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Thread: Hitler and Fluoride

  1. #21
    Join Date
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    Charleston, SC


    Tomorrow we will discover that flouride is causing autism.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    No Dickhead, that is the vaccinations.

  3. #23
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    On the Edge


    Quote Originally Posted by everlast View Post
    As did Stalin in the Gulags to sterilize and make prisoners more docile. So why is it in our water?

    “Using the fluoride in the water supplies in their gulags (concentration camps), to make the prisoners stupid, docile, and subservient.”

    Water Fluoridation Directly Linked To Eugenics

    By Terry Wilson
    – Posted on March 18, 2012Posted in: National News
    Many people have long suspected that the addition of fluoride to municipal water supplies, was and is a eugenics program. There have been several pieces of information to back that claim up.
    The earliest occurrence of fluoridated drinking water on Earth was found in Russia’s gulags and then Germany’s Nazi prison camps. The Stahlin & Hitler had little concern about fluoride’s supposed effect on children’s teeth; their alleged reason for mass-medicating water with sodium fluoride was to sterilize humans and force the people in their concentration camps into calm submission so that they could be ‘managed’ easier. Have you never wondered why they lined up so compliantly in those old newsreel pictures to be shot and bundled into pits?
    Notwithstanding this effect of fluoridation, another worrying symptom is a 10-30 point drop in IQ levels, particularly in children exposed to fluoride.
    You must ask yourselves the question that if this is known as absolute fact, which it is, then why is it in the drinking water of our nation. I can only come to the logical conclusion that it is to have the same effects as set out above.

    USAF Major George R. Jordan testified before Un-American Activity committees of Congress in the 1950′s that in his post as U.S.Soviet liaison officer, the Soviets openly admitted to…
    “Using the fluoride in the water supplies in their gulags (concentration camps), to make the prisoners stupid, docile, and subservient.”
    Ref : The Crime and Punishment of I. G. Farben by Joseph Borkin
    Now the large majority of anti fluoride organizations do not use this information, because they believe that it makes them look like “kooks” and “conspiracy theorists”. Citing that there is not enough solid evidence to support these claims.
    Which is understandable. The truth is stranger than fiction, and to convince people of that is a monumental task.
    But I have uncovered a direct link that is irrefutable, we do not have to look into Nazi or Russian programs. The link comes from right here in Canada.

    Dr. W.L. Hutton seen here with his wife.

    Dr. W.L. Hutton was the head medical officer of health in the first Canadian city to fluoridate their water supply. Brantford Ontario began Canada’s first water fluoridation trial in 1945. under heavy influence by Dr. Hutton.
    Dr. Hutton made claims that fluoride would reduce tooth decay, improve children’s hearing, and basically sold it to the city council as a wonder drug. In a true “snake oil salesmen” fashion.
    The city began adding the chemical to the water supply. For the first three months they did not even notify the public. Citing a need for a fair and unbiased trial. After the three months, no complaints of taste or odor had been filed. So the fluoridation board decided to notify the public.
    The majority of that information is shown in my film Fluoride: Safe and Effective? that can be viewed here:
    Since that time Dr. Hutton has been hailed as “the father of water fluoridation in Canada”. And treated in the majority of history books as a Canadian pioneer and hero.
    Here is what those book tend to leave out.
    Dr. Hutton had a long medical career, before beginning his “service” in Brantford. He held a variety of prestigious titles. With one especially standing out.
    Dr. W.L. Hutton was the president of the eugenics society of Canada from 1930 – 1938 [he became Brantford's head medical officer in 1937].
    Lets put that into perspective. The Canadian father of water fluoridation was the president of the eugenics society of Canada.
    His tenure as president ended in 1938, not because he had decided to move on. Or because another person had been selected for the position. But because a young and new staffer for the society made remarks about the Canadian eugenics society having the same goals as Hitler and the Nazi’s in public. Most of their funding dried right up and the eugenics society had to permanently close their doors as a result from those comments.
    Like all eugenics programs around the world that had been exposed after WW2, the Canadian version went underground. With the main supporters of the idea left bitter and angry.
    Mass water fluoridation was an idea used by these bitter eugenicists to continue their sick and disgusting programs.
    All of this is absolute bullshit! I am the superintendent of a large water treatment plant that introduces fluoride in the water everyday. Fluoride is metered in such small amounts that the pros far out weigh the cons. (.7 to 1.2 mg/l) We are regulated by the Department of Disease as well as the Department of Oral Health. Not to mention DHEC and Laboratory Certification. The only people being harmed by fluoride is the dentist(wallet). Next I guess you will say chlorinated water is killing everybody. Sounds like you had an abunant amout of fluoride when you were a child!

