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Thread: Sparkleberry RR

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Sparkleberry Swamp


    Quote Originally Posted by Duck Tape View Post
    There are many who do not want to be bullied so they do not post. I hear from them through private emails and messages.

    You in fact have the minority position on the flag.

    What nearly every southern republican believes is our country is going down the tubes and selling out to political correctness is surrender all over again. I concur.
    So when will you be making your stand? Voting yes or no when not popular even if your vote won't make a difference or your vote may get you not re-elected or your vote may make all the other House members turn against you for betraying the (corrupt) system.

    And when I say stand I mean completely stand. Not a - well my vote would not have changed the outcome or I voted for XXXX 20 times but then I finally changed in order to get it over with or I voted against XXXXX but we had to pass something so I conceded even though what was passed needed changes or I voted against XXX yet I did not wheel and deal and pressure to try to make it happen. I am talking a 100% no matter what stand.

    And if people on here agree with what y'all did as far as the timing and the manner and are happy with the results it has created and are happy with the precedence that was set, then they need to grow a set of balls and say so here instead of in a private message or email. When times are tough and my back is against the wall but I am RIGHT, then I want those who stand with me to stand with me, not encourage me privately and watch me suffer.
    Become one with nature then marinate it.

  2. #62
    Join Date
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    Columbia, SC


    I have found that when people use IMs to talk to the original poster, its because they are spineless punks who have nothing better to do in their lives.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    Dec 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    I have found that when people use IMs to talk to the original poster, its because they are spineless punks who have nothing better to do in their lives.
    “Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it.”

    ― Norman Maclean

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Nov 2005


    you me PMs? what the hell is an IM?
    They say the only time a fishermen tells the truth is when he tells you another fisherman is a liar.

  5. #65
    Join Date
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    Sparkleberry Swamp


    DT what happened to the "start a thread and we will discuss" attitude? "Me and you"? There are still unanswered questions out there.
    Become one with nature then marinate it.

  6. #66
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    The last vote I remember where I was the only rep voting against was when they voted to make text messaging illegal while driving.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sparkleberry Ridge Runner View Post
    So when will you be making your stand? Voting yes or no when not popular even if your vote won't make a difference or your vote may get you not re-elected or your vote may make all the other House members turn against you for betraying the (corrupt) system.

    And when I say stand I mean completely stand. Not a - well my vote would not have changed the outcome or I voted for XXXX 20 times but then I finally changed in order to get it over with or I voted against XXXXX but we had to pass something so I conceded even though what was passed needed changes or I voted against XXX yet I did not wheel and deal and pressure to try to make it happen. I am talking a 100% no matter what stand.

    And if people on here agree with what y'all did as far as the timing and the manner and are happy with the results it has created and are happy with the precedence that was set, then they need to grow a set of balls and say so here instead of in a private message or email. When times are tough and my back is against the wall but I am RIGHT, then I want those who stand with me to stand with me, not encourage me privately and watch me suffer.
    Either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.

  7. #67
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    Sparkleberry Swamp


    Quote Originally Posted by Duck Tape View Post
    The last vote I remember where I was the only rep voting against was when they voted to make text messaging illegal while driving.
    If I am on a bridge and everyone is jumping off, I'm still not jumping. There are a lot of people going to hell. I'm not following them. Just because everyone else does it, that doesn't make it right.
    I'm done. I honestly believe that you are now incapable of actually answering a question instead of spinning it or ducking and dodging. You MAY have been straight up at one time but I think you have been brain washed. There is no telling how many posts I could reference where you did not answer but pulled crap like this out. As many have said before, your true colors appear to be showing. If I am completely wrong about you, then so be it. However, you sure missed MANY opportunities to show people that they were wrong about you by behaving in this manner.
    Become one with nature then marinate it.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Aug 2014


    I would be lying if I said the flag deal didn't rub me the wrong way, but I'm forgiven and I have to forgive those who trespass against me.

    However I would like to point 1 thing out.

    Don't EVER run out and do something to be doing it in the heat of a turmoil, LIKE A COLLEAGUE BEING KILLED!!!!!

    There is nothing wrong with saying: hmm "Madam Gov. we realize you would like to see a special session of congress or GA for SC, but we as the GA feel as though we would be miss serving our constituents by coming back for a special session to try and vote during a emotional time, and without giving enough time to heal and listen to our voters. We can not adequately come together on any matter of the state in good solid conscience."

