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Thread: People

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Oct 2003


    Listen here, you bunch of sissies. Get ahold of your selective outrage.

    I would take the wolf over a Palestinian, and I’ll take any cow over the wolf.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Sullivan\'s Island


    The disturbing part for me is his total lack of empathy for the suffering on a creature. It doesn't matter to me what the creature is, wolf, snake, cock roach or housefly, I was raised to detest unnecessary suffering and I don't like being around folks that don't have enough compassion to understand that.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Columbia, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by Fish View Post
    Nothing about it was a good idea. But let’s not choke on our own hypocrisy here.
    Quote Originally Posted by Glenn View Post
    But hypocritical asphyxiation is what we do best. I give you every political post ever made on here as an example.
    while y'all stomping on my turf?
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    Had no one had a cell phone with a camera no one would have known about this.

    I've walked cows & pigs into a slaughter environment, and killed both after taking care of them for a week in the pigs case, years in the cows case. I had no issue snuffing them out. I actually felt worse over deer I grew for several years, and finally decided that was the year to take them out because the story is then over.

    I'd wager to say had this not been on the net, and many of you seen your fellow duckers comments, and had it been in your local bar you would have been right there high diving ole Beau.

    If he had not had that tape on his mouth do you think for one second that beast would not have torn everything and one in a half acre of hell close to him to smithereens? At least that is an animal.

    Do you not think most of these people that are emoting in outrage over a wolf would blink an eye to kill a baby out of convenience and call it women's health?

    That is the analogy I keep coming back too because every where I watch the news today it is over abortion. Yet many of those same folks are the ones condemning killing a wolf. I'll at least say many of you on here are at least consistent.

    What I did read and totally agree with is if your gonna be dumb dont record it. It will become cannon fodder for idiots like this guy: Wayne Pacelle, president of Animal Wellness Action

    If you read the article this guy is one of the ones who value animals over humans. He has worked to make it a felony in dozens of states to commit animal cruelty. Now while on the surface we probably are on board with anti dog fighting laws, and such. This idiot would have you thrown in jail for killing a deer!
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Nov 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    while y'all stomping on my turf?

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Columbia, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by Palmetto Bug View Post
    The disturbing part for me is his total lack of empathy for the suffering on a creature. It doesn't matter to me what the creature is, wolf, snake, cock roach or housefly, I was raised to detest unnecessary suffering and I don't like being around folks that don't have enough compassion to understand that.
    "If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went."
    Will Rogers

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    Quote Originally Posted by Silentweapon338 View Post
    Same people screaming outrage will be the same ones clamoring to gain the ability to kill their own kids in the womb.

    “A remorseless, cruel monster like this is a threat to other animals, and a threat to people. The law must speak,” Pacelle added.

    The two groups are creating an online petition to urge officials to consider the felony charge of animal cruelty against Roberts.

    They wouldn't claim the same about kids, but lord forbid you kill a freaking wolf.

    How many calves did that blood thirsty critter stand over ripping its legs off while it bleats for its mother?? None of them want to talk about that. Here is a suggestion. If they had not "reintroduced" them to the environment no one would be able to tape their mouth and parade them around.



    You missed the point. If you’re going to kill it then kill it. Don’t cripple it then tape his mouth shut a parade it around. He’s a pos
    80-20 Genaration

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    James Island


    Quote Originally Posted by Silentweapon338 View Post
    Had no one had a cell phone with a camera no one would have known about this.

    I've walked cows & pigs into a slaughter environment, and killed both after taking care of them for a week in the pigs case, years in the cows case. I had no issue snuffing them out. I actually felt worse over deer I grew for several years, and finally decided that was the year to take them out because the story is then over.

    I'd wager to say had this not been on the net, and many of you seen your fellow duckers comments, and had it been in your local bar you would have been right there high diving ole Beau.

    If he had not had that tape on his mouth do you think for one second that beast would not have torn everything and one in a half acre of hell close to him to smithereens? At least that is an animal.

    Do you not think most of these people that are emoting in outrage over a wolf would blink an eye to kill a baby out of convenience and call it women's health?

    That is the analogy I keep coming back too because every where I watch the news today it is over abortion. Yet many of those same folks are the ones condemning killing a wolf. I'll at least say many of you on here are at least consistent.

    What I did read and totally agree with is if your gonna be dumb dont record it. It will become cannon fodder for idiots like this guy: Wayne Pacelle, president of Animal Wellness Action

    If you read the article this guy is one of the ones who value animals over humans. He has worked to make it a felony in dozens of states to commit animal cruelty. Now while on the surface we probably are on board with anti dog fighting laws, and such. This idiot would have you thrown in jail for killing a deer!
    Two wrongs don't make a right.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    Does a human in the womb being tortured elicit the same emotion from you all howling?