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2010


    Sounds like 2th didnt skip class on "Fluoride Day"

  5. #25
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    on a river


    Quote Originally Posted by WoodieSC View Post
    Thank you, sir. As soon as I can, I'll get to work on it.

    2th... let's face it, the ADA isn't really any different than the AMA and the AVA. They're all really political organizations for the most part, and their 'neutrality' on these types of topics are highly suspect, as would be expected from these types of organizations.

    Expecting the ADA to tell you the 'dirty truth' about some dental practices and products is like expecting the NRA to tell you the downsides to gun ownership and availability.

    I did drink fluoridated water as a child, teen, young adult, etc... until about 15 years ago, so theoretically I should have been well protected by then. I also used Crest fluoride toothpaste until about the same period of time, so again, I should have been well protected.

    One of the debates I'd really like to see an answer to is the claim that fluoride makes the enamel of your teeth 'thicker(?)', 'stronger', etc. The alternate argument is that, like with Osteoporosis drugs that make the bone APPEAR thicker on the xrays, is because that's what it does. It just makes the teeth LOOK more dense, just like with the bones that don't really get any stronger, they just don't shed the old bone cells. I don't know what's true there with the fluoride, but they've pretty much proven the bone claims are false, I believe. Isn't that why Sally Fields is out of work... ?
    Explaining to the general public how fluoride benefits your teeth is tricky, because to properly do it, you have to throw around some big words that will just get ignored. Let me try though,

    Enamel is made up of Hydroxyapatite. When your tooth erupts, enamel formation stops. You don't "grow" anymore enamel throughout your life. When you eat any food that is acidic, it demineralizes the surface of the tooth. (Think : turns the smooth surface of tooth into sandpaper). Then the body starts a race to reminerlize the surface before bacteria attach and start dissolving your teeth. If there is fluoride present, the body remineralizes the tooth with Flouride which makes Flourapatite rather than hydroxyapatite. Flourapatite is more resistant to bacteria and harder to dissolve.
    That is why we say that fluoride builds enamel(remineralizes) and makes it stronger (Flourapatite is stronger than hydroxyapatite).

    As to the "soft teeth" myth. What the research is showing is that for the most part (very few exceptions) folks don't have soft teeth but a more aggressive bacteria strain. It is very common for two kids to come in with their mom. One kid had clean teeth with no decay, the other kid has decay everywhere. Ask mom whats different between the two. She says nothing is different, she brushes their teeth everyday and eat the same things. I ask mom, "do you have a lot of fillings?" she says "no I have never had one". I then ask, "does your husband have a lot of fillings" she says "yes he has a mouth full of fillings and crowns"...viola. One kid got moms bacteria, the other kid got dads. The mom may not have the best oral hygiene habits, but has gotten away with it her whole life because she did not have an aggressive bacteria. She practices her same habits on her other kid with the dad's bacteria and they don't cut it.

