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Thread: Bill to ban dog hunting

  1. #421
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by Fish View Post
    These words, "anti-dog hunters", are not representative of reality. I would bet my truck that the vast majority of people who live near areas where dog hunting occurs have a positive opinion of hunting or no opinion of hunting, which is to say they don't care either way. The words should be changed to "anti-nuisance hunters" because this is what they're up against. It's reasonable for people to push back when they're private property rights are continually infringed.

    As to the other often parroted comment about "a nail in the coffin for all hunting", that's just stupid. It's not true. If all hunting becomes a nuisense then we've got problems. But hunting in general isn't going anywhere.

    But I'm tired of hearing about this topic and I don't care one way or the other. If it's annoying to me, someone who doesn't care, what do you think the representatives who have to listen to this repetitive stupidity think? They're probably tired of it. And eventually, they're going to take out the trash. Govern yourselves accordingly.

    I agree hence my comment about folks quitting hunting.
    I know SRR came back with his response but people will find money to feed their habit. They may not make their house payment or car payment but by god they will do what they love an what people love changes.

    If they can't dog hunt they will still hunt.

    Just like you said they have dogs they are feeding them some how some way.

    They will pay for the food plots too they will be half ass jut like they are dog hunting but at least it will keep them on their property.

    Hell who knows one fellow didn't have corn on his stand down around bull head one day so he crawled up in "those still hunters" stand across the line.

    Gotta adapt I guess.

    I'm not sure what is worse a dog under your stand or a barefooted man in your stand?
    Lord I chuckle every time I think about that.

  2. #422
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    Quote Originally Posted by LC17 View Post
    Whose trees are they going to burn and whose tires are they going to ruin, Tim? Their legislators'? Not sure what you are saying about campers.
    He is espousing what most of the diggers claim they will do if they loose their right to dog hunt.
    This is one of those mantras chanted.

    Well, I'm gonna burn down that mans cabin if I can't hunt no more.
    It is stupid an the first time it happens an that individual is left out to dry by his constituents they all will back down.
    Head line reads:
    "Man burns local an historical cabin to the ground." After being charged with arson destruction of property on an on said man exclaimed in court: "I did it for my brothers in dogs"
    To wich Dixie was whistled.

  3. #423
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    Newington GA


    Quote Originally Posted by LC17 View Post
    Whose trees are they going to burn and whose tires are they going to ruin, Tim? Their legislators'? Not sure what you are saying about campers.
    If they pass that bill to ban dog hunting in SC, the pissed off dog hunter will make every still club that borders them , know they are not happy with the outcome. One way or another. Your good neighbor that runs dogs may have a trash pile get out of control while burning.

  4. #424
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silentweapon338 View Post
    He is espousing what most of the diggers claim they will do if they loose their right to dog hunt.
    This is one of those mantras chanted.

    Well, I'm gonna burn down that mans cabin if I can't hunt no more.
    It is stupid an the first time it happens an that individual is left out to dry by his constituents they all will back down.
    Head line reads:
    "Man burns local an historical cabin to the ground." After being charged with arson destruction of property on an on said man exclaimed in court: "I did it for my brothers in dogs"
    To wich Dixie was whistled.
    No, I get that...I'm just asking, who is "that man"? Their legislator? The guy who owns the block next door they used to trample on? Who are the doggers going to "get" if their shenanigans eventually cost them their sport...which they will.

  5. #425
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    Newington GA


    LC17 if you haven't noticed people go crazy over deer hunting. And they do foolish stuff.

  6. #426
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timsmith View Post
    If they pass that bill to ban dog hunting in SC, the pissed off dog hunter will make every still club that borders them , know they are not happy with the outcome. One way or another. Your good neighbor that runs dogs may have a trash pile get out of control while burning.
    Well, scumbags gonna scumbag, I guess.

  7. #427
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timsmith View Post
    LC17 if you haven't noticed people go crazy over deer hunting. And they do foolish stuff.
    Ok, so in addition to losing their sport, they'll lose their liberty and property...I agree, that is foolish.

  8. #428
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    I'm not naive but I just don't see this happening.

    It may happen on a limited scale for a limited time by a few renegades.

    But generally speaking people are sheep.

    They will say: "it was bound to happen. Oh well I guess we can go plant some of that monster mix Walmart has on sale with this extra money I have. I bet I'll kill a monster this year"

    The burn down crowd will loose attention about as quick as the line at McDonald's rolls from one end to the other.

