Quote Originally Posted by Rooster13 View Post
Just a note about this--We sold a customer a Browning Medallion (not top of the line) safe many years ago. The customer got drunk and passed out in his mobile home while smoking. The room where his safe was located also had a full propane tank in the room that exploded. When his sons brought the safe on a trailer for me to open, I informed him that when opened, probably everything would be gone except for the gun barrels and receivers. The safe got so hot a loaded rifle on the top shelf fired a hole through the side of the safe. The top and sides were badly warped. I was shocked when this safe was opened and 80% or more of everything inside was fine and just needed cleaning. All the guns except the one on the top shelf (heat rising) were fine. His Grandfather's US flag was in a plastic case that was not damaged at all.

To me the most impressive thing was Browning's reaction after I called to let them know how impressed I was with their fire protection. Their lifetime replacement warranty when a safe is damaged by fire or burglary too much to be repared is with the owner of the safe who died in the fire. They graciously offered the family a new safe and only charged the shipping from Utah to here. We delivered it free for them. I have safe pictures of the outside and inside here at my shop to show potential customers.
Wish the same could be said for the POS’s at Liberty