Well....for all intents and purposes, the Flyway Foundation has completed their project for the year. All available houses have finally made it to their destination. We are making sure all the "parts" get there and the houses will be set for installation this fall/winter.

Again, I am deeply grateful to those that gave their hard-earned money and time to make this year's project the largest in our history. As you recall, we made upwards of 1000 houses this summer. With delivery to Ontario, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, we are covering our focus area even more. With another 100 houses to Maryland, we are looking into the possibility of the beloved black duck to make use of some houses, too.

And here are the "major players" that made all this possible:
The Board of the FF. Good peeps. Working hard for something they are passionate about. Thanks.

The Conway Chapter of Delta Waterfowl and deltaducks....They gave us the money to buy the wire. It was no penny-ante stuff. This was big money and we would not have been successful without our local Delta Chapters here in SC.

Poker Run---especially KCM and rp. Tireless workers for another great cause. Those guys dont get the praise they deserve. A bunch of drunk yahoos come out and have a ball and forget that a few people had to do all the work to make it possible.

FF members--you would be amazed how $45 per person can add up. If you feel obligated to make a donation, PM me. We still need funds for our mission. We are not asking for your first-born or a lot of money...but it all adds up and we will take what we can get!

Long Point--check these guys out. Scott Petrie is a very well-known waterfowl biologist and is leading the charge for Jeremy Stempka and his project to study nest success and brood survival. Without this scientific data, we wouldn't have the numbers to brag about.

Mark Morse and SCOUTS CANADA. We are now working with the Boy Scouts in Canada and have a merit badge in place that involves hen houses and studying their usage. We will be getting some great press from this area during a big waterfowl festival next month. I will post more details when i get them.

I know there is more to add....but suffice it to say that I am impressed with everyone that has been involved thus far. I want to see more FF stickers on trucks and more dedicated volunteers as time goes on. If you want a sticker, PM me.