I was looking through some pictures last night of last years bucks that made it, and the ones that were killed this past season and prior seasons and I got to thinking. Every single buck (minus one I shot in SC as a guest) that me or my buddies have shot in at least the past 5 years has been caught on trail cam prior to being killed.

Then I got to reviewing my notes from the last two seasons, and every buck I have seen over 2.5 years old while hunting, I have on trail camera and I know what deer I am looking at when I see them.

So, are trail cameras the ultimate scouting tool? Do they keep you in the stand longer because you know that "big buck" might be right around the corner about to pop out? Do they help you decide on which stand to hunt due to what is showing on cam?

I don't run a lot of cameras, I think I have 6, but I do keep them out all deer season, and especially in July and August to see what's around.

What experiences have yall had around trail cams?