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Thread: Trump's XO on Welfare

  1. #1
    Mergie Master's Avatar
    Mergie Master is offline Dedicated Tamiecide Practitioner
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    Default Trump's XO on Welfare

    The Elites don't fear the tall nails, government possesses both the will and the means to crush those folks. What the Elites do fear (or should fear) are the quiet men and women, with low profiles, hard hearts, long memories, and detailed target folders for action as they choose.

    "I here repeat, & would willingly proclaim, my unmitigated hatred to Yankee rule—to all political, social and business connections with Yankees, & to the perfidious, malignant, & vile Yankee race."

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    People whining about 'literally taking food out of the mouths of babes', yes and those babes have 3 and 5 year old siblings who were raised on welfare too. You think their parents hesitated to keep spitting out kids?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    This guy gets it!

    "Perhaps instead of reaching out to immigrants the moment they set foot on our soil to connect them with social service programs, we need to be connecting them with jobs the minute they arrive."
    Yup, he's crazy...

    like a fox. The dude may be coming in a little too hard and crazy but 90% of everything he says is correct.

    Sort of like Toof. But way smarter.
    ~Scatter Shot

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2014


    This is a great move but he doesn't need to stop with immigrants. Half the us population is on some sort of welfare program. Here is my view on welfare. I believe WE the American people have an obligation to help the mentally and physically disabled. They can stay on assistance. My problem is the tabled body people. Everyone can go through rough times in their life. Im sort of ok with people getting assistance for one 12 month period per ten years. A full year is plenty of time get ones life together and find gainful employment. Why do we keep able bodied people on assistance long term? It is conditioning people not to work and provide for themselves. And this shit of the government replacing the father for children is ridiculous. If you have a child and can't afford not to neglect it, the state should take custody. If no other immediate family member wants to adopt it, there should be children's homes set up to take it. It sounds cold, but the child would have a much better chance at life in a home raised by adults who can teach them about the value of work. A child raised by a bum has zero chance. It saddens me to be in line at the grocery store and see a cute little toddler in the buggy of a bum mother with her hair and nails done, wearing name brand clothing, and casually pays with her BET card. That child has ZERO chance.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote from the article:

    "Canada fixed this decades ago. You can’t easily emigrate there (even from the U.S.) if you don’t already have a job, a place to live, and a Canadian citizen to vouch for you."

    Just think how much these simple changes in immigration policy could impact our immigration problems.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009
    pee dee


    Quote Originally Posted by Lynchmob View Post
    Quote from the article:

    "Canada fixed this decades ago. You can’t easily emigrate there (even from the U.S.) if you don’t already have a job, a place to live, and a Canadian citizen to vouch for you."

    Just think how much these simple changes in immigration policy could impact our immigration problems.

    Sent from my iPhone 8.5 using Tapatalk
    Quote Originally Posted by Roddie View Post
    SCducks is not checkers, it's chess.


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