    We are not a democracy.

    We are a representative republic.

    As such you and your esteemed collogues should be telling our beloved governor when she can even pee in the am.

    It is senseless and a slap in the face of the voters of this great state to have a lame duck governor call a special session of congress to vote on a piece of fabric.

    I wanna know who is running the show? Y'all or her?

    This question needs to reverberate from SC to Washington.

    Congress needs to be mandating laws not the executive branch of any government.

    Quit squandering your mandate!
    Last edited by Silentweapon338; 07-22-2015 at 07:11 AM.

  9. #69
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    SRR, What did you think of Mike Pitts op ed in my Sums it up thread?

    That was from the leader of the keep it up reps.

    Answer me on that thread.
    Either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.

  10. #70
    Join Date
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    DT - If the senate is the overwhelming problem and you're one of the few willing to "invest in the state," why don't you give up house seat and run for senate?

  11. #71
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    Great question.

    I reside in senator Leatherman's district. He is the most powerful man in this state. He brings mucho pesos to Florence. His supporters are also my supporters. He has $750,000 in his campaign account.

    Even if I could pull it off, I would get cut off at the knees back home. That much power only comes to a region every 100 years or so. He has been in the Senate 30something years.
    Either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.

  12. #72
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Duck Tape View Post
    Great question.

    I reside in senator Leatherman's district. He is the most powerful man in this state. He brings mucho pesos to Florence. His supporters are also my supporters. He has $750,000 in his campaign account.

    Even if I could pull it off, I would get cut off at the knees back home. That much power only comes to a region every 100 years or so. He has been in the Senate 30something years.
    Please run, as in far away. You know like Forest Gump did.
    Last edited by ecu1984; 07-22-2015 at 07:59 AM.

  13. #73
    Join Date
    Oct 2007


    Politicians make me sick.
    "Freedom Isn't Free"
    _Spc. Thomas Caughman

    Quote Originally Posted by Dook View Post
    Go tigers!

  14. #74
    Join Date
    Feb 2003


    Quote Originally Posted by Duck Tape View Post
    Great question.

    I reside in senator Leatherman's district. He is the most powerful man in this state. He brings mucho pesos to Florence. His supporters are also my supporters. He has $750,000 in his campaign account.

    Even if I could pull it off, I would get cut off at the knees back home. That much power only comes to a region every 100 years or so. He has been in the Senate 30something years.

    No question Leatherman has a ton of power, likely too much.

    You asked 2th if he flies the flag outside of his office, insinuating he's not standing up for his beliefs or has the guts to express his views if those views may negatively affect his business. And, as 2th said, his concern was not about the flag.

    Running against Leatherman would result in a loss, but it wouldn't be much different that you suggesting 2th fly a flag or pushing someone else on here to run so they can make a difference. You obviously draw the line when it means saving your political rear end. Otherwise, why not run against Leatherman if for no other reason than to have a solid platform on which to voice your concerns over the lack of action from the senate?

    Your message doesn't come across as friendly or being for the people when you point the fingers at other for not "investing in the state." There are a TON of people on this site who invest in this state every day.

  15. #75
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    I am not suggesting anyone fly the confederate flag in front of their business or their home. Why, because there is a racial stigma attached. It will affect your business and would affect your neighbors opinion of you.

    My point is the State should not fly a flag that represents racism to a large percentage of the residents. But many SC Duckers acted like it was the most important thing in the world to fly at the state house but admitted it was not flying at their business or home.

    Should something take it's place at the monument? Yes.

    Running for office is a big decision. The first thing to look at is the demographics of your area. Most districts are drawn for one party to win. A few are swing districts.

    So the winner of the primary is the likely winner of the general election.

    Opportunity is also about timing. Open seats are easier to win. Incumbency has it's advantages and disadvantages.

    I do not believe the flag is going to be the reason someone wins or loses. My poling showed 11% said they would not vote for me if I took it down. 7% said they would not if I didn't take it down. The flag will be an issue but it will take the right combination of circumstances to remove an incumbent.

    Running compared to the flag scenario comparison is like this, I may want to run for Senate but it is not wise. You may want to fly the flag at your office but it is not wise.

    There is no reason to run if you will surely lose.

    If anyone want me to handicapped their chances at an office I will. Just PM me.
    Either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.

