I suspect DNR will handle it the proper way if it was determined that the officer was at fault.

Now what should happen due to DNR being the only agency, besides coast guard, who can legally work watercraft collisions in SC is to call in Georgia Wildlife to investigate it unless they were willing to admit that the DNR Officer was at fault.. Keowee is close enough they could get there in a reasonable amount of time to investigate the collision.

But I highly doubt the DNR officer was under any influence except his own ego. Id imagine someone went past him with a violation or overcrowded boat, he whipped his boat around and headed full speed pursuit after that boat and got tunnel vision focusing on the boat he was trying to stop. He wasn't paying any attention and collided with a pontoon. That is pure speculation on my part, but it happens.

Police Officers wreck cars, DNR agents wreck boats, it can happen to anybody... Hell the coast guard ran into the bridge down here in Charleston just a few months ago and put 6 people in the hospital.