  9. #429
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    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzy View Post
    Bad Habit gets it. I grew up on a dog club, but have not hunted that way in years. I hate to see come, but the end of a tradition is nearing, unless dog hunters can get a handle on things. The "anti dog hunters" can believe what they want to, but every aspect of hunting that is lost is a nail in the coffin to ending it all. There are extremist on both sides, but name calling will do nothing but drive a bigger wedge between the two side. I don't know the solution, but it is out there.
    Bad habit for sure gets it. I am pulling for dog men like him and I don't dog hunt!

  10. #430
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timsmith View Post
    If this ban passes, the forestry department will be busy, tire business will off the chain and camper business will be good. Repercussions from a disgruntled hunter is endless.
    silly, simple, and common thinking right here boys!

  11. #431
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    Quote Originally Posted by head hunter View Post
    silly, simple, and common thinking right here boys!
    Once again the first time one gets it the rest will fold.

    I mean are you telling us you want to burn my tires off or some such nonsense?

    The intelligence level exemplified in this thread boggles my mind.

    I wish porckchop13 would come back an play.

    "Good post bo good post. Hell yea we are gonna get the pitchforks out an a little gas we gonna burn dem dar still hunters out yo."

    This is absurd an if anyone does any such crime they need to be banned from hunting from life. I have no tolerance for idiots an assholes whom think it is ok to go sabotage another mans property because he got mad you violated his private property rights.

    Fuck you and your ilk if you think it is ok to support burning a mans property is ok because he gets disgruntled for you running around like a wild indian who just had a laxative all over his neighbors property in the name of getting your dogs whom left your property up.

    It is so simple. Hunt on your property an your property an there is no issue.

  12. #432
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    Quote Originally Posted by head hunter View Post
    silly, simple, and common thinking right here boys!
    Theirs nothing silly,simple or common. I have been through this dog hunting debate, I seen burnt pines with a freshly plow fire break around them, I heard of hunting camps ransacked and burnt. Hell Marsh Chicken couldn't drive in their gates because of a disgruntled hunter who lost their lease threw nails in hunting club drives. Ain't no telling how many tires was ruined over deer hunting. Theirs some crazy MOFO 's when hunting is involved.

  13. #433
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    Dec 2008


    Timsmith- Those that don't want it to disappear keep telling the dog men to come to the table with meaningful changes but few to none will do so. Destroying property and burning a mans land come with a mighty high expense. I have had discussions with Ruth etc., lawmakers until I am blue in the face about this problem and EVERY year around this time and the first of the season we have a twenty something page discussion here will all the same problems and solutions discussed and nothing ever changes. It will take someone getting hurt bad or killed over a trespassing hound before this problem gets resolved. Hope DNR or whoever responsible for knowing this problem exist and has existed for YEARS ends up in court explaining why nothing was done.

  14. #434
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timsmith View Post
    Theirs nothing silly,simple or common. I have been through this dog hunting debate, I seen burnt pines with a freshly plow fire break around them, I heard of hunting camps ransacked and burnt. Hell Marsh Chicken couldn't drive in their gates because of a disgruntled hunter who lost their lease threw nails in hunting club drives. Ain't no telling how many tires was ruined over deer hunting. Theirs some crazy MOFO 's when hunting is involved.
    Think my post was misunderstood! The silly, simply and ignorant thinking I was referring to is anyone talking about destroying another man's property due to them wanting to stop their property rights from being violated!

  15. #435
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    Quote Originally Posted by Timsmith View Post
    Theirs nothing silly,simple or common. I have been through this dog hunting debate, I seen burnt pines with a freshly plow fire break around them, I heard of hunting camps ransacked and burnt. Hell Marsh Chicken couldn't drive in their gates because of a disgruntled hunter who lost their lease threw nails in hunting club drives. Ain't no telling how many tires was ruined over deer hunting. Theirs some crazy MOFO 's when hunting is involved.
    Umm, yeah. It's as common as it comes.

    I'm I'm gonna burn some stuff that belongs to these people over here. Does that mentality remind you of something, Tim? How bout Ferguson or Baltimore?

    Yeah, it's the same thing, same threat, just a different group of people.

  16. #436
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fish View Post
    Umm, yeah. It's as common as it comes.

    I'm I'm gonna burn some stuff that belongs to these people over here. Does that mentality remind you of something, Tim? How bout Ferguson or Baltimore?