    You can still stop cavities from forming, you just have to work harder if you have one of these bad bacteria. So there is your free Oral Immunology/Microbiology class of the day. If I was unethical, I would tell folks to not have any fluoride...but I like to sleep at night

  6. #26
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    On the Edge


    Quote Originally Posted by mudminnow View Post
    Explaining to the general public how fluoride benefits your teeth is tricky, because to properly do it, you have to throw around some big words that will just get ignored. Let me try though,

    Enamel is made up of Hydroxyapatite. When your tooth erupts, enamel formation stops. You don't "grow" anymore enamel throughout your life. When you eat any food that is acidic, it demineralizes the surface of the tooth. (Think : turns the smooth surface of tooth into sandpaper). Then the body starts a race to reminerlize the surface before bacteria attach and start dissolving your teeth. If there is fluoride present, the body remineralizes the tooth with Flouride which makes Flourapatite rather than hydroxyapatite. Flourapatite is more resistant to bacteria and harder to dissolve.
    That is why we say that fluoride builds enamel(remineralizes) and makes it stronger (Flourapatite is stronger than hydroxyapatite).

    As to the "soft teeth" myth. What the research is showing is that for the most part (very few exceptions) folks don't have soft teeth but a more aggressive bacteria strain. It is very common for two kids to come in with their mom. One kid had clean teeth with no decay, the other kid has decay everywhere. Ask mom whats different between the two. She says nothing is different, she brushes their teeth everyday and eat the same things. I ask mom, "do you have a lot of fillings?" she says "no I have never had one". I then ask, "does your husband have a lot of fillings" she says "yes he has a mouth full of fillings and crowns"...viola. One kid got moms bacteria, the other kid got dads. The mom may not have the best oral hygiene habits, but has gotten away with it her whole life because she did not have an aggressive bacteria. She practices her same habits on her other kid with the dad's bacteria and they don't cut it.

    You can still stop cavities from forming, you just have to work harder if you have one of these bad bacteria. So there is your free Oral Immunology/Microbiology class of the day. If I was unethical, I would tell folks to not have any fluoride...but I like to sleep at night
    Very well stated I might add!

  7. #27
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    'Down in the Holler', SC


    Quote Originally Posted by Cut"Em"Dick57 View Post
    All of this is absolute bullshit!
    You can say that all you want, but suggest you do some serious 'Google' searches and some in-depth reading and you'll find that as off-beat as that crap sounds, it's NOT all bullshit. I was as surprised as anyone when I read some similar stuff years ago, but it kept checking out... so before you piss on everyone, what do you say you try to foster some objectivity and study the issue more openly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cut"Em"Dick57 View Post
    I am the superintendent of a large water treatment plant that introduces fluoride in the water everyday. Fluoride is metered in such small amounts that the pros far out weigh the cons. (.7 to 1.2 mg/l) We are regulated by the Department of Disease as well as the Department of Oral Health. Not to mention DHEC and Laboratory Certification. The only people being harmed by fluoride is the dentist(wallet). Next I guess you will say chlorinated water is killing everybody. Sounds like you had an abunant amout of fluoride when you were a child!
    You have an obvious bias because your job and income depend on it. That also zeroes out your potential objectivity, even though you may well be telling the truth... as you know it to be... or as it's been told to you.

    Your words already support that Fluoride is toxic if absorbed in too high of a dosage. Here's a hint... chlorine isn't all that good for you either if you're not careful, but I'm sure you know that too.

    Quote Originally Posted by mudminnow View Post
    Explaining to the general public how fluoride benefits your teeth is tricky, because to properly do it, you have to throw around some big words that will just get ignored. Let me try though,

    Enamel is made up of Hydroxyapatite. When your tooth erupts, enamel formation stops. You don't "grow" anymore enamel throughout your life. When you eat any food that is acidic, it demineralizes the surface of the tooth. (Think : turns the smooth surface of tooth into sandpaper). Then the body starts a race to reminerlize the surface before bacteria attach and start dissolving your teeth. If there is fluoride present, the body remineralizes the tooth with Flouride which makes Flourapatite rather than hydroxyapatite. Flourapatite is more resistant to bacteria and harder to dissolve.
    That is why we say that fluoride builds enamel(remineralizes) and makes it stronger (Flourapatite is stronger than hydroxyapatite).

