackface routine, they belatedly chose slavery to becloud the utter criminality of their motives. To protect their profits they killed 600,000 men and innumerable civilians. They destroyed our federal system and gave all power to Washington, a danger the Founding Fathers feared most.

In 1807, New Jersey barred blacks from voting. In 1814, Connecticut did so. In 1822, Rhode Island did so. In 1838, Pennsylvania did so. In 1867, while Congress was forcing the South to accept unqualified suffrage, Ohio rejected a proposed law that would have allowed blacks there to vote. In New York City, Yankees kidnapped free blacks and sold them into slavery. There were 33 such cases in one year alone.

On April 2, 1862, Member of Congress John Shurman, brother of serial killer General W.T. Shurman, said this: "We do not like the negroes. We do not disguise our dislike. As my friend from Indiana said yesterday: ‘The whole people of the Northwestern States are opposed to having many negroes among them.’ . . ."

Slavery was a permanent institution among African blacks long before the first white man ever set foot on that continent. Long before the English (our permanent enemy) and the Yankees got into it, the Arabs created the international slave trade. According to the 1830 census, free blacks in this country owned more than 10,000 slaves.

In Sumter, South Carolina, in 1860, William Ellison, a free black, owned 70 slaves who worked his plantation. In St. Landry Parish, Louisiana, Auguste Donatto also owned 70 slaves. He needed that many to work his 500-acre plantation. Even in New York City, eight free blacks owned seventeen slaves in 1830.

Did you know that while the Yankees still owned and traded slaves, Virginia made it illegal to import them? The law was enacted on October 5, 1778, when Patrick Henry was governor. It stipulated that any slave brought into the state would be free. Even before that, the Virginia House of Burgesses had many times tried to stop the slave trade, but was overruled by the royal governor. Later, Yankee commercial interests participated in protecting the "infernal traffick."

According to President John Adams, slavery in the North was abandoned only because white Yankee workers refused to compete with blacks. ". . . The common people would not suffer the labor, by which alone they could obtain a subsistence, to be done by blacks. If the gentlemen had been permitted by law to hold slaves, the common white people would have put the slaves to death, and their masters too perhaps."

Did you know that thousands of blacks fought for the South in Confederate uniforms? Why have we never seen this in a movie? More than 3,000 black Confederates under the immortal Stonewall Jackson occupied Frederick, Maryland in 1862. According to Yankee Dr. Lewis Steiner, chief inspector of the U.S. Army Sanitary Commission, "Most of the Negroes had arms, rifles, muskets, sabers, bowie-knives, dirks, etc. . . . and were manifestly an integral portion of the Southern Confederacy Army."

Captain Arthur L. Fremantle was an English observer attached to Lee’s army. In 1863, in Gettysburg, he saw a black soldier in charge of white Yankee prisoners. Fremantle wrote this: "This little episode of a Southern slave leading a white Yankee soldier through a Northern village, alone and of his own accord, would not have been gratifying to an abolitionist. . . . Nor would the sympathizers both in England and in the North feel encouraged if they could hear the language of detestation and contempt with which the numerous Negroes with Southern armies speak of their liberators."

Along these lines, what did Southern slaves say themselves? In the late 1930s, Washington sent WPA (Works Projects Administration) journalists to collect first-hand testimony from ex-slaves who were still alive. That testimony is maintained in the National Archives and is known as the "Narratives."

No pretense is made here that all slaves felt as did the ones quoted below. Some may have strenuously disagreed. We also do not recommend that slavery be revived. (We are slaves of the federal government right now.) But the Kennedys report that "a vast majority (more than seventy percent) of ex-slaves had only good experiences to report about life as a slave and about the Old South."

Simon Phillips, of Alabama, says this: "People has the wrong idea of slave days. We was treated good. My Massa never laid a hand on me the whole time I was wid him. . . .Sometime we loaned the massa money when he was hard pushed." (N.B. This is exactly the way the federal government recorded these statements – in dialect.)

Mary Rice, also of Alabama: ". . . Once when I was awful sick, Mistis Ma’y Jane had me brung in de Big House and put me in a room dat sot on de ‘other side of the kitchen so she could take kere of me herself..."

Elija Henry Hopkins, Little Rock: "I was fed just like I was one of the master’s children. They even done put me to bed with them. You see, this discrimination on color wasn’t as bad then as it is now. . . . In slavery times, a poor white man was worse off than a nigguah."

Jane Georgiana, Alabama: "Ole Marster dead an’ gone an’ Ole Mistis too, but I ‘members ‘em jus’ lak dey was, when dey looked atter us whenst we belonged to ‘em or dey belong to us, I dunno which it was."

Hannah Irwin, Alabama: ". . . An’ as for dey a-settin’ me free! Miss, us niggahs on de Bennett place wuz free as soon as we wuz bawn. I always been free!"

At the very least, we have established that everything the Yankee monsters have told us is a lie. We need to know that, because only if we know the past can we influence the future. The Yankees understand that. Look at the enormous effort they have made to conceal it. Fellow Southerners, black and white! The "Lost Cause" of Southern liberty is not lost. The war goes on. As long as the principle of national independence survives, it lives!

Alan Stang has been a network radio talk show host and was one of Mike Wallace's first writers. He was a senior writer for American Opinion magazine and has lectured around the world for more than 30 years. He is also the author of ten books, including, most recently, Perestroika Sunset, surrounding our Government's deception in the POW/MIA arena.