Received from a friend..... Law Enforcement Sensitive

Here is a link to a Cartel on Cartel gun battle. For those of you that don't know Neuvo Laredo is the bordering town to Laredo, Tx. This incident was just a couple miles from American soil. Through these slides you will notice the massive amount of ammo spent. This is typical now that we are no longer lining up in lines to shoot each other. These guys were not wearing armor, the carriers didnt have plates in them. Pay close attention to the slide with all the damaged mags. This is for you guys that only have 6 magazines.

Keep in mind this could happen anywhere. Dallas, Nashville, or some little small town that has an airport that dope is being run in on.

Heres the link

Photos are on the following pages.

Use the arrow keys at the bottom to advance the pages.

Not for the weak of stomach.