    As to the "soft teeth" myth. What the research is showing is that for the most part (very few exceptions) folks don't have soft teeth but a more aggressive bacteria strain. It is very common for two kids to come in with their mom. One kid had clean teeth with no decay, the other kid has decay everywhere. Ask mom whats different between the two. She says nothing is different, she brushes their teeth everyday and eat the same things. I ask mom, "do you have a lot of fillings?" she says "no I have never had one". I then ask, "does your husband have a lot of fillings" she says "yes he has a mouth full of fillings and crowns"...viola. One kid got moms bacteria, the other kid got dads. The mom may not have the best oral hygiene habits, but has gotten away with it her whole life because she did not have an aggressive bacteria. She practices her same habits on her other kid with the dad's bacteria and they don't cut it.

    You can still stop cavities from forming, you just have to work harder if you have one of these bad bacteria. So there is your free Oral Immunology/Microbiology class of the day. If I was unethical, I would tell folks to not have any fluoride...but I like to sleep at night
    Good and helpful explanation. But does this mean that mom and dad never shared their 'spit'? Did pop never get lucky and 'French Kiss' mommy such that their good and bad bacteria would mingle and multiply?

    Just askin'...

    And how do you explain the pros and cons of the various types of fluoride, especially considering that they're all toxic to humans, used in fertilizers, aluminum smelting, et al?

    Btw, I don't discount that using "a little bit" of a toxic substance in the proper application can be beneficial. I accept that as it's not uncommon at all. However, the 'fluoride proponents' should also be aware that the original inclusion of fluoride in our drinking water was NOT done because of the magical 'scientific and social benefits' reasons normally given. The proposal was originally made in order to avoid having to pay to have the toxic discharge from the aluminum smelters taken to the landfills and/or be treated. The real bottom line wasn't health at all, but the business bottom line.. $$$.

    The following is intended as information 'for the masses'...

    Types of Fluoride
    How many types of fluoride are there?

    A lot. A whole lot. When the element of fluoride is combined with something else, it becomes a fluoride compound. There is a vast range of fluorine-containing compounds because fluorine has the capability of forming compounds with nearly all the elements. Here are some common forms:

    Sodium Fluoride is used in most toothpastes, mouthwashes, dental varnish, dental preparations and nutritional supplements. This same form of fluoride is used as an insecticide and pesticide, as a preservative in glues, as a growth inhibitor for bacteria, fungi and mold. Sodium fluoride is also used in making steel and aluminum products. Added to molten metal, sodium fluoride creates a more uniform metal. Other industrial uses for sodium fluoride include glass frosting and wood preservatives. Sodium Fluoride is also used in the manufacture of chemical and biological weapons. Although this form of fluoride can be used for water fluoridation, the next two forms listed are almost always used due to cost.

    Calcium Fluoride (CaF2) is compound of calcium and fluorine which occurs naturally as the mineral fluorite – also called fluorspar. Most of the world’s fluorine comes from calcium fluoride. Fluorides in general are toxic to humans, however CaF2 is considered the least toxic, and even relatively harmless due to its extreme insolubility. Moreover, calcium is a well-known antidote for fluoride poisoning. When an antidote exists in combination with a poison, it makes the poison far less toxic to the body. Calcium fluoride is the form of fluoride commonly found in natural, untreated waters.

    Cryolite or Sodium Aluminum Fluoride is commonly used for aluminum smelting, though is also a pesticide often applied directly to field crops, resulting in permitted fluoride residues in and on fresh fruits and vegetables. For more information on cryolite. (For more information on cryolite.)

    Fluorosilicic acid (H2SiF6) is commonly used for water fluoridation. This form of fluoride is a toxic liquid by-product, acquired by scrubbing the chimney stacks of phosphate fertilizer manufacture. Other names for it are hexafluorosilicic, hexafluosilicic, hydrofluosilicic, and silicofluoric acid. The CDC approximates that 95% of our water is fluoridated with fluorosilicic acid.