    I mean no baby has it self portrayed in airbrush stencil next to a dream catcher on the canvas of a white T-shirt with the sleeves cut out in that Mecca of Art memorialized in song form by our favorite Duck artist, Mr Ledford. (Who will be at Suck Bang Blow May 16th)

    Maybe if we take a selfie of some Dr holding baby parts up and smiling someone will call for that to be animal cruelty.

    I get the whole it looks bad, he should have ended it when he ran it over. As Fish noted his crime is doing it out of order.

    My whole issue with this is, we are into the 3rd page in 4 hours over an animal that would rip you and your family apart given half a chance. No one says a word about babies who are killed every day. 1 single wolf gets run over and a selfie taken with his mouth taped shut before he was killed, and stop the presses, all emoting people please start crying online.
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Camden sc


    I’m just trying to figure out what kind of bar makes you take your shoes off at the door
    "I am a man, not an animal and I always try to conduct myself accordingly. Doing anything less is just giving up and expecting (and being okay) with failure."

  11. #51
    Join Date
    May 2020


    The fact that the Wolf would "rip you and your family apart given half a chance" should have ZERO influence on the situation.

    The animal should have been dispatched without undue suffering at the time of the incident.
    End of story.

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Dec 2006


    Could you imagine sitting there at the bar when he walked in with that SOB!

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Columbia, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by ScoobieMcDoobie View Post
    The fact that the Wolf would "rip you and your family apart given half a chance" should have ZERO influence on the situation.

    The animal should have been dispatched without undue suffering at the time of the incident.
    End of story.
    This is a very foreign concept for some.
    Sea Ark 1542 w/ Yamaha 40
    Xpress 16 w/ 50 Hammer
    War Eagle 15 w/ 30 Hammer


    "Sometimes you gotta grab the bull by the horns and the women by the tits and take charge in your life" - General Patton

    "I'm very drunk and I intend on getting still drunker before this evening's over."
    - Rhett Butler

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    Too my surprise I found one!

    Should look like this:

    Where is the outrage over this?
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Aug 2021


    Was this a staged picture? the guy was NOT A HUNTER, he ran over it with a snowmobile. Not normal to take into a bar with your shoes off. Antihunter creating outrage ? Empathy? you cant push empathy on someone else just as you cant push your morals on someone else.

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Columbia, SC


    Quote Originally Posted by Silentweapon338 View Post

    Too my surprise I found one!

    Should look like this:

    Where is the outrage over this?
    Probably in a thread about abortion
    Sea Ark 1542 w/ Yamaha 40
    Xpress 16 w/ 50 Hammer
    War Eagle 15 w/ 30 Hammer


    "Sometimes you gotta grab the bull by the horns and the women by the tits and take charge in your life" - General Patton

    "I'm very drunk and I intend on getting still drunker before this evening's over."
    - Rhett Butler

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Sep 2004


    I like killing critters. Killing critters isn't cruel. Taping one's mouth shut and hauling it around and stressing it out for a fucking laugh is. Period.
    Quote Originally Posted by walt4dun View Post
    Monsters... Be damned if I'd ever be taken alive by the likes of faggot musslims.
    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    I am an equal opportunity hater.

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    Shall I start posting pics from some of our trapping threads???

    Seems as though we have kids celebrating around captured critters before exterminating with prejudice........

    Many of you are so swayed by what you read, see, you forget where you come from boys!

    Dont tell me there isnt antagonizing antics before the celebrated kill!

    Many of you are hypocrites and walked right into this!

    And hell yea! I enjoy killing them, but I'm not bashful. I dont record it in a bar!

    But ask? How about the babies that die every day?

    Can you at least humble your self and ask for forgiveness for those who cant?
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  19. #59
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Banks of the Wateree


    What in the fuck is your malfunction

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Boone, NC


    Quote Originally Posted by Silentweapon338 View Post
    Shall I start posting pics from some of our trapping threads???

    Seems as though we have kids celebrating around captured critters before exterminating with prejudice........

    Many of you are so swayed by what you read, see, you forget where you come from boys!

    Dont tell me there isnt antagonizing antics before the celebrated kill!

    Many of you are hypocrites and walked right into this!

    And hell yea! I enjoy killing them, but I'm not bashful. I dont record it in a bar!

    But ask? How about the babies that die every day?

    Can you at least humble your self and ask for forgiveness for those who cant?

    I don't 'celebrate' while an animal is still alive ... if it's still breathing and looks like it's not going to expire soon, it gets double tapped, head slammed against a gun stock, ring it's neck, or a foot stomp on the throat. That's the #1 thing that happens after a shot (if it's needed). I have no remorse for killing an animal, I do respect it enough to finish it off quickly.

    I'm not sure what the hell aborting babies has to do with any of this ... if I had to guess, I'm not alone in following along with that dumb ass train of thought.


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