I have odd shaped areas in my yard, and WP Law planned mine, down to the inch, and sold me the stuff. It all came on a truck, hundreds of feet of Schedule 20 1 inch PVC, heads, wires, valves, and a controller. Over two days, with a rented trencher, that sucker went in the ground, around 1999. The guy that designed it used Rainbird 1800-based sprayers to cover the small odd areas, bigger rotors for the main areas. 42 freaking heads on a 0.38 acre lot. Forty.... two. All but MAYBE six are 1800's.

Fast forward to now, and the landscaping has changed, etc... MANY of the heads don't work, and one zone has a break in the line beneath a big ass root, so I just shut that zone down. I need to either get someone to fix it, or take a day (plus) off and buckle down to fix it. Pain in the ass.

We have/had drip zones, too, that I love, but the Mrs. is a bull in a china shop with a shovel and kept cutting the distribution lines, so most that is tits up, too.