    ( )

    Sodium Fluorosilicate (Na2SiF6) is primarily added to public drinking water as a fluoridation agent. This same compound is also used as an insecticide and a wood preservative. It is a classified hazardous waste by-product of phosphate fertilizer manufacture which, if not put into our drinking water, must be disposed of at hazardous waste facilities. Other names for it are Sodium Fluosilicate and Sodium Silica Fluoride.

    Stannous Fluoride is the popular name given to Tin (II) fluoride. Stannous fluoride is an additive to many toothpastes because it does not become biologically inactive in the presence of calcium, as sodium fluoride does. (

    Sulfuryl Fluoride is applied as a gas fumigant to kill insects and rodents. Using sulfuryl fluoride around food products was not allowed due to its toxicity. In 2004 the EPA reversed this policy (following long lobbying efforts by the manufacturer) and allowed its use on food. This opened the doors for food processing companies nationwide to fumigate their facilities with sulfuryl fluoride, leaving high levels of fluoride in and on foods and even food packaging. It has become acceptable for sulfuryl fluoride fumigations to produce fluoride residues of 70 ppm “in or on” processed foods and 130 ppm “in or on” wheat. There have been no labeling requirements for foods treated with sulfuryl fluoride, meaning that consumers have had no way of knowing which foods are treated. (For more information on sulfuryl fluoride... )

    In January 2011 this decision was reversed and in about 3 years this fumigation of food reportedly will stop. (Order to cease sulfuryl fluoride fumigation of food products... )
    Hell, at least all the bugs on my food must have good teeth!!
    Foothills Golden Retriever Rescue
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    ~ George Washington

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  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by WoodieSC View Post

    Good and helpful explanation. But does this mean that mom and dad never shared their 'spit'? Did pop never get lucky and 'French Kiss' mommy such that their good and bad bacteria would mingle and multiply?

    Just askin'...

    And how do you explain the pros and cons of the various types of fluoride, especially considering that they're all toxic to humans, used in fertilizers, aluminum smelting, et al?

    Btw, I don't discount that using "a little bit" of a toxic substance in the proper application can be beneficial. I accept that as it's not uncommon at all. However, the 'fluoride proponents' should also be aware that the original inclusion of fluoride in our drinking water was NOT done because of the magical 'scientific and social benefits' reasons normally given. The proposal was originally made in order to avoid having to pay to have the toxic discharge from the aluminum smelters taken to the landfills and/or be treated. The real bottom line wasn't health at all, but the business bottom line.. $$$.
    Good question, when your first tooth as a child erupts, the first S.mutans strain of bacteria to be introduced into your mouth will be the predominate Flora in your mouth for the rest of your life. Once it takes hold, no other bacteria that fills its niche will be able to take over. Sure you have other bacteria in your mouth and swapping spit introduces others, but for a new bacteria to take over the host's flora is impossible. It is a billions versus millions fight,...billions win. The mouth is different than the rest of the body, the gut can be wiped out for the most part and recolonize with different bacteria, that's why folks take probiotics after taking antibiotics.

    The best bet for a caries vaccine is inoculating with an low virulency strain of bacteria when the child's tooth first erupts. There are two problems with this though, it has to be immediately administered when the tooth breaks the gingiva, and parents wouldn't be too keen on a dentist saying "Hey, let me infect your kid with this bacteria on purpose".

    To the types of fluoride, dentistry uses Stannous and NaF. NaF is used in a lot of things but at minimal amounts it is fine. If you don't believe, that is your choice. Our job is to inform and let patients decide what to do.

  9. #29
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    woodie--you need to stop NOT believing people that happen to work with our benefit from flouride. again, the only difference between positive affects on teeth and the negative effects that you mention is about 6 tons of flouride a day.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  10. #30
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    and nice work, mudminnow. you used big words but explained it well. thanks.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  11. #31
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    I don't know CutEmDick57......but I think he would agree that the addition of fluoride by water utility companies is a cost and regulatory-compliance drag on the system. Fluoridation doesn't boost profits for private water companies or municipal systems. Given the choice, the plant operators would just as soon leave it out.