    Yeah, it's the same thing, same threat, just a different group of people.
    agreed, good analogy!

  17. #437
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    Quote Originally Posted by PBiz View Post

    Would you support a line item in a bill:

    -Leased land to be 500 acres, Owned land to be 150 acres to dog hunt
    -A license to turn loose dogs, where the strikes follow the individual, not the club

    Oh yeah, if you want me to keep my dogs on my property, then give me more buck tags than I could ever shoot..

    Sometimes deer have to be killed in order to stop the hounds..

    Will all types of hunting dogs be affected in this bill? I.e., fox,cat,rabbit,hog,coon,duck?
    I personally think that 500 acres is way too small so 150 would be way out of the question. Here are the reason why: A guy who has a slow controlled pack of beagles "could" keep them on 150 acres no problem. However, the majority of those causing problems will not fit that category. The "community club" that borders my land has slightly over 150 acres that are owned by the "et al" so it would fall under the "owned" category. Every Saturday they surround the block (30 yards apart) and turn loose 20-30 walkers. Where do you think those dogs end up 30 minutes later? In my opinion, these are the types that are creating a majority (not all) of the problems.
    I have a close friend who owns about 500 acres that is about 5 miles up the swamp from one of our hunting areas. He has battled a "dog club" for years and years. This group will purposely turn loose 50 walkers on 200 acres beside my friend and drive to the other side of his property to shoot. He manages for trophy deer and puts a lot of time, effort and money into it. They try to run his property EVERY Saturday. They will trespass to shoot a deer, they will radio each other as to the owners whereabouts, they will raise hell when he brings them one of their dogs he has caught on his land because it interrupts their hunt, they will lie and claim to be hunting with our club when questioned by the game warden (so your idea about fines tied to the owner are good but they started running no name tags on collar), on and on and on. Now, when the wind is blowing just right on one of the 5 Saturdays that we hunt down the swamp from him, we will have a few dogs get on his property. It has never happened before 11:00 as we wait until 8:30-8:45 to turn loose. He allows me to use my key to let anyone from our club onto his property to catch their dog. The other club can not understand the difference. For this guy, it is simple. We do not hunt and intrude upon him every Saturday (although even one intrusion is not justified) and we do not try to purposely hunt his property. A local GW has pretty much shut this crowd down by using the Renegade Dog Act. It could curtail many of the problems IF there were enough GWs to handle each county who knew and understood the law and made it a priority.

    Excellent point about the buck tags. When we are hunting a 2,500 acre swamp, the fact that we wait late to turn dogs loose helps with neighbor relations. The fact that we shoot EVERY buck that is not a cow horn (and still manage to kill over 100 bucks a year most of which are 6 points or better, but that is a different topic) greatly influences how quickly and how often the dogs get off our property which greatly helps with neighbor relations. Do we stop every buck? No. Will the new tag system make even more "pass through"? Most definitely. Especially on a large tract of land. There is a HUGE difference between dog hunting 800 acres of fields and flatwoods compared to dog hunting 2,500 acres of swamp or all woods. This difference should be considered within a proposal. I think (based on conversations and reading some posts on here) that most people associate hunting deer with dogs with a group of 20 guys with 50 dogs hunting 300 acres.
    Coon hunting under the same bill? IMHO it should be included. I have had just as many coon dogs that were turned loose on 100 acres come onto my property as I have had deer dogs over the years. In fact, the coon hounds are worse because they will tree on my land and the hunter has to trespass in order to get him. At least the deer dogs will keep running most of the time and be gone within an hour or so.
    Become one with nature then marinate it.

  18. #438
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fish View Post
    Umm, yeah. It's as common as it comes.

    I'm I'm gonna burn some stuff that belongs to these people over here. Does that mentality remind you of something, Tim? How bout Ferguson or Baltimore?

    Yeah, it's the same thing, same threat, just a different group of people.
    I know that these things happened in the county I hunt in. It's bullshit people act the damn fool for no reason. I hope none of this crap happens in SC , I was relaying what happened over here, nothing more.

  19. #439
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    Okay, so now you're calling it "the fool". Your last post started with "Theirs nothing silly, simple or common." Tough to get a read on you, Tim.

  20. #440
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fish View Post
    Okay, so now you're calling it "the fool". Your last post started with "Theirs nothing silly, simple or common." Tough to get a read on you, Tim.
    Read them again, you can see clearly I was quoting someone , and as for the "the fool ' part it pertains to how people act for no reason.


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