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Thread: New SMZ's to go into effect soon

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by aquaman View Post
    jasonw -how wrong you are , what it did prove was that reefs produce not just congregate fish which was the "old" unproven science, if you have not read the results of the work on 51 and 53 then you have no idea of what was done. The red snapper debacle has left a very bad taste in peoples mouth and now a few see anything science related as bad. I will assure you sir, duckcrazed can verify, that I know all the intimate details of those two areas. By the way, just so you know ever wonder why there is no mention of Area 52? think about that for awhile.
    Wrong? On which point was I wrong? What I am saying has been proven by experiments that were much larger scale than your own (see links at bottom).

    No idea what was done? Oh, you mean the "4 corners" with 100 reef balls on each corner arranged in a square approximately 1.5 miles apart? These wouldn't happen to be concrete cones deployed by Stevens Towing company, that are about 0.7m top diameter, with a 1.22m base diameter and 0.91m height with 20m openings looking like swiss cheese, would they? Or by "no idea" are you referring to fishing the opposite corners and then comparing them to the unfished corners using tagging (measuring site fidelity), and video surveillance? Do you guys still use the camera with the little red dots on it spaced 2 inches a part so that you can get accurate length data of fish swimming by?

    Reefs congregate fish? Wow. Totally blew my mind with that one!!! I want the guy's job that made that sort of ground breaking discovery! Just kidding. I knew what you meant. You are rehashing the "attraction vs production" argument on artificial reefs. I told you guys the same thing 10+ years ago. Of course habitat produces. SCDNR's "Area 5x" were just a small scale experiment compared to others already out there (steinhatchee, suwannee, Alabama reef program, etc). I'm sorry, but A5x were just DNR pet projects and the only thing it did was convince you guys of research that had already been done. I've seen video from the sites, and I've got a logbook full of numbers of not so well known spots that could give them a run for their money. Sure, they had fish on them, but AGAIN, it's NOT because they were "MPA's". It's because they were secrets. How do I know this? Because they have never been MPA's. You can't say "We proved MPA" when they weren't MPA. Now that they are MPA, they will be "compromised" 10x what they are now. Do you not think that the existing MPA's are not "compromised"? That's ridiculous. I've seen both recreational and commercial guys planted in them many times. All SCDNR is doing now is publishing the numbers to spots only a few of us had in our books. Do you know the difference between an MPA and a "secret" spot? MPAs are not secret. That's it...

    The reality is, that these spots are the pride and joy of the reef program and DNR got into a panic when they found out that they were "compromised". I know this because it's irrational to think that these tiny little spots are going to make a measurable impact in the South Atlantic when we literally have hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of contiguous miles of "ledge", and thousands of square miles of "inshore" (of the ledge) stuff scattered about.

    The correct move would have been to mimic the Alabama reef program. They have THOUSANDS of man-made reefs, built up with private capital. That's what happens when you let capitalism do it's thing... And the runner up idea (if that was too dramatic for Martore) would have been to mimic the Steinhatchee reef program. Either of these are better alternatives than to make an unnecessary checkerboard of fishing\no-fishing zones, that CANNOT and WILL NOT have any meaningful enforcement.

    SUWANEE - Suwannee Regional Reef System

    Steinhatchee Fisheries Management Area

    I think it's a shame why fisheries scientists still can't even figure out why "virgin stocks" of red snapper in the GOM were fished out in the late 1800's with only 2 million lbs of annual catch. So fished out, boats were travelling from the pan handle of Florida all the way around the gulf down to the yucatan to find fish. Fast forward to 2015 and the sustainable TAC is over 11M pounds for the GOM... With one small difference, tens of thousands of reefs, oil rigs and other man-made structure. The population of red snapper is 5x what it was before the first man caught. Yet, the answer is still always "tighter limits and more MPAs". Unbelievable how blind federal "fisheries science" is...
    Last edited by jasonw; 07-24-2017 at 12:18 AM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Said it was my last post but what the hell! Jason just figured out who you are what's up shorty? We will have to agree to disagree. Maybe duckcrazed will tell the story of receiving 9 colored tags one Monday morning and a post on Sad and funny at the same time.
    Last edited by aquaman; 07-24-2017 at 05:50 AM.