    But DHEC, dentists, and other medical professionals strongly recommend fluoridation as a public health benefit - especially for children in low to moderate income areas, where personal dental hygiene often doesn't get a lot of attention. So city councils and water company boards of directors mandate fluoridation for the public good.

    Fluoridation is not mandated by DHEC or dentists.....only recommended. If you want it out of your water supply, convince your city council or water company directors to discontinue the practice.
    Last edited by Aging Baby Boomer; 05-28-2013 at 05:23 PM.
    That the Tiger's roar may echo.....

  12. #32
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    Need more tin foil in this thread.
    Quote Originally Posted by DRDUCK View Post
    Dexter GETS IT!
    Quote Originally Posted by JABIII
    :ACC: :ACC: :ACC:

  13. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by cudexter View Post
    Need more tin foil in this thread.

    working on it...

  14. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2thDoc View Post
    while i think it is important to "consider the source", you have to realize that flouride DOESNT HELP DENTISTS. If the ADA were only worried about me and my tax returns, flouride wouldn't be in your drinking water. I know its a bit altruistic to think this way but the ADA is concerned about the health of teeth, not dentists.

    and woodie, i dont use the term "hard" or "soft" teeth. I dont like the terms. Sure, there is a genetic component to all this, but flouride taken into a growing tooth makes that tooth less susceptible to decay. PERIOD> END OF DISCUSSION.

    What I think you all want to know is "What are the dangers to flouride?" Most of the studies people try to allude to aren't worth discussing unless you are going to drink 1000x your daily allotment. So, let's keep it simple and discuss the benefits of flouride (that will be easy) and then let's find some studies done that look at a REASONABLE amount of OVERflouridation and see what they say.

    Yea, the well water drinkers need clinpro 5000 or GC MI paste

  15. #35
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    dig a well, pull yur teeth, prob'em salved.

  16. #36
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    dentures suck.

    Public service announcement.
    Ugh. Stupid people piss me off.

  17. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aging Baby Boomer View Post
    I don't know CutEmDick57......but I think he would agree that the addition of fluoride by water utility companies is a cost and regulatory-compliance drag on the system. Fluoridation doesn't boost profits for private water companies or municipal systems. Given the choice, the plant operators would just as soon leave it out.

    But DHEC, dentists, and other medical professionals strongly recommend fluoridation as a public health benefit - especially for children in low to moderate income areas, where personal dental hygiene often doesn't get a lot of attention. So city councils and water company boards of directors mandate fluoridation for the public good.

    Fluoridation is not mandated by DHEC or dentists.....only recommended. If you want it out of your water supply, convince your city council or water company directors to discontinue the practice.
    Absolutely, It is a tremendous cost not to mention headache to add fluoride to drinking water. (which you might be exposed 10% of the time) Metering equipment costs about 34,00.00. Specific Ion probe has a year shelf life that costs 700.00 to 1100.00. Proficency testing audits cost plus Lab Certification fees yearly. BUT I am charged as a public servant to to work for the good tapholders of my community. And by the way Woodie of SC I retired on the State Teri Program in 2005 so my income does not depend my opinion. My wife works for a dentist and I also have an Environmental Engineer/Medical Technology degree to fall back on. Like the poster before me, Dentures are a terrrible thing.
    Last edited by Cut"Em"Dick57; 05-29-2013 at 08:36 AM.

  18. #38
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    2th, do you see a difference in tooth decay between people on well water and those on city water? I missed it if it was mentioned already.
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
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  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by everlast View Post
    2th, do you see a difference in tooth decay between people on well water and those on city water? I missed it if it was mentioned already.
    It depends on the fluoride concentration in the well. 90% of cwp water in SC is maintained at an appropriate level, but wells are different obviously.

    There aren't many, if any, wells in SC that are under the optimum levels of 1.0 ppm, but there are a lot that have too much. Wells around Charleston typically are way over the suggested amount.
    Last edited by CUAngler; 05-29-2013 at 10:16 AM.

  20. #40
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    roger. thanks
    “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
    -Samuel Adams


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