You don't aim a shotgun dummy......
Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.
Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.
My 9 year old fired 1 time into a group of 12 teal Saturday morning and a solo drake fell into the corn for his first duck. He is still smiling.
I always pick out a quick bird in my head, given shot, a layup perhaps. then think about where it's going to fall.. while paying attention to the group. My attention on that first one is the priority, and I'm picturing it folding up when I pull the trigger. Then I'm on to the next. I've shot across groups on the water, there's not a time that I know of that I've taken wild group shots. My father would have bitched at me growing up. Most of my duck hunting is with an o/u, maybe only a third of my dove hunting is. What's funny about that we were once shooting a desalting pond in Mexico, unplugged guns, shooting lead.. and I watched him dead in front of me shoot from the hip four times in a row at some redheads, literally like hundreds lighting in on us about thirty feet out. Five or six died, and I told him I was done.
I’ll make you feel better. When a wad of teal come scalding in, I’m usually so far behind that they land and I water swat one and swing in whatever is getting up and leaving. If they don’t land, I generally point the gun in the flocks general direction and miss three times really fast.
Just read the other replies…good to see I’m not alone with my “strategy.”
Last edited by WhitewaterDuck; 02-06-2024 at 07:49 AM.
“I can’t wait ‘till I’m grown” is the stupidest @!#* I ever said!