  3. #23
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    Nov 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by aquaman View Post
    Said it was my last post but what the hell! Jason just figured out who you are what's up shorty? We will have to agree to disagree. Maybe duckcrazed will tell the story of receiving 9 colored tags one Monday morning and a post on Sad and funny at the same time.
    Ha. I thought I recognized your cool demeanor there D. I wasn't sure since you had a completely different login name. Obviously we disagree on this topic, even though I know you are qualified to have any opinion here, but certainly no hard feelings!

  4. #24
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    Nov 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by uga_dawg View Post
    How can they close fishing in the areas if they don't tell you where they are at? Or do you mean the specific reefs?
    The numbers are/will be public knowledge which creates the catch 22. To "protect" it, they have to publish the locations. A plan that is guaranteed to backfire and teach an expensive lesson.

  5. #25
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    Dec 2008


    Same here buddy, agree enforcement is going to be a problem, one boat at night will devastate each corner, one bandit boat could fish each corner in a night, you know this was my "baby" for a long time. Expensive lesson indeed! Like you and I know the numbers are already out there, not much digging and folks could figure it out, right there on published charts. You are a good man sir who fights for what he believes in, certainly can't fault you for that. The other areas being designated I do have problems with, as well as the commercial catch favoring them. Plus pelagic fishermen get a pass in all areas, if I were a bottom fisherman I would be upset about that, purely from a biology aspect.

  6. #26
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by aquaman View Post
    Same here buddy, agree enforcement is going to be a problem, one boat at night will devastate each corner, one bandit boat could fish each corner in a night, you know this was my "baby" for a long time. Expensive lesson indeed! Like you and I know the numbers are already out there, not much digging and folks could figure it out, right there on published charts. You are a good man sir who fights for what he believes in, certainly can't fault you for that. The other areas being designated I do have problems with, as well as the commercial catch favoring them. Plus pelagic fishermen get a pass in all areas, if I were a bottom fisherman I would be upset about that, purely from a biology aspect.

    Sorry amigo...but if tax payer dollars are used for the reef it needs to be published from day one. I don't like the closing of areas, but I can understand the need for it due to ongoing biological research. But I question "to protect spawning areas of snapper and grouper". If that's the case then every reef could fall under this.

    If biologist want to have secret reefs and such. They need to go raise the money via private donors and non profits.

  7. #27
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    Dec 2008


    Funny that you say Amigo- guess how many of your tax dollars are going to support he and his family. Have you raised hell about that? Get busy sir! I have enjoyed the banter, and unlike last time I am truly done now.

  8. #28
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    Mar 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by aquaman View Post
    Funny that you say Amigo- guess how many of your tax dollars are going to support he and his family. Have you raised hell about that? Get busy sir! I have enjoyed the banter, and unlike last time I am truly done now.
    I raise hell about it all the time. It's on my laundry list of things I hate about our government.

  9. #29
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    Oct 2012


    JW, I am hearing ya and strongly agree. Aqua no need to respond but your last paragraph just made my entire debate and comment on wasted tax money even more factual, you really did performed a malthusian flip.
    Genesis 9;2

  10. #30
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    Jan 2005


    Quote Originally Posted by marsh chicken View Post

    Sorry amigo...but if tax payer dollars are used for the reef it needs to be published from day one. I don't like the closing of areas, but I can understand the need for it due to ongoing biological research. But I question "to protect spawning areas of snapper and grouper". If that's the case then every reef could fall under this.

    If biologist want to have secret reefs and such. They need to go raise the money via private donors and non profits.
    Kinda like the TAXPAYER dollars putting up new tennis courts at Mid-Carolina High School and tell the wife and I we can't use them. Fixin to be lawsuit on anything that YOUR tax $$ are used for and then you can't use it. Maybe the amigo. All relative.
    Gettin old is for pussies! AND MY NEW TRUE people say like Capt. Tom >>>>>>>>>/
    "Wow, often imitated but never duplicated. No one can do it like the master. My hat is off to you DRDUCK!"


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