  16. #76
    Join Date
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    Columbia, SC


    Why, because there is a racial stigma attached
    there shouldnt be. and SCs politicians are to blame.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  17. #77
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    Why no comments on this op ed?
    Michael Pitts: Fighting For Our Shared History
    (Editor’s Note: This is the second in a three-part series. For the first part, click here).

    || By MICHAEL A. PITTS || There were many misunderstandings during this month’s emotional debate to remove the Confederate battle flag and pole from a memorial located on the South Carolina State House Capitol Complex. In the end, I voted “no” for the removal of that flag on the second reading of S. 897. I authored approximately forty amendments to this bill, many with cosponsors. My objective was two fold: First, to show by single amendments the diversity of the number of monuments that exist on our State House grounds and their vulnerability to sensitivity.

    This fact has already been proven in the aftermath of the debate with calls to remove both the African American History Monument – which was also part of the 2000 compromise – and calls for the removal of the Tillman Statue.

    Secondly, I wanted to memorialize the flag of the First South Carolina Infantry Regiment of the Confederate Army and the standard bearers of that flag whose bravery and sacrifice in battle is historically chronicled inside our State House rotunda, and also written about by President Teddy Roosevelt.

    The First S.C. Volunteers of the 54th Massachusetts Union Army are memorialized in the beautiful artwork of bronze and granite at the African American History Monument on the east side of the complex. I worked through amendments in an attempt to bring the same level of memorialization to their Confederate counterparts – and to the first S.C. Infantry’s regimental flag.


    First S.C. Volunteers Plaque

    54th Massachusetts

    54th Massachusetts (Detail)

    First S.C. Volunteers Flag

    Both units are a significant part of South Carolina History and important to the citizens of this state – along with the war in which they fought. This war and the reasons leading up to it need to be remembered so that history does not repeat itself. We need to remember all history; the good, the bad, and the ugly because collectively, it is who we are.

    Slavery is an abomination that still exists today. Amnesty International quit purchasing children back out of slavery in impoverished countries because parents sold them again into a vicious cycle. Horrific as slavery was to the Africans brought to America, it was a dire price paid by ancestors to give us people like Dr. Martin Luther King, General Colin Powell, Senator Tim Scott, and Senator Clem Pinckney.

    I can’t imagine our country without such people.

    I believed that two of my amendments could achieve my goal: The bronze and granite monument or the replacement of the Battle Flag with the 1st S.C. Volunteers Flag. The flag amendment had a large majority of support in the Republican Caucus, and the monument amendment had good support. Myself and other lawmakers were led to believe that the flag amendment would pass, only to find out that we had been deceived.

    It was difficult to find a reason why legislators normally willing to work through their issues were obstinate. I finally realized there is no need to bargain with a salesman when the dealer has promised a free car.

    My attempts at equal representation through compromise were met with absolute resistance. My intent, as I stated many times during debate, was not to keep the Confederate battle flag from being taken down – as I know the pain that the flag brings to some of my good friends who are African American. In the end, I voted “no” on second reading of S. 897 because of the stance of no compromise from the other side. I chose not to vote on third and final reading as I was mentally and physically exhausted from the debate and my vote would not have impacted the final outcome.

    I have talked with colleagues on the other side of this debate that are willing to work with me in the future to resolve these issues. For the sake of our state, I hope we can work together to faithfully honor our shared history.
    Either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.

  18. #78
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Duck Tape View Post
    My point is the State should not fly a flag that represents racism to a large percentage of the residents. But many SC Duckers acted like it was the most important thing in the world to fly at the state house but admitted it was not flying at their business or home.
    But it was ok until a shooting occurred?
    But it was "stop the world and lets take this flag down right now because its the most important issue we have reaction?
    It is a historical flag that was once compromised and moved to a memorial wasn't it?

    Still haven't answered the questions about how God feels about the funding of abortions, incentivizing children out of wedlock, etc but he definitely worked thru you to remove the flag.....interesting concept

    Run the fuck along
    Last edited by ecu1984; 07-22-2015 at 06:51 PM.

  19. #79
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Default Sparkleberry RR

    Quote Originally Posted by ecu1984 View Post
    But is was ok until a shooting occurred?

    This is my biggest qualm about the whole thing. The limp dick eunuchs in Columbia let that little f***er Roof win- shame on you.

    Fixed it
    Last edited by The Conservative; 07-22-2015 at 05:35 PM.
    “The America Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public’s money.”

  20. #80
    Join Date
    Mar 2002


    I guess the mods are out to dinner.
    Either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing.


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